View Full Version : Cant. Stop. Eating.

14-07-17, 00:08
Its been almost 3 weeks since I've gave up smoking and I literally snack ALLLLL freaking day lmao

I swear I've probably gained 10 lbs in the past 2 weeks! Hopefully it doesn't get too out of hand as I'm getting married at the end of October lol

I guess the effects of over eating are easier to reverse than the effects of smoking till I'm 50..

Win some you lose some I guess lol

Catherine S
14-07-17, 00:27
That's a good way to look at it, at least you have a positive attitude and sense of humour! And well done for giving up :yesyes:

It's normal to eat more when giving up though, I did too until my system adjusted (I gave up on my third attempt 15 years ago) and the compulsion to replace the cigarettes with food/sweets etc became less. It will eventually balance itself out...hopefully before your wedding!


14-07-17, 00:30
I gained 20 pounds when I quit, and lost them long ago. It is well worth it. WELL worth it.

You quit smelling like smoke, your body normalizes, you can breath better, you get sick less, and in the end, you don't die. Easier to lose the weight than fight off disease.

You have got this. =)

14-07-17, 00:38
Thank you both!

Yes it's the sweets that get me! The funny thing is that I've never really had much of a sweet tooth up until now.

I already feel much healthier and feel like I'm more in control of my health than I've ever been. I'm also much less anxious! Definitely seeing the benefits already :)

14-07-17, 00:45
I already feel much healthier and feel like I'm more in control of my health than I've ever been. I'm also much less anxious! Definitely seeing the benefits already :)

Well done on stopping! I have given up for 4 months now and feel better for it, apart from when I have a drink then I really crave one :doh:

Keep it up! :yesyes:

14-07-17, 01:25
Yep, this happens.

Why not add in some exercise? Try to counteract it a bit?

14-07-17, 01:34
Exercise seems great! Lol

But with working full time, school full time, raising a sassy 6 year old, and having a fiance that is always out of town with work, I find it hard to find the time lol

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

Well done on stopping! I have given up for 4 months now and feel better for it, apart from when I have a drink then I really crave one :doh:

Keep it up! :yesyes:

Lucky for me I've never been much of a drinker! I imagine it does make it more difficult.

Congratulations on quitting!

14-07-17, 01:44
Chasing a 6 year old around is probably an exercise routine all of it's own! :biggrin:

Do the little things then. Take the stairs, walk a bit more around the house, walk faster, etc as it's better than nothing.

14-07-17, 01:50
That's the plan! Just gonna do the best I can for now and hopefully the food cravings will subside sooner than later!

Like I said, I'd much rather gain a little weight now than deal with the consequences of smoking 30 years from now!