View Full Version : Adult separation anxiety panic?

19-07-17, 04:47
Hello. Just a short BG on me. Female 28, diagnosed with panic disorder about 3-4 years ago after 8minths of chest and esophagus pain, TONS of tests before they ever diagnosed me with anxiety for some reason.. had lost 20lbs I couldn't afford to loose.

Long story short is I crawled out of that hole after about a year. At the time my anxiety appeared my long term boyfriend moved a few hours away (now husband.) well my anxiety subsided once things settled down and I knew he was coming back in a year, we have been married 2 years now and he had to go out of town for an extended period of time (month and a half) he is still gone a few more weeks.

Once he left I felt I was doing good until we got a cancer diagnosis of my father in law. This triggered me into a anxietyrelapse with my good friends racing thoughts, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, chest pain, chest heaviness, Ibs... anyway once again my anxiety has come back when I am alone.

A few people have suggested it sounds like separation anxiety. We have a healthy relationship and not worried of anything typical just more so of loosing him forever. I work an 8-5 but we spend every afternoon together so not sure if the drastic schedule change of being alone did it.

My symptoms last all day on and off and only thing that seems to help is taking my klinozopam. I also have been on 75mg sertraline since they diagnosed me and really wanted off then BOOM. Back...

The last week or so I have felt mostly normal mentally, no more racing thoughts, but my body seems to be stuck in this fight or flight mode. Does anyone have advice? I'm in therapy again, 3rd apt tomorrow, and started yoga but dangggg anxiety is no joke.

I fear loosing my true love one day to death and tragedy and struggle enjoying things without him when he's gone because he's my best friend, he's my heart.. we've been together now most of our short young adult life, 7 years.. anyway not sure my question just venting ready to feel like myself again

20-07-17, 18:32
I think forms of separation anxiety happen in all of us, it's just the levels which differ. I hope you get some aid from your therapy, and make sure that your husband is aware of what you are feeling.

Maybe he can help you feel better when you are alone?

20-07-17, 18:43
Oh I know exactly where you're coming from! My fiance and I have been together for 8 years now. He works out of town so hes only home on the weekends. When he's home my anxiety isn't so bad because he helps keep my mind off of things. But it can get pretty bad during the week.

I tell myself sometimes if I didnt love him so much my anxiety might not be so bad. But just the thought of ever having to be without him literally makes me sick to my stomach.

I've been trying to work on my anxiety, and I guess that's all we can really do. Hope you start feeling better! :)

20-08-17, 11:54
AT LAST! I thought that I was the only person in the world cursed with this dreadful disorder! I am a 64 years old father, a grandfather and husband of 37 years and yet the prospect of my wife going out for the evening in a couple of weeks time has reduced me to a quivering jelly! My life has been like this for as long as I can remember and, despite endless talking therapies and different medications, I remain totally at the mercy of this hellish condition.