View Full Version : Anyone else ever had Rhabdomyolysis

15-07-17, 13:31
If you haven't had it or have never heard about it don't go looking it up and worrying yourself. I was told yesterday that I have a very mild rhabdo. The back story would be that last week I took a week vacation and when I came back after ten days of not being in the gym for some reason I decided to do a workout that involved a pleathora of volume. I did a large squat workout on Tuesday. At first I attributed the soreness that followed as being DOMS(delayed onset muscle soreness). But after about two days it just didn't feel right. So on Friday morning I went to the ER and was checked out. They did a blood test and it came back that my CK levels were higher than normal. Not an excessive amount though. I think I was around 500-600 maybe. They gave me a few saline drips and retest my blood and said that it had dropped down a 100 so they said I was fine to be sent home as long as I drank lots of water. Well I covered that well. Here's my main question though. My urine is really bubbly this morning and I know that means there is protein present. Is that normal associated with what I have going on or something else I should be worried about?

15-07-17, 13:46
Well that must have been some workout!

One of the symptoms is tea coloured urine.

It's really best to put a question like that to a doctor as what you had was an ER situation, something they tend to see from physical trauma so they are used to treating it.

If you look at the tea coloured urine it looks bubbly in some samples so maybe your levels are still reducing back to normal but are considered out of the range for what they successfully treated you for? The saline sorts it out, it's the standard treatment.

But to be honest I would put anything about it to doctor as it's a serious condition as I bet you learned when in there. I'm sure they would have been cautious in checking everything they needed to so it's unlikely something else other than this has been in play that they have missed. It's much more likely from this event.

15-07-17, 14:24
I had been familiar with it before which is why I went to the ER. The workout was intense. I use to be an avid athlete but have just got back in the gym in the recent months. I don't train volume, I just do low reps high weight. Typically when Rhabdo is seen it's from an excessive amount lifted that involves an eccentric portion during lifitimg. I tried 100 squats at 225lbs. I stopped at 70 reps because I don't like volume and felt I wasn't doing any benefit to myself. Never had any tea colored urine. They never did a urinalysis either though. I guess my CK levels weren't excessively high to worry about to warrant that. I've read where they sent people home with levels much higher than what I had. It was my first urination of the day and since then I've had about three as I'm drinking loads of water to flush the kidneys. The times I've urinated since have been back to normal. Nothing foamy, just lots of bubbles due to the flow I would presume. The

15-07-17, 16:33
I believe so, i had gotten back into some weights after a long break and went in a bit too hard apparently.
Next morning had the usual muscle soreness after working out, got up to pee and it was like peeing coffee, which i thought was weird (didn't know rhabdo was a thing at the time) i had put it down to the supplements i had started taking or something of that nature.

Didn't see a dr or have any other symptoms other than t-rex arms for a week, i guess i was lucky i didn't do any real harm to my kidneys.

Wasn't until much later i had read about rhabdo and how dangerous it can be.

15-07-17, 16:56
I had it a year and half ago. Spent a week in the hospital after my arms ballooned up.

Happened after me working my arms out hard for like the first time ever.

I got better, they just pump with IV fluids. Have been scared to work out at a gym since then though.

13-08-19, 21:35
I got rhabdomyalysis in May of this year. It's been 2 months in recovery.Possible causes: new ssri's, supplements, dehydration and doing some heavy work around the house for 2 days. I had levels of in the 11,000 and was in the hospital for 3 days. I felt the pain in my legs.

I'm wondering what are other people's experiences with recovery. How long did it take?, how were your muscles affected? Did your ck go up and down? Are you still having complications?

My CK was tested about 6 times now since discharge. I had 2 normal readings, 1 highly elevated in 300s reading, 2 more normal and now 1 3 points below the norm so i'm very confused. My legs have not been the same but they do feel better overall. I do get tired more often, have sporadic twitches in various muscle groups but i'm not falling over and I'm functioning just fine.

Starting to worry about having some neurological or muscular disorder. I also had to get off the ssri after rhabdomyalysis so had to deal with withdrawal on top of that.

Any information on recovery would be helpful