View Full Version : What causes styes?

15-07-17, 06:27
Woke up this morning with another stye, second one in 4 weeks (other eye this time) what causes them? Is this a sign my immune system is rubbish? What's wrong with me :( I haven't had any eye make up on since Tuesday!

15-07-17, 12:00
Anyone :(?

15-07-17, 13:03
Infection at the Base of an eyelash I think. Can be a sign that you're a bit run down so I've been told. Try bathing eyes with cooled boiled water couple of times a day. Make sure make up brushes are clean. Eat healthy :)

15-07-17, 13:27
I've read about the immune system thing and now I'm freaking out :(

15-07-17, 19:27
I'm sure your immune system is fine. Anxiety can make you run down. Maybe take a multi vitamin. Styes are very common, I think you can get ointment for them at the chemist

15-07-17, 20:23
leaving makeup on your eyes, rubbing them without washing or sanitizing your hands, oily skin, stress, anxiety, and not getting enough sleep are the ones I know off the top of my head

15-07-17, 20:54
leaving makeup on your eyes, rubbing them without washing or sanitizing your hands, oily skin, stress, anxiety, and not getting enough sleep are the ones I know off the top of my head

All of these! Also some people are just prone to them. My child gets them about once a year.

15-07-17, 20:57
I've been pretty stressed lately and not sleeping much at all, so I guess it could be that. Just worried because I only had one a few weeks ago!

15-07-17, 21:25
I used to get them all the time in high school. Just make sure to clean it properly with some warm water and keep it clean and hair out of your face (if that applies to you). Its just caused by buildup in the skin. Some people just get them more than others