View Full Version : Something just happened!?

16-07-17, 10:29
Woke up to: I think might be out of order.
Tickle in The throat.
That caused me to cough a single cough to clear it.
Then it cause my heart to start pounding. Hard and strong beats.
( I tell myself relax you've dealt with this before)
It goes off, my heart starts beating faster and stronger. Best I could describe it like if a horse is galloping in your chest.
I tried taking in a deep breath. My ribs hurts. A ton like if I had done a ton of an work.
I don't remember getting up and walking to my phone. It was on my bathroom counter. Which made me think did the above start differently then what I remember.
Which is causing my heart to thump hard again.
Mythroat still has the nagging itch. I tried coughing and it just hurts my chest.
Before I fell asleep, I took a few sips of cola. I had been reading a book about depression, "Brain Switch" by A.B. Curtiss. I talked to her. She was selling her books out at the place I went to. I talked to her about my anxiety. My parents took me out to have some good time with me. My dad said he did not like to see me suffer with this mental illness. He wants to help me out as much as he can. So he bought me the book.
I have a nagging feeling that when I have a panic attack that my blood pressure must be going through the roof and that one day for sure I'll die from my panic attacks because of how high it must get with the symptoms I talk about.
FYI I don't have insurance. So I can't just go in and say to check me out.

Should I be worried? Is this a panic attack??

16-07-17, 13:47
You post a lot of very disparate worries on an anxiety forum. That suggests to me that, on some level, you know what your problem really is.

How many of your fears or symptoms have resulted in your death as yet? How many have done you any physical harm at all?

I'm going to say what often gets said to another regular poster here who gets a much rougher ride than yourself: do you ever try to stop yourself from posting and recognise that it's just more reassurance seeking?

Nothing you've described sounds alarming to me, but I'm not a doctor and nor is anybody else here. If you were genuinely concerned, wouldn't you go and see one? What is it that holds you back from doing so? The answer might be very important.

Ultimately, it's going to come down to how much longer you want to live this way. Are you having any kind of treatment for anxiety? Apologies if you are. But if you're not, that's got to be where you go next, hasn't it? I mean, how much help has regularly posting on here actually been?

bin tenn
16-07-17, 15:41
You post a lot of very disparate worries on an anxiety forum. That suggests to me that, on some level, you know what your problem really is.

How many of your fears or symptoms have resulted in your death as yet? How many have done you any physical harm at all?

I'm going to say what often gets said to another regular poster here who gets a much rougher ride than yourself: do you ever try to stop yourself from posting and recognise that it's just more reassurance seeking?

Nothing you've described sounds alarming to me, but I'm not a doctor and nor is anybody else here. If you were genuinely concerned, wouldn't you go and see one? What is it that holds you back from doing so? The answer might be very important.

Ultimately, it's going to come down to how much longer you want to live this way. Are you having any kind of treatment for anxiety? Apologies if you are. But if you're not, that's got to be where you go next, hasn't it? I mean, how much help has regularly posting on here actually been?

I absolutely agree.

24-07-17, 18:34
You post a lot of very disparate worries on an anxiety forum. That suggests to me that, on some level, you know what your problem really is.

How many of your fears or symptoms have resulted in your death as yet? How many have done you any physical harm at all?

I'm going to say what often gets said to another regular poster here who gets a much rougher ride than yourself: do you ever try to stop yourself from posting and recognise that it's just more reassurance seeking?

Nothing you've described sounds alarming to me, but I'm not a doctor and nor is anybody else here. If you were genuinely concerned, wouldn't you go and see one? What is it that holds you back from doing so? The answer might be very important.

Ultimately, it's going to come down to how much longer you want to live this way. Are you having any kind of treatment for anxiety? Apologies if you are. But if you're not, that's got to be where you go next, hasn't it? I mean, how much help has regularly posting on here actually been?

My fears come from whatever I feel that I can't explain or ever felt before scare me. I fear death.
At one point I was going to the doctors 4 times per week. The hospital two times per week. I had insurance. I was in therapy settingling in on a dose for Prozac when I stopped going. I was told that I should do in treatment for 2 weeks at a psych ward so they can truly adjust my dose, I was having it rough adjusting to the dose. They said it would get worse before it got better. But the mention of psych ward and them taking my kids scared me. I stopped going. My anxiety did leave for a few months. But it returned. And I was put into a situation where I need help deciding when I truly need to go to the doctors: but now at the mention of doctors I get anxiety. It has been roughly two years since I've been to my doctor. Hospitals get me anxious when I pass by them. But wherever we go I need to know were they are. Stupid I know.

Right now I was dealing with a panic attack for something I felt. But I went through the questions you said and my panic attack did stop my anxiety quieted down. I'm trying especially since with no real healthcare right now I'm taking it day by day. I had a good week last week. It felt great not letting my anxiety win. Right now the episode I just had I'm trying not to let it win.