View Full Version : Morning Anxiety

14-07-17, 13:03
Hello, I was just wondering if anyone else experiences nasty symptoms in the morning? For me, the symptoms and anxiety don't happen right away, It takes maybe two or three minutes after I've woken up for them to appear. It's been this way for two years now. I remember very vividly when this first started to happen. It was maybe the second or third day of having daily symptoms when this all started, I had been waking up and almost waiting to see how long it took before the horrible symptoms appeared again, wishing they wouldn't. I realise now that waking up and expecting them to arrive is what was keeping it going but for the last eight months or so I haven't been doing that, they just appear whether I wait for them or not so I think I'm maybe doing it subconsciously now. I feel like I'm in a rush when I wake up as well which makes things worse. Admittedly, my morning routine Isn't fantastic and I've been considering changing it as right now it's this: Wake up, smoke a cigarette whilst still in bed, go to the toilet then try and eat some breakfast (If i'm nausea free).

Anyone else have this? Any suggestions? Do you think a change in my morning routine would make a difference? Any input is wholeheartedly welcome and appreciated.

14-07-17, 14:11
i wake like that every morning , but i no its because i take my meds early morning and my body is crying out for its fix , so i am cool with it:wacko: