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View Full Version : Piece of food stuck in back of throat?! :(

Alisha Fearer
14-07-17, 23:56
Hi, my name is Alisha and I am new here! I joined No More Panic due to my severe anxiety because I would love to be able to talk to others who have similar problems and I need my mind to be put at ease!

Right now, I am in a bit of an irrational state of worry. Basically, I have very bad health anxiety; so bad I have convinced myself many times I have deadly diseases and doing the classic thing of Googling symptoms. Well now I'm in a panic about a small fragment of oat that has seemingly become stuck somehow at the back of my tongue/throat and stayed there all day. I had porridge this morning (roughly 14 hours ago..I live in England btw) and after I had eaten, I noticed the feeling of a small scratchy piece of oat at the back of my throat (it isn't really sharp but it feels like it is scraping a bit at my throat.) I first thought it was just stuck down at the side of my oesophagus and I tried drinking big gulps of water and also I ate crackers for lunch which I was convinced would push the piece of oat down but it didn't. :(

Now it is late at night and I have been trying everything to try and remove the piece, but it isn't moving at all. I've tried gargling, coughing, gagging, I've eaten some toast and it hasn't done anything. It is weird! I've noticed that it actually feels like it is stuck at the back of my tongue, it's kind of hard to describe. Because of my health anxiety, I am really stressing over it and scared it won't become unstuck and it will get infected or something. :O Any advice on how to clear it? I've tried using my finger to reach back there and see if I can touch it, but as you can imagine it just makes me gag and it doesn't feel too good. Sorry if I sound like a wimp, it's just the way my brain is. I worry so much over silly things. It's just never happened before. I've choked on food and drink before like everyone does at some point, but this is different.

It's just constantly there annoying me, I mean it doesn't hurt luckily, but rather it is just an annoying sensation. I have an appointment to see my doctor in under a week to find out results for a blood test I had a couple of days ago and I'm praying it has become unstuck by then, otherwise I'll have to tell him and he'll probably think I'm being silly. :(