View Full Version : North Wales area?

17-07-17, 15:09
Hey there!

Just wondering if anyone is in the North Wales area who maybe wants to meet up? I'm 21 and living in Prestatyn. Me and my therapist are looking into setting up a 'social group' for an anxiety type people or mental health in general in a quite area of a community centre.

If not the social group even just new people to meet or organise something? I feel trapped and isolated as my friends from school have become detached as I shut myself away trying to figure out what was going on. (Only just accepted I have SA). So while everyone enjoys their life and partying I'm sat here like, what do I do next?

But yeah not really sure what to say, just hoping I'm not alone in my area or that someone at least is on this site close to me?

Catherine S
17-07-17, 18:36
Hi Jack, if your new group covers all ages i'd love to be part of it. I'm living in Germany at the moment but moving back to Prestatyn end of September with my hubby. My mum lives there and we're moving back to be closer to her.

Been an nmp-er for some years now and my anxiety is thankfully mostly in the past but like others who have more or less recovered, I try to help on here when I can and think it would be great to meet up with some of our members.

Keep us updated with details if the group gets off the ground, either on this thread, or via PMs.


18-07-17, 11:21
HI Jack well not too far away really been on my own for years now sort of get used to it, but never really like it. so am willing to have a meet up with fellow NMP'rs :) Cheers

21-07-17, 00:13
That sounds great! It would be open to all ages. The volunteers in the centre are really nice with quiet/private style areas if we garner enough interest. I'd love to get the word out to other sufferers as I imagine there is lots of people who suffer with SA but aren't on any sites.

Can't promise anything just yet though but will certainly keep you's posted!

Catherine S
21-07-17, 00:42
Thanks Jack :D

21-07-17, 07:48
Cheers Jack :)

09-12-18, 10:47
I'm in Wrexham - wonder if there's anything in Chester also

Dan Wales
29-12-18, 21:52
I'm in Wrexham - wonder if there's anything in Chester also

I am in Wrexham too.