View Full Version : Need a good kick up the Arse.. 🙈

19-07-17, 09:33
Apologies if this is abit of a long post. I find myself I have gone backwards. I'm worrying about literally everything all day every day. I get a sense of dread when I have to go out and I've now limited where I go to literally the shop or the school run. When I do go out I can't wait to get home. I'm so fed up with it. I go on holiday on Friday and have a 2 hour plus drive and I'm dreading it. I feel so drained. I just want to go back to how I was a few weeks ago, although anxiety has always been apart of me the panic is well and truly taking over now. Has anywone ever had this? I must add I've been put on 80mg slow release propranolol and I'm already on 20mg fluoxetine. If I'm not worrying about a tight chest and not being able to breathe I'm worrying because I'm too tired or my arms and legs feel weak or my throat is tight it's just a viscous circle. At night I think right tomorrow I'm going out I'm doing this or that and feel so positive about it then the morning comes and I just put it off and make excuses. I've been signed off work for 2 weeks also. All replies appreciated il try not to keep posting xx

19-07-17, 10:42
I know how you feel. I wish a kick up the bum would sort this I'm currently on a spiral and finding it really hard just to get through each day without giving up. Your not the only one and I hope things get better for you soon :)

Bike Rider
19-07-17, 10:57
How long have you been on Fluoxetine. I have similar issues and believe that its the Fluox (I am on 40mg) which takes about 3 months to sort itself out and settle, so give it more time if you are just starting on it.

When I started on it at 20mg, the same thing happened and then after 3 months I became more active and alert. Now that I have had to increase my dose, the same appears to be happening which I believe is normal, whilst things re-adjust.

19-07-17, 12:37
Well I was on 10mg and I've had it upped to 20mg. And I've been put back on propranolol. Just wish I could find the off switch. Like I really want to go out but when it comes to it I think oh il just stay here because I start to feel like I'm. It real and the. Go all shaky and throats goes tight and so on. Xx

Bike Rider
20-07-17, 19:15
Prop is good for anxiety, but I found it takes 90 mins to get going.

You are just the same as me and how I felt, but now some 2 months on my increase I am slowly starting to do more and get some enthusiasm back.

Stick with it, you will be fine in a few weeks. xx