View Full Version : Terrified Heart Attack or Heart Issue??

17-07-17, 09:50

For the past few months, not regularly, I have experienced episodes of rapid heart beat, particularly after I have eaten, it always seems to be at the weekend. Yesterday I had made lunch, a chicken sandwich to be precise. I had not eaten anything prior to this and around half an hour later my heart started thumping. I carried on and then had an episode where I felt really unwell, absolutely terrified me, I had sweats, lightheaded and thought I was going to faint with typical ringing in my ears (I'm used to fainting) to the point I went for a lie down. I lay on my bed and was sweating and my heart was absolutely pounding. This as you can imagine terrified me I was thinking I was having a heart attack.

About 10-15 minutes later I felt ok, to the point that I carried on my day doing chores etc. The thing is I can't stop thinking about it and paniking, should I be worried?? every ache in my arms or if I feeling warm etc I'm think that's it. A couple of months ago I went to my Doctor who referred me for an ECG which came back normal. I have made a Doctors appointment which is on Wednesday but as everyone knows from suffering with Health Anxiety, I am now plagued with fear, doom and anxiety. Can anyone reassure me that this could be nothing?? I'm not scared, I don't want to die.

I had been drinking on the night before and had had hot drinks (tea) etc in the morning. I am under huge pressure with my children, work and relationship, money worries, I'm overweight also :weep: so everything is against me.:weep:

17-07-17, 10:03

I used to have super bad heart anxiety, so I know how you feel!

However, from experience, it's totally normal for your heart rate to increase after you've eaten or drank alcohol :hugs: It honestly sounds like a panic attack to me. They mimic heart attack symptoms!

If your ECG was normal then take that as reassurance, because it would've pointed out if something was wrong with your heart.

You're not going to die :hugs:

17-07-17, 10:42
THank you so much Skyela, honestly your words are a real comfort. My imagination is just running away with me and so that doesn't helo my mental state of mind and makes my heart race even more. xx:bighug1:

17-07-17, 12:02
Hey it's fine! I know you're scared, I've felt the same before.

I went out on a night out once and spent the entire next day panicking because my heart rate was really high and I felt sick. Obviously my anxious brain put this down to heart attack but in reality that's literally just what a hangover involves! I felt so silly once I'd got over the hangover!

You're worrying about your heart which is making your heart beat fast, which is making you worry etc etc etc it's a vicious circle :wacko:

You've been tested with an ECG, so let that put your mind at rest - it's JUST stress/anxiety.

:hugs: xx

17-07-17, 13:28
Thank you so much.

These things are so scary and like you say it's a vicious circle, I constantly doubt reassurance aswell with the "what if....." At the moment I have an ache/dull pain just above my heart which is uncomfortable and everytime that twinges I jump thinking stupid thoughts. I should stop worrying, your right, but god how the mind plays terrible tricks on your wellbeing xx