View Full Version : chalazion questions

18-07-17, 03:15
hello! i've had a chalazion since at least march and recently a new one appeared on the same eye, on the upper lid.

1. is it normal that a new one appeared or is it a sign that there's something wrong? both of the chalazions change sizes everyday, either becoming smaller or bigger and they are painful. they are small enough so that they don't show on my lid.

2. the new one i have is positioned in the inner corner of my upper lid and becomes very painful when i apply warm compresses. the pain seem to radiate in the gland in the corner, and i am wondering if it's normal for this to happen?

18-07-17, 12:58
Hi there

I am sure having two and the pain you describe are normal. Back before my HA really showed its ugly head I had two huge chalazions on my eyelid. Weirdly it happened to me twice and both times I was pregnant. May just be a coincidence or some environmental/lifestyle change I made when I was pregnant. One was so big, everyone I met used to ask what it was and that I should go to the doctor. I never worried about them and they always went after a time. Months for one of them. It's so odd to think of me being so blasé about something like that but goes to show what a 'normal' (non anxious) response to chalazions might be. And hundreds of thousands of people who have them who never post online (giving a warped view on things from Doctor Google no doubt).

I wouldn't worry. I would love to know what caused mine though!

22-08-17, 05:03
another very small one seems to have appeared on my other lid
i heard that chalazions are very common in clutters during puberty, and as i am currently passing through this period of my life i feel like it makes sense, with the hormones and all
i think it's also why you had some while you were pregnant