View Full Version : Convinced im dying from leukaemia

14-07-17, 18:29
Hi everyone,

For the past month or so I have had bleeding gums. I have been to the dentist twice this month and he said it's nothing to worry about as long as I keep up my oral health routine, which I am. However, they are continuing to bleed but slightly less than before- still there is spit blood in the sick.

The health anxiety first started when I googled symptoms for a hard palate and then I started typing in bleeding gums etc. That night I was unable to sleep because many types of cancers kept popping up.

I have been through a substantial time 2 years of anorexia on and off and have been eating a NOT SO balanced diet at all for the previous 2-3 months and minimal calories- could this be a factor in my bleeding gums?

Last month I was also fasting and eating minimal and lack of variety of food I was doing more work than the calories I intook, could this also cause my gums to bleed?

I don't have any other symptoms of leukaemia e.g. Fevers, chills, no excessive fatigue, I can carry out my normal activities, no swollen lymph nodes, no enlarged or painful spleen but I do get headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, pale skin, feeling generally ill and so down etc and these show up on Google as leukaemia symptoms. Also anything that happens to me for example tingling something hurts something looks off or odd I assume it's something to do with leukaemia. I also check my body for lumps bumps and bruises because I'm so scared it will be that.

I AM LITERALLY FRIGHTENED TO DEATH. I have given blood today and I am waiting for my results!!- I feel so anxious and scared- this time the blood was more than usual and I developed a very small bump/bruise from where the blood was taken. Could this be a difficult blood clot because of the problem I think I have? This was also a symptom.

The last time I had a blood test was over 5/6 weeks ago and I did have a bruise 2-3 days after I had given blood and it had disappeared and my derm said the results were normal- nothing to worry about- but I feel like this was a long time ago and that I may have developed leukaemia drastically as it says acute leukaemia can develop rapidly.

I wake up in the middle of the night not being able to sleep for hours and hours because I feel so scared and anxious- my head hurts, whenever I try to close my eyes they open then I end up googling symptoms for leukaemia and seek assurance from others online- but I'm still convinced I'm going to die anytime soon and that the doctors will phone me up and say you have abnormal WBC from the latest full blood count.

Please help please someone sympathise with me and give me assurance to say I am not dying from leukaemia.

Could this be an effect of malnutrition or vitamin deficiency? What if my blood count comes up as normal again? What will I do? Will I die from not being diagnosed with leukaemia?

Seriously so scared and frightened to death- please help!!!

PS- I have booked CBT for my anxiety to see if that calms any of my symptoms down.
I am a 20 year old female

14-07-17, 18:33
You're completely fine. Bleeding gums is normal, and when I first started flossing I had to put up with a while of bleeding gums due to them getting used to the flossing.

The only thing I can think of that causes bleeding gums besides normal dental health is pregnancy.
I recommend the therapy you're already booking. It will help!

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