View Full Version : Fear of Seizures

16-07-17, 18:04
Hi guys.

So this is something I have experienced before, it subsided for a while, but now it's back.

Just got a new PS4, been hammering it for the past few days, a good few hours at a time! Was never a problem until my other half who felt neglected came in and decided to say "You shouldn't play on it for too long, it's dangerous, people can have seizures!"

Obviously, you can all imagine the flash of panic and never ending anxiety I have suffered from that moment until now.


I've never experienced a seizure (that I am aware of) so really I have nothing to back up my fear, however, it's apparently quite common to get Video Game Induced Seizures, or for people with anxiety/panic attacks to experience non-epileptic seizures.

I don't know why i'm scared, fear of death, loss of control, who knows, i'm just too scared to actually play it again!!

Help please :)

16-07-17, 18:10
i'm just too scared to actually play it again!!

OGNinjaDon's feeling neglected wife: "Mission accomplished" :D

Now go spend some quality time with her ;)

Positive thoughts

16-07-17, 18:21
Chances of having a seizure are high with a PS4. Should have got Xbox.

Just kidding. If you've been smashing it for so long already chances are low you'll have a seizure man. You'll be fine. You'd have had a seizure already if you were susceptible to having one..


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16-07-17, 18:44
I thought you were being 100% serious at first because PS4 make a point of displaying the warning message when you turn it on where as XBOX don't do that, haha.

Anyway yes, that's what I was thinking!

16-07-17, 21:21
I thought you were being 100% serious at first because PS4 make a point of displaying the warning message when you turn it on where as XBOX don't do that, haha.

Anyway yes, that's what I was thinking!Yea man you're fine. Wouldn't worry about it. I've never met anyone that had any seizures from games.. unless they were epileptic..

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17-07-17, 06:13
or for people with anxiety/panic attacks to experience non-epileptic seizures.

Are they? In all the time I've been reading threads I've seen only a few about NES. None of the people in them even knew NES were something we can experience. That might tell us something about their occurence?

But if you read what constitutes NES you will find "panic attack" listed. So, maybe people have and just don't realise it?

I've known someone who had a NES, a non anxiety sufferer, due to prolonged intense stress for years. The neurologist did the usual tests to rule anything out and ended up diagnosing this. He's never had another and nothing changed for him.

Gary A
17-07-17, 10:22
Seizures caused by visual stimuli generally only happen with people who actually have epilepsy. You'll see it before some tv programmes begin where they warn that "this programme contains flashing images" or things like that. That's because flashing images or fast moving visual stimuli can trigger seizures, but only in people who have a history of epilepsy.

I've never known a non-epileptic seizure to be caused by visual stimuli, because there is no fault in the brain for the visual images to trigger. Epileptics actually have an issue with the electrical signalling in the brain, so something like flashing images creates more electrical impulses that can trigger a seizure.

If you don't have epilepsy, I wouldn't even give this a second thought.

17-07-17, 14:26
I have been playing video games since I was like 5; I am 29 now. I've yet to have a seizure and doubt I will have one.

I believe that those warnings are for people with epilepsy and/or people who play to the point they are overly fatigued (like those gaming marathons). But for a normal person playing a few hours here and there, I doubt it pertains to them.