View Full Version : Heart worries!

15-07-17, 17:05
For about 2 months now I've started with health anxiety, I used to have normal anxiety and panic attacks but now it's all about my health! I keep thinking I've got a heart problem because about 3 months back I started with bad panic attacks worse than they've ever been and convinced myself it was my hesrt. Since then I don't like going out or doing new things or going far in fear that my heart will pack in. I've been told by numerous doctors that I am fine. I have no previous cardiac issues and no family history of it either. But I can't help but think what if it does happen when I'm out what if I have a heart attack? I think it has stemmed from seeing my grandad die in front of me from an unexpected heart attack. It has made me so scared about going the same way!xx

15-07-17, 17:26
welcome in the club! haha :)

so... did you doc checked your heart, blood, ... etc.? if yes and he didn't find any organic problem -> RELAX!

buy this book and read it (not too long and well written): Dr. Claire Weekes - Self Help For Your Nerves

and consider CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) with a psychotherapist. it helps.

at home: practice breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation. EVERY DAY!
also: eat healthy. no simple sugar, no coffeine, no alcohol, ... you get the picture. vegetables, fruits, ENOUGH water.
and be sure, that you sleep WELL. very important.

and DO NOT check yourself (pulse, bp, ...). and DO NOT use Dr. Google too often.

16-07-17, 14:54
I had a couple of ECGS over the last few months and theyve all been normal my blood pressure is fine and so on! But I just can't shift the feeling like something is wrong!