View Full Version : worrying about the big C again

16-07-17, 00:20
So I've been doing really good with my anxiety lately, but Ive had this bump under my tongue for like a month or so now, it's painless and about the size of a bb, it sits right on top of the salivary duct where the little folds are and it's made the salivary duct on that side a little bigger than the opposite side. Of course it's not likely to be anything serious, and it could just be a salivary stone, but the thought of oral cancer lingers in my mind, I'm not very worried but it's enough to stick in my mind. I cant see the bump really as it's not big enough to actually be visible it's like inside the duct I can feel it with my tongue but not really with my finger, right before I noticed it I had some discomfort in the salivary gland behind my jaw and also some discomfort under my chin, I havent had any discomfort lately.

Have you ever had a salivary stone if so how did you get it out? I have a follow up from my last appointment on the 2nd of August and I'll have the doc take a look but until then how can I attempt to get it out?

17-07-17, 19:46
Would not suggest trying to get it out... risk of introducing infection? Perhaps hot salt water gargles 3 times a day to see if that helps some until you are able to see doctor? Sorry you are having worry about it.