View Full Version : Lon lasting lymphnode behind ear---GO DOWN

19-07-17, 08:18
I have had a small lymph node behind my right ear for over 2 years now. I went to get it check a few months ago and the doctor said it's nothing to worry about and just ignore it. It is just under the skin and small. I can easily move it around a lot. I just want it to go away as none of my friends have it. The anxiety of other people seeing it is what scares me. Someone just tell me how to get it to go away! I won't be at peace with it until it is 100% invisible! I'm never sick, never had health problems, the "cancer" thoughts and stuff never bothered me besides when I first found out about it, but when people see it they will say stuff! It is not normallllll lol

19-07-17, 13:08
I have news for you... ALL your friends have lymph nodes and there's no way to ever get them to go away. You have 400-600 nodes in you body. They're the "sewer system" so to speak and help filter out nasties. Get used to that fact.

Positive thoughts

19-07-17, 14:49
I feel my lymph nodes behind ear, below jaw, in my groin, everywhere.
I went to multiple doctors and they said it is normal. It was over 2 years ago and my lymph nodes are still there.
My advice is to just check it like once a month and if it doesn't grow or change, then you are fine.

19-07-17, 22:02
Yes, I know we all have them, but none of my friends have them sticking out behind a ear, and none of them even know that a "lymph node" exists. I have seen 2 people with it, but i am not friends with them and barely see them.

20-07-17, 02:19
If the people you hang around with have the audacity to comment on it in a rude manner, you clearly need to pick some better friends..

The fact that they dont even know what nodes are tells you all you need to know about their intelligence lol

20-07-17, 03:28
Yeah lol when I noticed it I was in school my friends pointed it out and were just like what is that ew lol and I didn't really care at the time they didn't like make fun of it nah they're not like that it's just people don't have it lol. But people looking at it is just not a good feeling. I'm not sick there's nothing wrong with me cant it just go away?

20-07-17, 03:41
You may have had an infection either viral or bacterial, or even irritation in that area that you weren't even that much aware of, and the node did its job, and as a result it's just a shotty node, meaning it can permanently be "enlarged". You may just be stuck with it. I guess you could see about having it surgically removed, although I don't know if any doctor in their right mind who would do that. I had a head and chest cold back in April and I can still feel a node on the left side of my neck.

20-07-17, 03:51
Get a tattoo over it :wink:

21-07-17, 02:07
Lol having it removed will just leave me with a huge scar, and I don't want to look like a gangster with tattoos on my head haha. I just hate that whenever I'm walking around I have to like turn my head away or something in a way that nobody sees it sticking out.

21-07-17, 02:21
I really think you're stressing it too much. People probably don't even notice it as much as you think they do