View Full Version : Headache only when standing/bending over?!

14-07-17, 16:56
Hi guys!
I've had this symptom for about 1 and a half weeks now. I get a throbbing pain in the right side of my forehead every time I stand up from sitting/laying down or bend over. It almost feels like pressure. The pain lasts a few seconds before fading away to nothing.

I've got no other symptoms like stuffy nose or other sinus problems. It doesn't hurt to push anywhere on my face either so I don't think it's sinus related?

I had my blood pressure checked a few weeks ago and that was fine, too.

I'm getting scared because I've never had a headache like this before!

Do you think it could be something sinister? Of course I did the stupid thing and turned to Dr Google and it told me I have a brain tumour :scared15: Although I do take everything on Google with a pinch of salt!

I have a doctor's appointment in just over a week for something else so if it's still there then I will ask about it. Just wanted your opinions because I'm a bit anxious!!!!


14-07-17, 17:02
I think it's sinus related. I have this on and off. So annoying!

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17-07-17, 09:57
Hi guys,

Just an update... I'm SUPER scared...

I called the non-emergency medical number on Saturday because my head was particularly bad. They referred me to hospital to be checked over. A doctor pretty much just took my temperature(I have a very slight fever apparently), felt my temples and listened to my breathing. She then just said "You probably have a migraine" and told me to go home?!?!?! I said to her "I didn't know you can get migraines where you can't feel anything until you stand up/bend over?" and she just said "yeah, take care and if it's not gone within a week go to your GP" ???? Somehow I remained unconvinced? She seemed very dismissive...

I asked her to check my blood pressure and she said it was normal. She said it does rise when I stand up but that's normal too, so I took her word for it.

It's now 2 days later and the headache is still here. I've been taking ibuprofen and paracetamol to help my fever and the pain as instructed by the doctor.

She didn't investigate as to why I have a fever either, just assumed I have a virus.

I don't have any other symptoms though so I don't know what virus I could've had for 2 weeks and not known? I have an appt with my GP booked for the 25th (8 days away) so if the headache isn't gone by then I'm definitely bringing it up.

I know I'm probably overreacting but I've never felt pain like this before and I used to get REALLY bad health anxiety about my heart a couple years ago, but I fought it and recovered. But needless to say the thought of blood pressure issues is making that anxiety come back..

Sorry for panicky post, I'm having an anxiety attack right now, dizzy, trembling, etc. So I'm just spilling out my anxious thoughts.

Anyone got any thoughts on this please? I'm super scared. :weep:

17-07-17, 11:16
could be from your neck too... i get these annoying right-sided headaches every now and then and when i feel my neck its very painful (stress related) ... I get masage and physio every now and then but the real cause is muscle tension and sometimes lack of sleep ...in your case it could also be allergies or maybe you grind your teeth at night (I know i do!) ... all our anxiety manifests in tension type headaches and muscular pain ... if there was something really bad it would ongoing not on and off

24-07-17, 16:39
YES check out the sterno muscle. It can cause headaches etc.
The fact that it happens when you move a certain way makes me think it could be muscular.


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