View Full Version : anal cancer?

15-07-17, 05:47
today i went to poop and as the stool was coming out, it felt like there was a lump inside of my anus. it is not outside, because i can't feel it when i wipe. i feel a bit sore in the area where i felt it and now it burns a little. my poop seemed normal, no blood or anything. i am in the middle of an anxiety attack and i'm scared that it's anal cancer, even tho it's rare and i am not at risk of having it. i can't see a doctor about it until the end of summer, but honestly i don't know if it was really there or if i hallucinated it. i am trying to calm down but it's really really hard

15-07-17, 07:49
The most likely culprit is a roid. They get sore and itch. They can be internal or external.

Have you been straining recently? That is one of the big causes of them.

Diet is important as you need enough fibre and plenty of water. So, if your diet isn't great this is another possible root cause to roids.

They are very common in the general population anyway but people with stress or anxiety, and IBS, tend to experience them a lot.

A pharmacist can offer advice on treating them as they say treatments. If they aren't effective, a doctor can prescribe stronger treatments.

15-07-17, 08:50
Could be a sentinel anal pile or a fissure

15-07-17, 13:06
Yep piles. Actually Terry roids sounds much better than piles. I'll start calling them roids from now on :)

15-07-17, 14:45
It sounds like hemmorhoid for sure

---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 ----------

Yep piles. Actually Terry roids sounds much better than piles. I'll start calling them roids from now on :)
@phuzella hemmorhoids or roids are the words we use in North America. Never have heard piles except from Brita;)

15-07-17, 16:24
thinking about it it feels a little like an hemorrhoid. thank you all for the reassurance! i am having trouble with controlling my anxiety lately but now i'm a little better. i'm still worried about it but it will pass :^)

also roid sounds rather cool, it's like a name for a robot haha

15-07-17, 19:19
Roid the Robot lol

16-07-17, 02:20
Yep piles. Actually Terry roids sounds much better than piles. I'll start calling them roids from now on :)

Yeah Phuzella, I always called them piles. I think being on here has converted me to roids. That and spelling it fully is literally a pain in the...:D

Referring to "having trouble with your roids" on body building forums has a different meaning though. http://www.bestemoticon.com/smiley/sport/spoort027.gif:biggrin:

---------- Post added at 02:20 ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 ----------

It sounds like hemmorhoid for sure

---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 ----------

@phuzella hemmorhoids or roids are the words we use in North America. Never have heard piles except from Brita;)

I've heard US members call them hemmies as well.

16-07-17, 02:22
piles are not hamearroids! piles are skin tags that occur after a FISSURE has healed ... a haemmaroid is totally different.

16-07-17, 03:00
piles are not hamearroids! piles are skin tags that occur after a FISSURE has healed ... a haemmaroid is totally different.

Oh ok. Never heard that before. I do have those. Unfortunately I'm somewhat of an expert in perianal/gi issues

16-07-17, 04:06
yes when ur constipated your poo is hard and that can cause a tear or fissure and bleeding in the anal area after a poo..when it heals it leaves a skin tag that protects that wound ....but it can reopen with another hard stool... I have a chronic fissure that heals and opens every now and then and theres nothing i can do about it except eat fibre and drink water to soften the stool.

16-07-17, 04:33
I've never had fissures but I have had huge thrombosis hemmorhoid and nasty nasty recto/ano vaginal fistulas and abscess (i have fistulizing crohn's). "Luckily" I had a total proctocolectomy with end ileostomy (had my colon, rectum and anus removed and have a stoma made from my ileum) so I won't have to deal with any of that anymore as I have a "barbie butt".

16-07-17, 06:10
piles are not hamearroids! piles are skin tags that occur after a FISSURE has healed ... a haemmaroid is totally different.

In the UK they are called piles. It may even get used for both, meanings can differ by region over here for some things with some people like anywhere but the NHS call them piles. Had to check to see if I've been calling them the wrong thing all these years!

18-07-17, 01:54
it feels like it's going back in, but i have a question: can hemorrhoids make you feel like there's a fart deep inside your anus? like some sort of pressure? because i've been feeling this symptom for a day or two and i worry a little

18-07-17, 02:01
Yes, they can also make you feel like you still need to get something out.

22-07-17, 03:19
i passed stool and i don't think i felt it, tho my brain says that it's because the "tumor" got as large as the anal canal, but i don't think a small tumor would grow that size in a week. i'm still panicking a bit but since i don't really feel any symptoms , it's rare and i'm not at risk, i should be fine. thank you for reassuring me, i'm having some problems with anxiety rn and i'm trying to take back the control i had over it.
also i think i felt another lump but i only felt it at the end and it seemed closer to the opening. i think i have another roid visiting me