View Full Version : heart rate hit 150

18-07-17, 03:23
Today was a little stressful because my heart decided to race.

I walked outside and down my drive way which is about 30 yards, it's really hot outside but I was out there fore maybe 5 minutes when I noticed that my heart was beating a little fast, on the way back up my drive way I noticed my heart rate was up a little higher then before so I stopped and checked it and it was 150 bpm, after getting back home in the cool air and sat down it dropped back down below 100 bpm.

I hadn't ate much before this, and I was still a little tired from staying up so late, but I didn't overheat as I was only outside for like 10 minutes or so.

Over the last 3 years I've had many heart tests, 2 echocardiograms, 2 chest xrays, ekg monitor 2x one for 3 days and another for 2 days, loads of blood work, good cholesterol, bp usually 130/80, so I assume I had an episode of tachycardia but thankfully it didn't last long.

I'm just reaching out to you guys to see if you've dealt with this and maybe give me some tips on how to manage it better. My sister also has tachycardia from time to time, she's been up to like 160 or 170 bpm.

18-07-17, 03:34
I'm not even sure how to respond back to this. You realize that it's normal for a heartrate to increase with stress or excersise, yes? The numbers you describe are not dangerous in normal situations like this. What would happen if you just stopped obsessing about it?

18-07-17, 09:57
I wasn't exercising I just walked out side in the heat for a few minutes I wasn't running.

18-07-17, 10:10
Legend, have a look at this. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/search.php?searchid=6375912

It's a list of threads, on disparate and largely unrelated health problems, you've posted in the last five months. 61 threads, well over 10 a month. I think this exceeds the rates of certain other posters who get a hard time on here for constant reassurance-seeking and failing to address their anxiety.

I lose track of where everyone is with therapy, but you really need to see the current health scare is as arbitrary as everything else you panicked about and came to nothing, and the real problem is your anxiety. If you are not seeking professional help for this (and apologies if you have already said you are), maybe the time to do so?

Gary A
18-07-17, 12:32
I wasn't exercising I just walked out side in the heat for a few minutes I wasn't running.

Your heart rate increases with any type of physical exertion. You then noticed the increase which caused you to become anxious and that increased your heart rate further.

Simple as that really.

19-07-17, 04:42
I understand how people feel about someone posting time after time, but some of us come here to vent and try admitting to our problems because it helps take a weight of our chests because we don't have to keep it hidden.

I've always had anxiety about my heart as I've experienced arrhythmias for several years, no it may not be physically dangerous to say the least, but it's very challenging mentally.

And walking out in the heat and my heart start racing just after a few minutes isn't something that I can just ignore, it in fact did it again today but I didn't post about it because I've already expressed those concerns.

When we see our doctors and we are told we are OK physically that doesn't mean I'm OK mentally, and so that's what drives a lot of us here to talk to people who experience the same things.

I've seen my doctor and have admitted to having severe health anxiety and depression, I was told the therapist would be contacting me which still hasn't happened but I'm trying to get help it's just a matter of when I can get help.

19-07-17, 07:56
I understand how people feel about someone posting time after time, but some of us come here to vent and try admitting to our problems because it helps take a weight of our chests because we don't have to keep it hidden

I think you misunderstood me, I wasn't highlighting your post rate because you're annoying anyone, but because dwelling on perceived symptoms and seeking reassurance is harmful to recovery. You post new threads about your perceived symptoms a lot, although I appreciate too a lot of your more recent ones are about anxiety itself.

I wasn't having a go, just enquiring if you're seeking help to break this cycle, and good to hear you are. Good luck.

20-07-17, 02:43
The heat and walking will increase your heart rate. The heat along can increase someone's rate quite a bit. And it sounds like you were thinking about it also which will do that also

20-07-17, 08:55
When I wake up and go directly outside to water my garden, without eating. I could just be standing there with the hose and I'll be with my heart racing. It takes more effort since you are low on energy and exhausted from the night before. I am a night person, so that too could also add to my raised heart rate.
But just standing your average heart rate can be around 120-140. So it's normal.