View Full Version : Psuedoinsomnia

18-07-17, 13:57
One night I couldnt sleep and only got three hours of sleep. I suddenly started to obsess over wether or not I could ever sleep again. I had a lot of panic and anxiety that day. The next night I went to sleep around 9:15pm and when I woke up it was around 4:30 in the morning. I had gotten a good 7 hours of sleep. However, I really didn't remember sleeping at all! It felt like I had just been laying there thinking or daydreaming. But I "woke up" feeling fine actually. Was this deep sleep? Or could I have developed something like psuedoinsomnia in like two days. If so, I am teriffied it will become a pattern.

18-07-17, 14:19
Someone has been talking to Dr. Google! :doh:

Positive thoughts

18-07-17, 14:33
Yet another "medical term I only know because of this forum" to chalk up...