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View Full Version : Dizzy, lightheaded, tense muscles, list goes on.

18-07-17, 10:07
I am new here, but long time lurker, this forum is such a good resource and I am grateful (FishmanPA you really are amazing, relaxed my mind a couple of times) my anxiety, well hope its anxiety has really started to get to me. I have had a rough time recently, my mum passed away in November last year and I have always had anxiety even as a child, but now the symptoms are too much.

I will list my symptoms, it would just be nice to hear views from people that have the same and how they deal with them/dealt with them:

Dizziness, mostly when I am out and about, but sometimes at home.
lightheaded again outside, but can be at home.

tense muscles in the should and neck on one side, pretty much everyday.

feel like I am in a bubble, or my mind can't process what is going on around me.

Fatigue, I will come home and need sleep, I can only rationalise this as me draining myself due to the above conditions and the concentration it takes from not falling over.

feeling of walking on a bouncy castle.


tension headaches.

Feeling disconnected for my friends, not going out enjoying anything, or enjoying my hobbies.

Brain fog, I can't concentrate on anything.

I do have a lymph node in my neck that is the size of a small pea, I can easily feel it without digging round, it moves when I feel it, this is one the same side as my tense neck. I also have a lump if you call it that, in my nose inside at the top it feels hard, not a polyp, but its been there for a year with no change, but it does worry me.

Its been a very stressful time for me, and I know that could be why, I feel ran down, but I have anxiety going to the doctor, as I don't like medical tests, because the outcome might be sinister and it worries me alot. I do realise, that if it was something sinister, then things would be growing and i would be extremely ill now, and I am making going to the doctors such a huge ordeal.

Sorry for the long post, its just I need to unload, I am fed up of hiding my symptoms. :wall:

18-07-17, 10:47
In my opinion, all of those symptoms, apart from the neck node and the nose lump can be down to anxiety Tense shoulder and neck muscles can cause dizziness.

18-07-17, 11:14
In regards to the nose lump, it hasn't grown or changed and I think it could of came about after a really bad cold as I recall that area of my nose being very sore at the time, but this was a year ago. The node, hasn't changed either, but I only noticed it about 10 months ago, its just ashame I am so worried to see the GP, I tried this morning but was told they only had one GP and if my condition was considered an emergency if not then try tomorrow.