View Full Version : I'm a little embarrassed to ask this here...

14-07-17, 15:15
So for the past 3\4 days I'm having a weird issue...
I CONSTANTLY (24\7) feel the need to urinate but when I go, little comes out...
Also I feel a discomfort in the penis like there is urine inside it and yeah some urine leaks, I can see drops of urine coming out of my penis unintentionally...
Right now I'm quitting olanzapine (stopped taking it a week ago) and tapering diazepam, went from 5mg to 2,5mg (to be honest I was in 5mg prescribed by doctor but I usually took 10mg daily because I felt anxious, so the drop to 2,5mg is causing more symptoms probably)
I'm anxious thinking that this might be due to a neurologic issue, my bladder doesn't seem to hold urine anymore and it is leaking out....
Could it be from the withdrawals (olanzapine\diazepam) ?

14-07-17, 15:55
Not unusual (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet) when your body is battling stress.

Positive thoughts

14-07-17, 16:14
Not unusual (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet) when your body is battling stress.

Positive thoughts

Thanks, maybe that's anxiety, and withdrawal symptoms. Yesterday i was distracted with a friend playing videogames and I didn't feel this symptom so must be it.
Today there was a post about MSA (Multiple System Atrophy) which I didn't know about so I went searching and got scared I have it because bladder\urinary problems are one of the symptoms.
But to be honest this disease was never reported in 20 year old people from what I've seen so why should I be worried lol
I finally got rid of my ALS fear, I don't need another fear taking control!
Yeah, gotta be anxiety and possibly the withdrawals.
If anyone ever felt the same please reply so I can know I'm not alone!
Thanks in advance

14-07-17, 16:20
Just a suggestion, instead of seeking reassurance, why not try to use the very logic you displayed in your post? Knowing that it's a common anxiety symptom, why do you really need several others to tell you that?

Anyway... hope you find the inner fortitude to tame the dragon.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

14-07-17, 16:24
Just a suggestion, instead of seeking reassurance, why not try to use the very logic you displayed in your post? Knowing that it's a common anxiety symptom, why do you really need several others to tell you that?

Anyway... hope you find the inner fortitude to tame the dragon.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts
You're right, but damn, anxiety is a monster, one that I will tame, I hope!

Anyway, I have a appointment with my family doctor next Monday and if this annoying symptom persists I will mention it to her just in case...
Thanks for the replies fishmanpa you have been helpful during my battle with anxiety!

14-07-17, 21:31
Just wanted to say that I just came back from the hospital. My symptoms worsened so I decided to go there.
Turns out I have a urinary infection, that's what's causing my symptoms, not anxiety.
Not saying anxiety can't cause symptoms like what I have but in my case it's not anxiety.

16-07-17, 11:28
Hi again I don't know what to do, I'm extremely scared. I'm trying not to jump to conclusions but the doctors admitted today that my case is weird. Yesterday something changed and I went from feeling the urge to pee 24/7 to not feeling urge at all even drinking huge amounts of water. I have to force myself to urinate even though I don't feel the need to and the stream is weak and hesitating. The doctors want to give antibiotics 1/2 more days and then we'll see. I fear neurogenic bladder, caused by MS or tumors, hope I'm wrong.

16-07-17, 18:33
It sounds perhaps like you have a UTI. Go get it checked out so if that's what it is it can be treated with antibotics.. good luck

---------- Post added at 13:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------

I wanted to add, drink cranberry juice and there also are these brown pills called AZO you can buy them from the drug store or even some supermarkets. It will turn your pee orange but it helps with the feeling of having to constantly go and it numbs you so if perhaps you feel any burning or discomfort when you go you won't feel it anymore.

16-07-17, 21:27
Well last Friday the doctor assumed i had a urinary infection and prescribed antiobiotics but they didn't work so today i returned to he hospital because the symptom was not improving and they did urine test and said i had no infection at all!
Symptom is still here I feel the urge to urinate all the time, not even a second it goes away, but little comes out when i do urinate.
So yeah, i hope I find what's causing this soon, it's debilitating. If someone ever felt this and managed to get better please share your stories.
The doctor also said anxiety was unlikely to cause this symptom, it could cause increase in urinary frequency but not urge to urinate all the time non-stop.
If I don't get better in 2 days they want to send me to do some exams, doctor said the cause could be either physical or neurological but she said i shouldn't worry there's a 99% chance it's nothing serious.

16-07-17, 21:31
At least you're not worrying about ALS ;)

Positive thoughts

17-07-17, 05:37
Could you explain more about your Diazepam taper? And about the Olanzapine? They could be a possible reason but it's hard to say based on what you've mentioned about them.

Certainly going 50% down in Diazepam is a sharp drop.

17-07-17, 20:10
Hi another day same problems, symptoms haven't gotten any better, in fact it seems worse, I continue to have constant urge to pee, difficulty starting the stream...
And to make it worse I'm also suffering from constipation haven't pooped in 3 days (and last time i pooped little came out)
I know this can be linked to a number of neurological diseases and I'm starting to get worried.

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:53 ----------

At least you're not worrying about ALS ;)

Positive thoughts

You're right I stopped worrying about ALS finally I'm over that fear.
But sadly my current issues with bladder\bowels are stressing me and I'm very anxious because right now I know it's not a UTI (Antibiotics for 3 days nothing changed) so what can it be?
Symtpoms are frequente urge to urinate (i go about every 30 minutes but I feel the need to all the time) difficulty starting stream (i sometimes take 20 seconds to start urinating) and also constipation (no poop in 3 days, i usually go every day, sometimes twice)
I'm concerned about some possible neurological conditions, like Multiple Sclerosis, a tumour or the more improbable and unheard of at 20 Multiple System Atrophy. I know all of these possibilities are unlikely but I can't seem to find another explanation and doctors can't either!

18-07-17, 22:07
Surely if they thought it was one of those things mentioned they would conduct the proper testing... What do they say for you to do? They offer you no answers?? I mean normally if there is a legitimate problem they investigate till it's figured out.
I thought perhaps UTI... What about a bladder infection? Could it possibly be a small kidney stone?
Antibiotics don't always clear things up within 3 days, sometimes depending on the bacteria or how bad things are it can take longer plus there is always the possibility that either the antibiotic they gave you is useless against the bacteria you have or perhaps even you have resistance to that antibiotic... It happens....

If you feel something is seriously wrong then keep pushing for answers. You have to be your own advocate.

19-07-17, 21:31
Surely if they thought it was one of those things mentioned they would conduct the proper testing... What do they say for you to do? They offer you no answers?? I mean normally if there is a legitimate problem they investigate till it's figured out.
I thought perhaps UTI... What about a bladder infection? Could it possibly be a small kidney stone?
Antibiotics don't always clear things up within 3 days, sometimes depending on the bacteria or how bad things are it can take longer plus there is always the possibility that either the antibiotic they gave you is useless against the bacteria you have or perhaps even you have resistance to that antibiotic... It happens....

If you feel something is seriously wrong then keep pushing for answers. You have to be your own advocate.They say nothing, they have no idea. I explained my concerns that it could be something neurological and doctor said he doesn't believe it is and won't test me for it 'cause there's no reason. But I still don't have answers

20-07-17, 01:50
Could you explain more about your Diazepam taper? And about the Olanzapine? They could be a possible reason but it's hard to say based on what you've mentioned about them.

Certainly going 50% down in Diazepam is a sharp drop.

^ What about these?

20-07-17, 09:55
^ What about these?

I was taking 5 mg diazepam daily, dropped to 2,5mg daily. I took diazepam for 1,5 years, with a maximum dosage of 15\20mg daily in the beggining.
Olanzapine was slowly tapered and stopped 4 days before the symptoms began.
I pee normal, strong stream, no hesitancy, no leaking, nothing, except urge to pee all the time.
Probably anxiety, they are sure i dont have a UTI and find nothing wrong with me.
Also i had unstable glucose they want to test for diabetes, but it's unlikely and even if I have diabetes it's not the cause of this.
They say neurological is impossible at this age, so they wont test me and I believe them and trust them. So yeah just gotta accept it's anxiety.
Another issue that is troubling me and again I'm embarrassed to say it but my erections are weaker now...
Penis gets hard but not as hard as before. I don't think it's erectile dysfunction yet but I'm worried I wil have ED soon.

23-07-17, 14:48
Now I'm oficially super scared.
I experienced incontinence today.
I was watching TV and suddenly I started to pee involuntarily.
I had to change my clothes got all wet.
I definitely don't think this can be anxiety.
I'm so scared right now :(

23-07-17, 21:01
Okay, now I think you need to go back to the Dr. It is not normal to urinate on one's self... I have never heard this being a symptom of anxiety and if they say it is, well I don't buy it!!! I do not think it's neurological but there are many other reasons this could be happening and a few are concerning...

The erection issue can be due to the medication taper your doing.

Have you had any scans done of your abdomen?? I suggest you go to your Dr and tell them all that is going on and if it happens again today maybe even go to the er... Anxiety can and does cause your first set of symptoms but concerning is your last post

---------- Post added at 15:58 ---------- Previous post was at 15:55 ----------

For the record diabetes can make you pee all day and and all night. I know many with this condition and they all complain of the constant need to urinate.

---------- Post added at 16:01 ---------- Previous post was at 15:58 ----------

I thought I added to make second paragraph that stress and anxiety can also cause what you describe about your erections. You are young don't worry about ED.. when your mind and body are stressed it can cause this to happen. I'm not a man but I have been married for 20 years and me and my husband talk openly about these things. He has had what you describe when he is overly stressed, worried or anxious..

25-07-17, 19:32
Went to a doctor today and he said what I experienced wasn't incontinence, he said some urine was left in my urethra after peeing and then that urine slowly came leaking out. He said it is usually benign and teached me a way to push all the urine out when I pee.
Also for the past 2 days I've been experiencing tremor in my thumb\índex finger which is consistent with Parkinson or Multiple System Atrophy
I expressed my concerns (Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson, Multiple System Atrophy) and he said Multiple Sclerosis usually starts around my age so it's a very minor possibility, but he told me to forget about Parkinson and Multiple System Atrophy because those don't happen to 20 years old. How can I forget about those diseases when I'm showing some signs of them (Hand tremor, slight erectile dysfunction and urinary issues) these all are consistent with Parkinson or Multiple System Atrophy.
But yeah I have to believe doctor is right and when I search online I haven't found a single case of these diseases at 20 years old. But I've been told by doctors I have a unusual organism, I seem to get all the rare side effects of medications, and I had stomach cancer diagnosed at 19, which is INCREDIBLE rare, so it's hard not to be worried about these deadly diseases when I show signs of them.
Anyway, gotta carry on and hopefully nothing comes out of it.