View Full Version : New job - ANTICIPATION fear

17-07-17, 11:02
Hi everyone,

I start a new job in September and I'm having the odd moment of major fear! I've been working from home in a position for 2 years whilst finishing my degree (and starting a Masters) and, although this is an entry level job, it's with a large corporation.

I'm very confident and people are really shocked when they know I have anxiety. I hide it really well!

I need some help with the anticipation anxiety. Some days it's excitement, others days it abject fear and dread! At times I think I won't even make it there...

Anyone else relate? Any advice?

17-07-17, 21:22
I've done the exact same thing recently! I made a big move to uproot my life, move to a big city, work for a corporation in my dream job and leave me girlfriend and friends at home only seeing them occasionally.

It'll be a big change! Hell, I'm struggling with it too! But it gets better. You find your feet in your new job and then things get really exciting! I wish you all the best! Remember that you have control and nothing is permanent. If you don't like it, give it a few months and then leave! Take it day by day! You're going to smash it!

20-07-17, 13:34
Hi Bunster,

Thanks so much for your reply. Wow, you've really had a time of it of late. How are you doing with it all?

I'm having a good week with it this week so all is fine but I know that'll change. I'm definitely part excited and I want this feeling to last. I dread the feelings of...well, dread.

I fear how I'll be the day before :weep:

Its even things like Christmas parties of all things. As if I'm even thinking about this sort of stuff!