View Full Version : Mum's on again off again mouth sore/ulcer.

15-07-17, 00:06
Mum has this round and painful sore/ulcer type thing that appears on her gumline, it comes and goes and hurts when she presses on it with her tounge. I love my mum to death and my irrational mind first considered this could be linked to oral cancer. I'm a bit worried, not extremely but enough to come on here and post about it.

Please if there is any information on this sort of thing, and any kind of advice I'd appreciate it more than anything in the world right now.

15-07-17, 01:18
Mum has this round and painful sore/ulcer type thing that appears on her gumline, it comes and goes and hurts when she presses on it with her tounge. I love my mum to death and my irrational mind first considered this could be linked to oral cancer. I'm a bit worried, not extremely but enough to come on here and post about it.

Please if there is any information on this sort of thing, and any kind of advice I'd appreciate it more than anything in the world right now.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts