View Full Version : Last Week Tonight with HA

17-07-17, 02:21
Had an interesting idea... Post the symptoms (real or imagined) that you are no longer worried about, but that ramped up your HA a week or two ago. I know that every week I can list some from the week before.

1. Weird pain in neck... Resolved in two days.
2. Feeling chilly with good bumps... Stopped thinking about it and it went away.
3. Worried infection from last month would come back (it didn't).
4. Scratchy throat (gone by the end of the day)

17-07-17, 03:59
I convinced myself I had lymphoma because of an all over itch I had lol. It lasted two days. It was either nicotine withdrawal from quitting smoking or my new meds..

Either way I haven't itched in 2 weeks lol

17-07-17, 04:33
I think it may be beneficial for myself to do a last lifetime tonight of health anxiety and then continue to update with current and future:

Teenage years:
Absolutely certain I was going to get Swine Flu, would pretend to be sick to avoid taking public transport.

20 years old:
Convinced I have colon cancer due to blood in stool, severe abdominal pain (that ended up being all in my head). Doctor gave me ultrasound all clear (although I'm not convinced an ultrasound would how rectal cancer)

21 years old:
Absolutely convinced I have HIV. Body pains, fever, would inspect my tongue for hours a day for thrush. Got HIV test, all clear.

23 years old:
Convinced I have ALS just after the ALS challenge. I could literally watch my leg muscles twitching. This was the craziest health anxiety symptom I have ever had. I would LOOK at my legs and arms and muscles would be twitching like crazy. This was the only health scare I had that time resolved.

24 years old:
Convinced I have a brain tumor, head aches, constant brain fog, double vision, couldn't focus on anything, convinced I was suffering server memory loss. Had an MRI - All fine

25 years old (current age and time):
After a doctor tells me he found blood in my urine convinced I have bladder or kidney cancer. Ended up being false positive.

Started Lexapro and constipation began (I think/hope they are related), find blood on toilet paper. Once again convinced I have colon cancer. I am currently convinced due to the fact my last doctor only did an ultrasound that he missed something and I now have advanced colon cancer. Go see a doctor, they tell me I have haemorrhoid and anal tears. Prescribed a cream and suppository, take the suppository and find white candle wax like mucus floating above my stool (sorry TMI). Convinced this is a further sign of my colon cancer. Can't find any information online about it maybe being part of the suppository.

I have a fantastic job in my dream field and my anxiety is absolutely impacting my work and attendance/punctuality. Unfortunately this insidious mental disease is slowly ruining my life.

17-07-17, 09:06
Well, I think I can name a few...
》Swollen tonsil (thought it was lymphoma)
》Multiple lymph node swelling (viral infection)
》Mouth ulcers
》Bone pain (thought it was leukemia)

It's like a wheel. I often get out of the cycle, but I know I'll return.
Right now I'm dealing with upper abdominal discomfort in the left side (my anxious self thinks that my spleen it's enlarged) and an obsession with my body temp... My biggest fear it's blood cancer, crearly.