View Full Version : Thought i was having relapse.

15-07-17, 10:34
I went on holiday for four days, to the seaside. The night I got back, I was watching a film when I went into an anxiety attack. I was heart broken as I had a breakdown 4 years ago and came off sertraline over a year ago, I couldn't believe I had another attack.

Over the next two days, I woke up with anxiety, and had hour long crying sessions. Spoke to my doctor who suggested I had food poisoning and explained there is a link between digestive problems sparking anxiety, not the other way round as is commonly believed.

Well I didn't believe him and resigned myself to probably having a relapse and go back on sertraline, but today I've been unable to stay out of the bathroom and it seems my doctor may be correct.

I'm hoping once I am better the anxiety will naturally subside, I am nervous though, that now I'm aware of it again, it will hang about like a bad smell. Anyone else have experience of this and did anxiety go away once better? :hugs:

15-07-17, 10:56
I've had a blip this last few days whilst on the meds so it's quite likely that you would have the same without being on them. I know what you mean though. If it came on out of the blue it's probably as your doctor said. Did you feel any signs before this?

15-07-17, 13:29
Can't believe I felt so okay when I wrote this post. I've since been crying almost non stop. I feel so out of touch with me, only a week ago, I was confidently managing a shop and raising my four children. Now I feel like a weakling, unable to look after myself, fearing losing everyone because I'm pathetic and weak. How did I get this way again and so fast? I'm utterly heartbroken to be back here again ��