View Full Version : Made a BIG mistake...

14-07-17, 15:49
So... I posted earlier this week on my other thread about how I had gone 8 days without feeling my lymph nodes, and that when I finally did they were smaller. Hooray!

Today, I finished my antibiotics and decided to feel again. They don't feel any larger, but I am convinced the one is attached to the muscle and won't move. Fast forward 45 minutes and I have read an article about lymphoma misdiagnosis and am in a state of panic, wanting to go to urgent care for another check-up.

In addition, I'm angry with myself because I feel like the poking is now ruined the nodes from going down and I've lost all progress..

SO my question is -

How can I ground myself after a panic like this? I don't WANT to seek reassurance about the lymph nodes, but at the same time - should I just to see if there is actually anything wrong? How can I come back to reality here and remember that my GP told me to wait at least 3 weeks before being worried?

I'm just so angry with myself. I was doing great and now I feel like it's all ruined.

14-07-17, 16:01
Probably nothing wrong... if you feel that worried, go and seek reassurance. Unless you can't afford it, in which case, don't worry. Lymphoma would probably cause other symptoms as well. You'd be feeling it.

Lymph nodes will carry on as they do without your input. Stop poking and prodding. Get yourself a distraction. Play Candy Crush on your phone or something. Get an Xbox..

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14-07-17, 16:01
How can I come back to reality here and remember that my GP told me to wait at least 3 weeks before being worried?

Ok, let's change that verbiage a little. Basically, your doctor said "if it doesn't resolve or at least start to in three weeks, come see me again." The fact is that it IS resolving and it can take more than three weeks. Poking and prodding can delay healing as well as cause the nodes to become shotty.


Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

14-07-17, 17:40
You started reading horror stories on Google. You know what comes of that. It has not been three weeks, and the situation has improved. Not sure what you are so distressed over, truly.