View Full Version : Mosquito Repellent Poisoning Fears (???)

16-07-17, 10:31
Hi, there!
So I frequently do lawn-work to pick up a little extra cash. Today while working, I was asked to spread out some of those granules that repel mosquitos. On the first container of repellant granules, it said. "Non-toxic", so I hesitantly used my hands to apply it as I was instructed to do. I got a fair amount on my hands and clothes. I went on to use a second container after the first one was emptied and I noticed that the second one was a different kind, but not before spreading it all over the garden and getting some on my hands and clothes. After this, I read on the back "wash skin 15-20 minutes and wash clothes" if the product comes in contact with skin/clothes. Needless to say, I'm terrified and I wash my hands. I come home later that night in the same clothes and intend to wash them but I am so tired (I've slept horribly recently and haven't gotten much sleep). Because of this, I fall asleep on the couch for 8 hours! And I'm still wearing the clothes that got that repellant on them! Do you think I am poisoned? Has this ever happened to any of you? Worried! Thank you so much for reading all this