View Full Version : Worried bout chest pain

anx mum
18-07-17, 15:38
For about 5 days now ive had bad chest pain. I have chronic headaches so dr stopped my propanel and started me on veramipl. since taking the verampil my heart rate was racing all the time felt awful so my gp put me back on propanel. I am in constant pain with chest feels heavy and stabbing I was admitted to hospital Friday evening drs did tests all come bk ok. Dont know what to think anymore:weep:

18-07-17, 16:10
Friday evening drs did tests all come bk ok

This is the important bit.

I don't know anything about your meds, but I've also had my own trip to A&E due to alarming chest pain, and it was nothing more than good ol' anxiety.

anx mum
18-07-17, 22:24
can I ask what was pain like? was it constant? did they do tests?

18-07-17, 22:58
can I ask what was pain like? was it constant? did they do tests?

Yes, and yes.

18-07-17, 23:33
As someone who came back from A&E due to three days of chest pain and scary heart rate. I can certainly agree with axolotl. I had an ECG and a blood test. Came back perfectly fine. Dr said "Try doing my job for a day, now that warrants the kind of stress you think you're under". Fairly true i imagine. But regardless. Anxiety was the cause. It can mess with your chest something fierce.

anx mum
19-07-17, 17:02
Thank u both had chest pain before due to anxiety don't know why this is scaring me so much. What helped u both?

19-07-17, 17:18
Thank u both had chest pain before due to anxiety don't know why this is scaring me so much. What helped u both?

In truth? Believing doctors and starting to ignore it. Eventually it disappeared (and brand new anxiety symptoms arrived, but that's another story...).

anx mum
19-07-17, 17:24
Think cos its my chest that's whats scaring me. I know anxiety can cause pains as ive had them before.

19-07-17, 18:34
Think cos its my chest that's whats scaring me. I know anxiety can cause pains as ive had them before.

You do right to check new pains in the heart area, but this has been checked and you're fine. If doctors thought there was an inkling if anything wrong they would not have hung around.

anx mum
20-07-17, 13:55
Having a really bad today cant cope with this chest pain concerned drs have missed something. Rung ambulance not long ago all my findings were normal. Scared something is going on since Friday had ecg bloodtest chest xray. Cant cope physically or emotinaly:weep:

20-07-17, 14:09
You have ample evidence you have nothing wrong with your heart. Doctors know what they're doing.

Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

anx mum
20-07-17, 16:38
on waiting list for councilling. This is so hard getting horrid pains how do u cope with them?

20-07-17, 23:26
on waiting list for councilling. This is so hard getting horrid pains how do u cope with them?

Remember everyone gets aches and pains, you've been sensible and had it checked out and got the all clear, so as annoying as it is don't worry about them.

I appreciate this is far easier said than done, but it's what to aim for.

Pea Tear Griffin
20-07-17, 23:31
I get a racing heart if I panic myself about something but never get chest pains mine seems to be more in the stomach area.

Most pains you get are muscle related and not actually coming from the heart itself :)