View Full Version : Lump on my daughters head,terrified!

15-07-17, 19:50
Hi all hoping someone can point me in the right direction.My daughter who is 6 (she has learning difficulties and lots of sensory disorders) fell and bumped her head on a metal fence at school 4 weeks ago.She was taken straight to hospital and I was advised that she was going to be ok.

Fast forward a few weeks I have been able to still feel a lump under the skin which has worried me.

Tonight whilst brushing teeth (she really struggles) she has head butted me and straight she pointed to the lump and said "owe" of course I felt this lump and I couldn't feel it,well I could but I was really sunken further down.She complained of it hurting for a little while and it has appeared back up again.

Does anybody know what could be going on here?

I have health anxiety and I am really 😩

16-07-17, 03:05
She fell and bumped her head a few weeks ago.

16-07-17, 19:05
She fell and bumped her head a few weeks ago.

I don't think you are understanding me! Yes she she fell a few weeks ago.She still has the lump on her head.This lump that she has pressed right right in again to which I couldn't feel it,it had now popped out again!
I am looking for advice on what this could be,shouldn't the lump have gone by now?
What is your theory?