View Full Version : Overcome with anxiety

18-07-17, 20:30
I am absolutely over come with anxiety and it's not at a manageable level. I'm due to fly out to California tomorrow with my girls (8 & 5) for a 6 week holiday to visit my parents. It's my own fault, I found a small mark on the palm of my hand a few weeks ago (like 2 tan coloured lines in the groves) , and a first for me dismissed it. It's still there and the health anxiety part of my brain is telling me something awful will happen if I leave it! Then I started to poke all over and found a tiny pin prick sized (maybe 2 pin pricks If I'm being fussy) mark the sole of my foot. The logical part of my brain tells me I probably trod on something as I've spent my days of late walking around bare foot in and out of the garden, the other part of my brain tells me it's the beginning of the rarest form of melanoma. I'm fully covered by travel insurance but I'm just scared about going away and being taunted by these things the entire time.

I just needed to vent. My husband is coming with us for the first 10 days and he's had enough of me going on about it all already and has basically said I've ruined the holiday already and he doesn't even feel like going.

I know I need to address my anxiety and I will do when I get back, but I really need to be able to keep a lid on it in the meantime and make a memorable holiday for my girls.

I've added photos, not expecting diagnosis obviously.