View Full Version : sleeping on the sofa again!!!!!

14-05-07, 00:50
hi all
for the last 6 weeks i panic when i have to go to bed, so i find myself on the sofa watching tv untill i fall asleep night after night.

My hubby is getting really fed up with it and there is tension at home.

Does anyone else suffer like this?

thabnks tracie xx

14-05-07, 01:40
Hi traciec
Yes i suffer with this too. I usually end up on net until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. I live on my own and don't work so it's easier for me. I think it's the silence of the night, no tv no comp no radio, do u have a personal stereo u could listen to so as not to disturb ure hubby? Sorry I don't have a better solution for u. I am getting a bit better, so there is hope :).

14-05-07, 08:33
hi ,, i used 2 be like this upto about two months ago , now i sleep upstairs but have to have my cd player on very low and leave the light on in the hall .

love sandy xx

14-05-07, 09:56
Have you tried audio books? I find them great because you can really get into the story untill you fall asleep. Might have to use a walkmen though so as not to desturb your hubbie.
I went through a really bad phase of not wanting to go to bed and watching TV till i fell asleep. It was making me exhasted but the audio books really helped me. Now im fine and only have the odd night.

14-05-07, 12:58
thank you all for your advise,

Do you know if the audio books are on cd or tape? think i will go out today and buy one.
thanx again u lovely people
tracie xxxx

14-05-07, 15:42
You can get them on either tape or CD.
Hope it works
Take care