View Full Version : Very worried about indigestion/acid reflux whatever?

15-07-17, 03:35
Can someone please help me make sense of these problems?

So for weeks I've been nauseous and my stomach has been feeling off. It started on a day when I was really really stressed out and I ate some food and it just didn't sit right in my stomach, and I started panicking thinking it was food poisoning, which made me really nauseous and upset and it felt like something was stuck in my throat. Then my mom and friend were like "no it sounds like acid reflux." My mom has acid reflux so I was like oh okay.

But the nausea stayed for weeks and then a week ago I started getting this uncomfortable feeling in my esophagus when I eat and I keep burping a lot, so it's made me afraid of eating. And I'm terrified I really do have acid reflux or GERD and I'll never be able to eat good food ever again and will have to survive on plain bread and unseasoned vegetables for the rest of my life and I'm so upset because I'm young and I feel like only middle aged people get this. But I was also wondering if my problems could just be caused by not eating enough, or a protein deficiency? I'm a vegetarian and for the last few weeks I've only been eating one meal a day and it's usually pasta. I've also been homeless for the last few weeks and living with relatives til my parents find a place for us to live so I'm hoping it could be a psychological thing?

EDIT: Also I've been taking my mom's acid reflux medication and antacid tablets and it hasn't helped at all either. :(

bin tenn
15-07-17, 03:57
It could be due in part, or even entirely, to the anxiety. Yes, it could be reflux; I have it with most of those symptoms. No, it does NOT mean you can't eat "good" food anymore. It just means you have to be more watchful of your diet. What triggers some, does not do so for others. For example, I do not get reflux/heartburn from coffee. Some do. For me, chocolate, sodas and a few other things are the triggers.

But again, anxiety can also cause most of the symptoms. I'd recommend talking to your doc about it. He/she can evaluate as necessary, and recommend treatment as needed.