View Full Version : Anxiety, strange taste in mouth, aches and pains, chest pain?

18-07-17, 17:18
Hi everyone, I've been having some strange symptoms lately that are really worrying me. So I'm 16 and my doctor told me I had costochondritis a few years ago, so I have chest pains sometimes that go away on their own. (The first time I had the costochondritis pains, I thought there was something wrong with my heart. I was 12 and I cried so much that my parents took me to the doctor, who told me that it was costochondritis and also talked to me about health anxiety and gave me a book about coping with anxiety.) I still have costochondritis but not very often, and they usually go away pretty quickly, except a few months ago I had them on and off for a few days before they disappeared. I also have shortness of breath but this might be an anxiety issue, I'm not really sure. Generally, it doesn't affect me much, I can exercise and everything but when I get scared I start to freak out about it.

Recently I've been very stressed due to my health anxiety acting up again after that last episode of costochondritis, and for about a week, I've had a strange taste in my mouth (kind of sour or bitter? I don't know how to explain it) that comes and goes and can stay for a while. I also had a sore throat and a burning feeling with the taste in my mouth. It all went away for a couple days, but the taste came back after lunch today. Honestly, I've been obsessing over it ever since I first noticed it. I was drinking tea when I noticed it and (stupidly) I googled it, saw "lung cancer" and freaked out. Ever since then I've been constantly anxious, always thinking about it, and having random panic attacks and crying episodes because of how scared I am. I always "check" for the taste. I can't stop thinking about it.

I've also been experiencing a lot of aches and pains, specifically in my arms and shoulders. My left arm was sore one night (my costochondritis is also on my left side, if there could be a connection there) and of course I freaked out about it and started getting anxious about it. Since then I've been stressed about that too. I've had some soreness in my right arm also, and at some points I've woken up feeling sore in my back or shoulders or neck, but it doesn't stay. The arm pain is stressing me out and when I'm anxious, it gets worse. I've also gotten random chest pain that doesn't feel like the costochondritis pain–when I breathe in, it feels like there's pressure or something. All of this started when I got that strange taste in my mouth. Since then I've been constantly anxious and scared. I also have OCD, which makes my anxiety much worse and literally always on my mind.

Honestly, I have horrible anxiety issues, so I'm not sure what is caused by anxiety and what isn't but I think my anxiety and stress might be making my symptoms worse or even causing some of them. I'm terrified that there's something seriously wrong with me, and I don't know what it could be. Since all of this started when I was very stressed, I think it could be anxiety related but I'm not sure and it's making me worry constantly. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

Also, I've mentioned this to me parents and since they know I'm a hypochondriac, they tell me that I'm fine and that I'm just anxious. I even went to get a health check last week (blood pressure test, blood taken, chest x-ray, ekg) but the results won't come back for a couple weeks. I told the doctor about my concerns with my chest pain and the strange taste in my mouth (the aches and pains came after I saw the doctor) and he didn't seem concerned, but since it was just a health check and not an appointment for consultation, he told me that if I was worried then I could come back and see someone about it again.

I guess I just want advice... can anyone relate to this? My anxiety is really hurting me. I'm so exhausted and I can't think about anything else. I don't know what to do.