View Full Version : Blood test results

18-07-17, 17:10
I went to dr she said I was ok got a blood test and she said I'm slightly anemic. What's that mean is that bad does it cause or mean cancer? She's giving me vitamins d pills for it and wants to check blood again in two months. She didn't sound concerned but it's scary to think it means anything bad any advice

18-07-17, 18:03
I went to dr she said I was ok got a blood test and she said I'm slightly anemic. What's that mean is that bad does it cause or mean cancer? She's giving me vitamins d pills for it and wants to check blood again in two months. She didn't sound concerned but it's scary to think it means anything bad any advice

It's a very common, especially with women of childbearing age. It just means your blood is a bit low on red blood cells. If you've been feeling a bit tired lately, that could be why. It's not a big deal, especially if your doctor isn't concerned. Take the vitamins and see where things are in a couple of months.

Positive thoughts

18-07-17, 18:49
And try and eat foods that contain iron naturally to keep your stores up - liver I believe is one of the foods with the most iron but there are lots of others.

19-07-17, 02:04
I was wrong the vitamins are for vitamin d she isn't giving me anything for the anemia and wants me back it two weeks. It's making me worried that I need to go back that fast

19-07-17, 03:11
I had low vit D my last checkup. I was given a course of twelve weeks of a vit. D pill (1x a week). I go back in a couple of months to follow up. I feel fine... no biggie. Heck, if i got more sun, I'd probably be fine but with work and such, it's hard to get a lot of sun and it's freakin' hot right now ;)

Positive thoughts

19-07-17, 04:44
Many women get anemic because of our periods. We might have a few long ones with a heavy flow and poof! We're anemic! It's happened to me several times. It's nothing to worry about.

Go eat a steak and some spinach salad ;)