View Full Version : don't know water to do

17-07-17, 16:26
Hi I haven't been on for a while as I've been doing cat with mental health which is helping just abut and I see a care/co-ordanater who works with the mental health team and I she came to see me today and she said that even tho I'm doing alot better she has recommended I see a psychologist as my cbt is coming to a end and that even tho my therapist is good at her job she feels that seeing a psychologist would help me as because. I struggle with my thoughts as I keep asking my self why do I feel like this or why do think like this if I get a thought as I feel that I need to know the answer for some reason..so that's why she has recommended. Seeing one to get to the root course of as to why. But I don't know if I really want to go or not to find out why I m the way am incase they tell me something I don't want hear it the label me with something else mentally wrong with me besides gad or if the counselling will make me worse or weather it might help. So just wondering if anyone else had seen one and it did help them

17-07-17, 17:06

I think it's great that you've been seeking help and it's quite obvious it's helped you! I also believe the recommendation to see a psychologist is an excellent one. They're not there just to diagnose you but to help you discover the reasons you feel the way you do and teach you to challenge your fears and self doubt you have. I can say from personal experience, that seeing a psychologist one on one will definitely be beneficial in many ways.

As an example... One of the things I recall discussing in therapy a while ago was why I always seemed to end up dating "hot messes" for lack of a better word. It always seemed I ended up going out with women that were beautiful but bat shite crazy drama queens! ~lol~ My therapist suggested that perhaps I do so because I was a bit that way myself and liked the drama. That was a big "Hmmmm" moment for me! After that, I became aware of certain patterns and behaviors that put me in that situation. I learned what signs to look for etc. The result was a long dry spell BUT... when I met my wife, I knew right off she wasn't that way and we're very happy :)

I hope you decide to move forward with this. People have been urging you to do this for a while and now that you have, like I said, it's quite apparent it's helped. Do it! Take the next step in your recovery! :)

Positive thoughts

17-07-17, 21:18
Hey, sorry to hear you're having a hard time but it's great to hear that you're getting the help you need and making progress. I think the hardest part for me is accepting that I had anxiety but as soon as you do things become more manageable.

I'm having a hard time at the moment with anxiety but I keep in my mind that it will get better. This is an important thing to do. Try not to become hopeless and take everything as it comes. Help is important in times like these and you should take whatever you are offered I think it will do you the world of good.

In the mean time I know it's a cliche but keep your chin up. You're doing really well!

I know everything will work out for you soon!

17-07-17, 22:52
Hi Tricia, I have not seen a psychologist myself, but I know a few people who have.
It has been a tremendous help to them. Please go it will help you too:hugs:x