View Full Version : Stopped breathing while sleeping

14-07-17, 09:12
Ok so I was falling asleep when I did manage to sleep for a few minutes or hr don't know. I will say the way I was laying, on my side with my pillows being to high, going forward would cause me to stop breathing since my airway would get blocked. Ok to i wake up all of a sudden the way I had my head tilted caused me to stop breathing. I had this horrible pressure feeling on top of me I took away a pillow which helped me get more straight in bed and allowed me to breath. Along with the pressure my head felt deprived of air. My heart was beating hard and I had trouble getting it to calm down. I feel like if I had not woken up when I did I for sure would have died tonight. My lips feel numb and my throats feels swollen and paralyzed. I'm afraid to go to sleep again.
Omg what if I hadn't woken up. I mean I fell asleep while watching a movie on my phone I had slip down I had two pillows. That made it so my chin rested on my chest. ( I have big breasts) and I was on my side. My doctor had warn me how the weight of my breasts in a certain position, which I am thinking the one I was in tonight, could press on the air way and not allow me to breath. To top it off I had a late dinner so I also feel the whole throats irritated from the acid reflux. And we had the window open and AC going so my throat also feels irritated like I'm going to get a sore throats.
To top it off this scare has caused me to have a loose stomach. :(
Omg I'm just stuck on the awful sensation I felt and how if I had not woken up and would have never woken up again.
For fox sake this weekend is my birthday celebration. I am to go out with my parents for some good time together. I moved out of the house at 16. So I have not had a good opportunity to spend time with them since then.

Should I go to the hospital and get evaluated??
What if that threw my heart out of synch. I'm getting moments were my head gets heavy and I get blurry vision.

Why did this happen? Has anyone ever woken up from not breathing?

---------- Post added at 08:12 ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 ----------

I read an article on yahoo. About a man who "choke" in his sleep and died. He had slept on the couch. I mean the times I've fallen asleep on the couch I would slide down from the arm rest and I would get choked up from my chin touching my chest. And I just think this is how I could have died tonight.
I feel like my throats will close up if I fall asleep again. Heck it feels like it's going to close up right now that I'm up.
The weird thing is that when I initially first woke up. I tried gasping in the air and I couldn't because I was still in a position that prevented me from taking in air. And when I laid down slightly elevated, it took me a bit to get the air hunger and my pulse to calm down.

Health Anxiety Dad
14-07-17, 09:18
Could be sleep apnea which is very common. Generally you go to your doctor and they hook you up to a machine while you sleep to measure how uninterrupted your sleep is. Being overweight or a smoker make you four or three times more likely to get sleep apnea, respectively. So if you're either of the above, time for some lifestyle changes.

While I don't have sleep apnea, if I fall asleep on my back, there is a chance I will wake up unable to breath, so I always go to sleep on my side or stomach. I've had the sleep machine testing and came out clear, but that sounds like the next step for you.

14-07-17, 09:26
Could be sleep apnea which is very common. Generally you go to your doctor and they hook you up to a machine while you sleep to measure how uninterrupted your sleep is. Being overweight or a smoker make you four or three times more likely to get sleep apnea, respectively. So if you're either of the above, time for some lifestyle changes.

While I don't have sleep apnea, if I fall asleep on my back, there is a chance I will wake up unable to breath, so I always go to sleep on my side or stomach. I've had the sleep machine testing and came out clear, but that sounds like the next step for you.

Thank you for responding.
I have been tested for sleep apnea I was cleared. The doctor that had treated me said that I should sleep on my side with some good support. To never sleep on my back. I was on my side. It's just I was to curved in, chin and chest where touching. But like I mentioned I do have weight added from my big chest. It was mainly about position. When I had been tested it was because I was still tired in the day and my symptom that tipped them off was that my throat would be so dry upon waking up. Turned out I had allergies and it would swell up my nose so I was mouth breathing. But with allergies my throats would be slightly swollen. Causing the air to close like in the case of the sleep apnea.