View Full Version : Scared about DVT

14-07-17, 05:11
I'm 16 and male. On Monday night I was just sitting on the sofa watching TV and then I stood up and I suddenly felt aching in my right calf. It lasted for like an hour and it left but then the next day it was back. It felt worse on Tuesday and Wednesday but now the pain feels even worse. It's like a stabbing sudden pain. It comes and goes, there's times where I can walk and feel completely fine but then it comes back. I even get a sudden hot pain feeling in the calf. It even hurts to touch my calf now. I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me it was just a cramp but I don't think it is. I think it's dvt I'm really scared. They got blood samples and they said I had low potassium levels but idk if that's the reason why I feel like this. My calf feels knotted tight and painful right now. My mom wanted to massage my leg but Im scared that it will dissolve a blood clot and travel to my lungs. I've read a lot of dvt stories and they all start the same way with aching calfs and that the doctors tell them it's just a cramp but it's not and then their pain gets worse until they're near death.

14-07-17, 05:44
Your doctor and blood work cleared you as well as your age. No DVT here. BTW, low potassium can cause muscle cramps. Eat some bananas and perhaps start taking a supplement :)

Positive thoughts