View Full Version : Having a panic attack !! Please help !!!

18-07-17, 20:07
Haven.t been here i a while, had a good couple of months til right now !!!

Took my kid to the fare and a gipsy woman (probably loaded with all sorts of diseases) put a parrot from her hand on my kid's hand !!! I'm freaking out the parrot might have scratched him (skin seems to be ok) and given him something bad like hiv or hcv...could it be that easy to catch??? I'm thinking of fresh infected blood on the parrots nails.i tried a towellette oh his hand about 10 mins after it happend, don.t think it helped

Please tell me what to do, i can.t think strait, so afraid...

Catherine S
18-07-17, 20:19
It's a bit rude to assume the woman was loaded with disease...why say something nasty like that? Also I've never heard of anybody getting HIV from a parrot. Your son's skin wasn't even scratched. Reading all your previous threads you seem to end each one with "please help please help". How exactly do you want people to help with this?

18-07-17, 20:29
You are right i.m sorry, reading it now, all sounded racist, i apologise, i went blank with fear, crippled by the thought she might have something bad...sorry...he does have a little scratch not sure now if it's from the parrot...

I don.t judge ppl for their appearence, them being rich or poor, i.m not racist.sorry for leaving you with that impression...

18-07-17, 20:34
The help that you seek is inside of you... of course in the end it is you that will help yourself right? Perhaps it may help to focus on now... not before.

Catherine S
18-07-17, 20:35
Thank you for your apology. I do know what health anxiety can do to people, it can at the very least make people think only of themselves and their fears, it can definately change who we are and turn us into someone we hardly recognise.

You say you were doing well before this happened, that's really positive. Sometimes it doesn't take much for us to slip back into old habits. I'm sure you will recover from this blip too. Your son will be fine.

Take care.

18-07-17, 20:36
What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

18-07-17, 21:12
I can.t stop crying really, it.s hard to stop thinking about what could happen...there is no visible blood on the scratch...my bp is high, i.m breathless, i.m a mess over something that might not happen.she might not have hiv or hep c or it might no be transmitted like this...i help others with their anxieties but i can.t really help myself it.s frustrating...

I.ve been fine for a while, no meds, just focusing on my family and work and helping others...but this really broke me

I guess i.m asking what are the chances he would catch something from this scratch

18-07-17, 21:54
With respect,

She works at a fair were hundreds if not thousands of people handle the bird and interact with it's handler. I know you're in the midst of a panic attack but the irrationality and prejudicial bias as previously mentioned is astounding. Do you realize that your mind has given him a scratch when you originally said he wasn't scratched? (the parrot might have scratched him (skin seems to be ok) ) It would be prudent to look into some real life help with this.

I hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts