View Full Version : I did it!

18-07-17, 02:22
Well, it was just like everyone said. I had a huge panic attack and cried my eyes out, but they gave me meds to start with, I lay down and woke up when it's over.
The lady said my prep wasn't good (I don't know why because I followed the instructions perfectly) so they couldn't exclude polyps - but everything looks normal so that's good enough for me! She did take a couple of biopsies, I don't know what of, but if everything looked normal then I should be fine, don't you think?
One thing she did put on the report was that she's recommending therapy, which I thought was a funny thing to write on a colonoscopy report, but anyway.

Are we all agreed I can put it to bed and not worry anymore???

18-07-17, 02:27
Yup no worries. They always do biopsies :)

18-07-17, 12:01
Do you really think so?

I hate to say it, but maybe I'm feeling a bit worried about the biopsy results. She said everything looked normal, and she couldn't see polyps - so what would she have taken biopsies of? Surely she would have said if she took a biopsy off a tumour? What would biopsies even show?

Goodness, my health anxiety is loud and clear in this post, isn't it?! She said everything looked normal!

18-07-17, 12:33
I think this is a good example of how HA works, how our minds don't allow themselves to be reassured for long, and how we need to address the anxiety or we'll be stuck in this forever.

2am - phew, I've had the tests and it's reassuring, I can put this to bed
12noon - I've had 10 hours to dwell on that tiny crack of doubt

Glad everything's ok, and it sounds like you're recognising the patterns here.

Gary A
18-07-17, 12:48
Do you really think so?

I hate to say it, but maybe I'm feeling a bit worried about the biopsy results. She said everything looked normal, and she couldn't see polyps - so what would she have taken biopsies of? Surely she would have said if she took a biopsy off a tumour? What would biopsies even show?

Goodness, my health anxiety is loud and clear in this post, isn't it?! She said everything looked normal!

They take biopsies of normal tissue to check for any signs of potential future problems. Since colonoscopies aren't exactly an everyday occurrence, it's a good opportunity for the doctor to not only check the current health of the colon, but signs of future problems.

This is quite a standard procedure, and in fact will give you the reassurance of knowing that your colon is not only healthy at this moment, but will remain so for quite some time.

18-07-17, 13:22
One thing she did put on the report was that she's recommending therapy, which I thought was a funny thing to write on a colonoscopy report, but anyway.

You have a clean report (knew you would ;) ).

I don't think she was being funny about therapy at all. It's quite apparent you're suffering from anxiety. Be thankful you had a doctor that recognized this and advised you wisely! Take that advice to heart and follow it!

Positive thoughts

18-07-17, 15:42
Thanks Fishmanpa, you are right. I had a big talk with my husband about this today and I am going to make an appointment this week. On this forum everyone talks about the adverse affects of health anxiety.....the worst consequence I have witnessed is that my 11 year old daughter now cries and kicks up a big stink if she has to go to the doctor for a virus...how's that for great parenting on my part?! And I've never once sat her down and said doctor's are bad - she's just witnessed every meltdown that starts a week before I go near a doctor. This forum has been and is one of the biggest helps I've found, but it might be time to take the next step and get some face to face personal help.

Like I said, though, I'm finding this forum invaluable! I've been trying not to seek reassurance from anyone I speak to in person, and especially don't discuss my health around my kids anymore, so this forum was s fast becoming THAT support for me - the one where I can verbalise my fears and get feedback from understanding souls. This stuff makes a difference.

18-07-17, 16:10
Thanks Fishmanpa, you are right. I had a big talk with my husband about this today and I am going to make an appointment this week. On this forum everyone talks about the adverse affects of health anxiety.....the worst consequence I have witnessed is that my 11 year old daughter now cries and kicks up a big stink if she has to go to the doctor for a virus...how's that for great parenting on my part?! And I've never once sat her down and said doctor's are bad - she's just witnessed every meltdown that starts a week before I go near a doctor. This forum has been and is one of the biggest helps I've found, but it might be time to take the next step and get some face to face personal help.

Like I said, though, I'm finding this forum invaluable! I've been trying not to seek reassurance from anyone I speak to in person, and especially don't discuss my health around my kids anymore, so this forum was s fast becoming THAT support for me - the one where I can verbalise my fears and get feedback from understanding souls. This stuff makes a difference.

:yesyes: Good going! Reading your post gives me hope that others will follow your lead and take action on their own behalf. It's great that you were able to speak with your husband and have his support.

I often have said that the forum is great in that you know you're not alone BUT it's not a substitution for real life help. It would be great to see you recover and stick around to offer your experience and support. It would be invaluable. Keep us in the loop as to when you get the appointment and how things go.

I'm looking forward to hearing "Positive thoughts" from you in the near future :)

Positive thoughts

18-07-17, 18:41
Well, it was just like everyone said. I had a huge panic attack and cried my eyes out, but they gave me meds to start with, I lay down and woke up when it's over.
The lady said my prep wasn't good (I don't know why because I followed the instructions perfectly) so they couldn't exclude polyps - but everything looks normal so that's good enough for me! She did take a couple of biopsies, I don't know what of, but if everything looked normal then I should be fine, don't you think?
One thing she did put on the report was that she's recommending therapy, which I thought was a funny thing to write on a colonoscopy report, but anyway.

Are we all agreed I can put it to bed and not worry anymore???

The first time I did an Endoscopy they said my prep wasn't good, either, and I followed the rules (which was literally stop eating before midnight). Every person is different.

About the biopsies, I believe that's normal. Every scope I've gotten (endo or colon) they have taken biopsies. No need to worry. And don't worry immediately if they call you back and want to discuss results; that seems rather normal, too.