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View Full Version : Lymphoma fears, even worse!!

18-07-17, 23:33
Last week I got a pretty bad cold, I had green/yellow mucus. Along with that, the left side of my neck had swollen overnight. Now, today, the right side has swollen, like overnight. The nodes aren't hard, my mucus is mostly clear now and I'm producing little of it, although my nose has stayed consistently stuffed. Yesterday, I saw an ENT specialist who wasn't even worried about it when he felt it, it said it was drainage from like a sore throat. Which, for me, seems to come and go. I'm starting to anticipate cancer and give up hope. My parents don't even seem to care all that much. There's also a consistent (mostly clear) mucus in my throat and chest? Any ideas? Does lymphoma behave like this? Thanks.

P.S. My mucus is very sticky does that mean anything?

19-07-17, 01:20
No it doesn't.... the swelling in your lymph nodes are consistent with your sore throat and your cold like symptoms....

Worry when there is NO cause found for swolle nodes, worry when your white count is LOW, worry when you have severe fatigue, worry when you have drenching night sweats, worry when you have raging fevers without infection, worry when you have unexplained weightloss, worry when your nodes are 2 or 3cm and are for the most part hard and don't move.

I can tell you ever single symptom of lymphoma and reassure you 100 times how unlikely it is that you have it at this time but it won't ease your fears. Trust in the Dr you saw and if you don't feel convinced and you have to hear it again to be at ease, then get a 2nd opinion.

All your symptoms are in line with being sick not lymphoma. I wish there was something I could do to ease your fears but there isn't. I advise you to go to your GP and let him/her know your fears and how anxious you are about them. Anxiety can be treated with therapy, meds or a combination of the 2.

I don't know how long you have suffered anxiety but if your new to health anxiety, you need help managing it now. Health anxiety is relentless. Once you have been reassured enough times that you don't have lymphoma, you will move on to symptoms of some other deadly disease and this will go on and on. Every time you exhaust all testing for whatever you think you have at the time, you will finally accept you don't have it and move on to something else. No bueno. I'm sure there are loads of people on here who can back up every word I have just said.