View Full Version : Thyroid Possibly

14-05-07, 13:09
I really need to go doctors and tell him about some symptoms i have never told him because i have a fear of needes and have a pa when she is doing it. Stupid i know but i kind of put everything down to anxiety but think the time has come where i need to have tests and have my symptoms investigated.

I think i may have a overative thyroid.
I have shaky legs when i hold them out and when standing, tremors in my hands, feel tired sometimes, struggle to put weight on apart from when i was bodybuilding and eating 6 meals a day. Danddruff that just seems to stay and find it hard to get rid of completely, dry flaky skin sometimes, weakness in my legs and muscles sometimes, usually worse on warm days, mood changes at random sometimes, depression sometimes, i find it hard to concentrate, tinnitus( ringing in ears) anxiety of cause and the symptoms that go along with it, raynaulds and restless leg syndrome and probably more i can't think off at this moment. I'm only 24 and can't be born under a unlucky star and all this be coincidence surely.

What are your thoughts?

I need some incouragement to make it to the docs and explain all these and have the tests done.

Sheik N Shimmy
14-05-07, 14:21
I'm only 24 and can't be born under a unlucky star and all this be coincidence surely.

What are your thoughts?

I need some incouragement to make it to the docs and explain all these and have the tests done.

Have you been googling your symptoms?

Get yourself checked out but you know what? I'll bet it's anxiety. It sounds strangely famliar to a lot of people on this forum.....

14-05-07, 15:15
I have Google and was looking at an overactive thyroid which is something i always thought was possible anyway, all the symptoms i have and some have progressed over last 2 years. Here's a full list, seems like a lot but i honestly have all these.

Cold Hands & Feet, sometimes in cold outside causes white fingers
Tremors/Shaky Legs, noticeable when walking up/down stairs and when legs are stretched out
Tremors in Hands that are Noticeable
Tremors in stomach when nervous and feels like full body sometimes.
When out in Cold weather it i can shake/shiver that is very noticable.
Nervousness and symptoms that go along with anxiety, dizziness/fast heart rate, increased tremors and panic attacks ect
Weakness in legs/muscles sometimes, more noticeable when warm or when very active
Generally have Cold Hands and Feet sometimes even when warm.
Tiredness Sometimes
Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears)
Find hard to gain weight apart from when bodybuilding and eating 6 meals a day.
Sometimes can have random mood changes and feel depressed some days.
Can stare sometimes for a while without blinking, low blink rate.
Restless Leg syndrome which usually happends in cycles that last a few days to a few weeks every now and then.
Had Sinus Infection that lasted 5 months with daily headaches at same time of day.
Difficulty sleeping sometimes or tend to wake up quite a few times during night.
Sometimes have diarrhea or more like not solid stools.
Eyesight seems to not be has good as it was a few years ago.
Hair is coarse and dry
Decreased sex drive
Sometimes have dry/flaky skin a little
Intolerance to hot weather sometimes.
No family history of illnesses to my knowledge apart from my Dad suffered from strokes.

14-05-07, 15:39
Hi Cyclone

Alot of your symptoms can be anxiety related, i think its wise that you go have your thyroid checked then it will put your mind at ease and can then move on.
I used to think also i had a thyroid problem as my symptoms where very much like yours, but it was anxiety. I dont like needles either and have explained this to my gp, now when i go for blood taking i lie on a bed at the surgery and try and relax( i usually think of something, like what to make for tea etc, which takes my mind off things) and before i know it its all done.:)

Give your GP a ring and make a appointment im sure it will help put your mind at ease hun.


14-05-07, 19:21
Hi, Cyclone

When I first started suffering pa,s high anxiety, I talked to my sister, she has had tyroid probs and so does my other sister, now because thyroid can run familys, my sis and doc thought I might have it, ohhhh no, no thyroids probs, all my symptoms where anxiety related.

I have looked at your symptoms and I can say I have had most of your symptoms,

I know its dame hard for you to go to GP becasue you fear needles, but you need to know what you are dealing with (peace of mind goes along way)

You take care and let us know how you get on.


14-05-07, 19:42
I will be ringing up in morning to try and get a app, even when i was doing great with my anxiety which i still am to a point i still have a lot of those symptoms and the tremors/tinnitus/tiredness all started before i had anxiety which makes me think its thyroid probs, i need to get this test done anyway otherwise i am always going to wonder. I will let everyone know what the results are, not sure how long they take once test is done.

15-05-07, 13:18
Hi Cyclone,

Good luck for the doctors. I have had a blood test for thyroid myself recently, the results came through after about 2 weeks. It does sound like your symptoms are anxiety related and it is perfectly normal for an anxiety sufferer to focus on them. As you know yourself the peace of mind of a doctors appointment outweighs the fear of needles. Once again good luck and I hope it goes well.

Take care,