View Full Version : Pancreatic Cancer Fear

16-07-17, 15:28

I'm a 22 years old male, not overweight or anything, and eating a decent diet.

20 days ago I noticed I started losing weight a bit too fast and urinating too much (I count my calories) and oh what a bad idea what I saw first was Pancreatic Cancer.

I have a few symptoms:

Weight loss (trying to eat more calories which seems to stabilize it)
Frequent urination
Dry mouth (maybe because urinating too much or something?)
White tongue
Lower back pain in the morning only when waking up
Occasional light brown stool (they don't float or anything)
hunger sensation

I have no problem to eat though

Checking these symptoms can indicate liver problems or pancreatic cancer, I can not stop thinking I have pancreatic cancer and I'm gonna die in a few months.

So I went to the doctor she palpated my abdomen, sent me to do urine and blood test

In my blood test everything is perfect, crp, lipase, diabetes (no sugar in my urine too) but there's one problem I have high TSH - a bit high T4 ... which could be a thyroid problem? I have to do an echo in 2 days ...

So after I went to the doc and saw my blood results I felt a lot better, as anxiety disappeared ... but a few days ago I saw a lost a bit of weight again and light brown stools I just feel panicked again, I keep checking forums for Pancreatic Cancer symptoms etc ..

I don't know what to do, I try to relax myself but I just can't get that cancer thing out of my head, it's horrible .... maybe someone had similar experience and can share a bit with me?

Sorry if my english is a bit bad, I'm from France

Thank you!

17-07-17, 02:28
It could be any number of minor things... You need to trust your doctors, bloodwork, etc. You are being given the all-clear on your condition. You should ask yourself why that's not enough. Part of having HA is the intrusive dark fantasy of worst case scenarios... You need to find a way to move on and stop indulging in these baseless worries. Digestive upset can be caused by anxiety all by itself, as well.

18-07-17, 20:15
It could be any number of minor things... You need to trust your doctors, bloodwork, etc. You are being given the all-clear on your condition. You should ask yourself why that's not enough. Part of having HA is the intrusive dark fantasy of worst case scenarios... You need to find a way to move on and stop indulging in these baseless worries. Digestive upset can be caused by anxiety all by itself, as well.

Hi thank you, you are definitely right, my anxiety was giving all these symptoms

I got my thyroid echo and everything is fine, also had another blood test with liver enzyme and everything is just perfect ...

It's crazy how anxiety can make your symptoms a lot worse than they actually are

20-07-17, 03:53
Some years back i came down with pancreatitis. I was convinced i had pancreatic cancer, after months of worrying i told my dr and he said you would of been dead already, still didn't settle me, it takes time to get over the fears. If your amylase and lipase are normal and bilirubin is not skyrocketing and your not yellow i wouldnt worry about it. Stool in pancreatic cancer is clay color almost grey.