View Full Version : Mole with scab over it?

14-07-17, 07:52
I have a mole at the top of my thigh (near the 'knicker line', if that makes sense) that I'm pretty sure has always been there, but recently it's become crusty as if there's a scab over it? I know it's unlikely to be cancerous since it's in an area that's always covered by clothes so sun damage is impossible, but I'm still a bit worried about it...

14-07-17, 13:12
Since it is a change in a mole, you should get it looked at.

bin tenn
14-07-17, 16:51
Sun damage is not "impossible" and melanoma can occur anywhere, even where there is practically no sun exposure, just FYI, BUT melanoma is still very rare. As TattooArtist said, ask your doc since it is a change in a mole. However, it is not uncommon for loose clothing to sometimes irritate moles/freckles and cause minor scanning. This has happened to me before, with a mole on my left wrist. It happened during winter, when I mostly wore long sleeve shirts.

14-07-17, 17:34
Yeah you'll need to get it checked out, although it's highly unlikely to be anything sinister.

I had something similar on my face last year which ultimately started bleeding. Obviously I freaked out, to the point where I paid for a private GP consultation because the NHS refused to see it as urgent and asked me to wait a week for an appointment.

Suffice to say it was 'nothing'. The Doc told me it would probably bleed a bit and then fall off, which is exactly what it did.