View Full Version : Headache anxiety!!! Need answers !!

16-07-17, 23:34
I'm 14 and I have like quite bad health anxiety. At the moment I have a headache at the back of my head on the left side, and I'm worrying myself so much that its something serious. Obviously I google it and it doesn't help at all and It's only scaring me more. My neck kind of hurts but not really, and the headache sometimes goes to the top of my head on the left side aswell, and it's been coming and going all day, and at at times it been fading and coming back, Can someone please tell me what this could be and if it's serious or am I overreacting. Sorry for the typos if there is any !!

16-07-17, 23:49
Headaches are almost never anything to worry about and can come about for scores of benign reasons, not least of all stress and anxiety.

From your post I suspect it's meningitis you're worrying about? I had that as a teenager and it's a whole suite of symptoms, not just a bad head, and you would feel obviously very seriously ill. Obviously this is from the other end of the Internet and no-one here can diagnose you, but you will get a lot of headaches in your life that are almost always no more than an annoyance.

17-07-17, 00:14

17-07-17, 01:38
It sounds like muscle tension - which could have many causes. Try putting a sock filled with hot rice (fill sock with rice, microwave for 30 seconds or so) at the back of your head and try to relax for a little bit.

17-07-17, 05:51
Like 2 years or so ago I had the exact same worry about the exact same sort of headache, which lasted 2 weeks. I got myself so worked up over it, I was obsessed over the thought of potentially having a brain tumour, which lead to other symptoms forming that fit the brain tumour criteria just because I was worried about having them. In fact, I was 14 too I think when I had this worry. And guess what made it go away? When my worry about the headache shifted. It was a normal, tension headache brought on by EXCESSIVE WORRYING.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop worrying about this, I am telling you now for sure that this means absolutely nothing, it means you have a headache, not a brain tumour. Do you know how many people have headaches, even ones that potentially span out over like a week or more? MANY people, like the entire population. Imagine if they all worried about having a tumour? Well they don't, because they don't have health anxiety.

So take it from me, who was in the exact same position as you when I was 14, this means absolutely nothing.

17-07-17, 05:58
It sounds like muscle tension - which could have many causes. Try putting a sock filled with hot rice (fill sock with rice, microwave for 30 seconds or so) at the back of your head and try to relax for a little bit.

A clean one though, otherwise it will be anti aromatherapy...:whistles::D

17-07-17, 15:24
A clean one though, otherwise it will be anti aromatherapy...:whistles::D


04-02-18, 23:41
i know you sent this a long time ago but im getting more anxiety about a different headache now, and i went on here to talk about it and i just read your message and it really helped me. i am still worrying though because i hadn't had this this type of headache that i'm having right now and my anxiety is causing me to be depressed

05-02-18, 00:17
Try drinking more water

10-02-18, 18:53
Hi there I feel the need to post thank you for everyone’s messages. I have been suffering with tension all over my head and neck for the last week. I’ve had a lot of stress and feeling unwell since Christmas and had some blood tests including ones for inflammation and they all came back ok but literally the afternoon I got my results I have had this tension in my head which comes and goes and is worse at some points than others. I’ve had vision problems and internal vibrating on and off for two years well just over two years now had numerous bloods and eye tests done nothing found. I just am at the end of my tether. Optician today said no signs of inter carnival pressure optic nerve looks just the same as it did the last time I had my eyes tested and pressure test was fine. Been scared for over a year now it’s a brain tumour/cancer and now people are telling me it would have killed me by now. So now I’m concerned it’s MS or something like that but again doctor is reluctant because he’s convinced it’s anxiety which I have suffered from with my health for over ten years. Everyone around me including doctor puts it down to anxiety and I really struggle how all the symptoms I’m having are down to anxiety and not something else. Especially as once my blood test results were OK the stress (I felt) had gone! Is it possible to get a delayed reaction to long term anxiety and stress?