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View Full Version : My HA and my dd

17-07-17, 14:47
I haven posted here in quite a while. I'm actually form the old anxietyzone forum in the US...anyway.
I tend to have issues with my HA surrounding my dd. I worry so much sometimes its crazy. So the latest is this: on Saturday evening my dd told me she feels like she has to yawn a lot and take breaths. I'm with her every single day so I would have seen something if it were noticeable. Knowing that kids will worry if you project worry I stayed calm and asked her if she felt like she is getting enough air. That freaked her out ( great, now my dd is going to have HA as well before she turns 11) she said yes she is getting enough air. She doesn't seem out of breath, nothing else no fever, she's up playing you'd never know anything was bothering her. She says that she cant really explain this. She started getting upset when my dh asked if she felt like she cant breathe( i was like dont you know not to say that to a kid??) She said yes she can breathe. She is scared it might be something really bad. I did not take her to the ER because she is breathing fine seemingly, doesn't seem out of breath, is playing, everything is fine except she cant explain this feeling. I watched her like a hawk Saturday night and last night and she seemed to be sleeping fine, breathing fine...this morning we talked and she said she doesn't want me to make a dr. appointment just yet, she wants to kind of pay attention today while at camp to see if it happens again. What could this be????? no fever no cough slight running nose on & off for a few days, no feelings of her heart fluttering, no dizziness nothing at all that would send us to the ER. She explains it this way, like some deep breaths are satisfying, they feel good, others feel like they are not deep enough. When she takes deep breaths it makes her yawn. I cant tell if she is actually just becoming aware of her breath and you know how when you do that it throws off your breathing rhythm. I need to take her to the dr. and I am worried about what this could be??

17-07-17, 15:24
I couldn't tell you what it is only that I suffer with it sometimes at night.. I just feel like I'm not getting a full breath. Like I need to cough or something it is an extremely hard feeling to describe. I've no idea what it is but it freaks me out too but I just distract myself as best I can and touch wood it goes away. I only get mine every now and then. Sometimes I've noticed it when I have phlegm on the chest. When I cough clear mucus comes up.. possibility they are related.. not sure if your "dd" has something similar.

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