View Full Version : Well, great.

19-07-17, 20:35
So I went to my GP earlier today bc I've been feeling a little run down. I figured she would want to talk about changing my meds.. nope. Instead she wants me to do a CBC, which I scheduled for 8am tomorrow. And will have to wait until Friday for results.

Then she asks me how my breast was (i was complaining about pain last time I seen her) she told me the pain could be from fibro-something that was very common in young women. SOOO she decides to feel my breast and is like "hmm how long has this been here?" WHAAAT?

She tells me theres a lump in there thats pretty hard and she would definitely have that checked out. Like really? I was doing so well and now I just feel like crap. So they should be calling next week to schedule the ultrasound, so I'll be playing the waiting game until then.

At least I'll have my blood results by Friday..

19-07-17, 20:38
So I went to my GP earlier today bc I've been feeling a little run down. I figured she would want to talk about changing my meds.. nope. Instead she wants me to do a CBC, which I scheduled for 8am tomorrow. And will have to wait until Friday for results.

Then she asks me how my breast was (i was complaining about pain last time I seen her) she told me the pain could be from fibro-something that was very common in young women. SOOO she decides to feel my breast and is like "hmm how long has this been here?" WHAAAT?

She tells me theres a lump in there thats pretty hard and she would definitely have that checked out. Like really? I was doing so well and now I just feel like crap. So they should be calling next week to schedule the ultrasound, so I'll be playing the waiting game until then.

At least I'll have my blood results by Friday..Hey at least she may have just saved your life... could be nothing or it could be something. You should feel happy she checked.

I wouldn't blame you for feel down and anxious about it, but at least you will be checked for something that could be serious.

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19-07-17, 20:45
I feel for you - my anxiety would be off the richter in your situation...BUT just try and stay positive. Ask yourself what the chances are of the results being something unthinkable - the odds are well and truly in your favour. I'm pretty sure there's statistics to show the likelihood of something really bad are very small. I'm always tempted to look these statistics up myself, but I'm not allowed to google anything health related lol GPs tend to play it on the safe side and order tests just to check - the full CBC might be just because of the concerns you raised last time which is why she also asked about the symptoms you spoke of when you saw her last. She may just be covering all bases and doing her job. As for the lump, there are lots of reasons why you may have a lump and they aren't all really bad or dangerous. Just try to stay positive and use some good distraction techniques in the meantime. I'll check back to see how you went.

19-07-17, 20:58
Thank you both! This HA is just exhausting, if its not one thing its another lol! I do appreciate the fact that she's covering her bases and being thorough.

Im trying to be positive, when all I want to do is sleep until my ultrasound date. I did have an ultrasound of that same breast last year so if its something sinister it hasnt been there long. And I have no other symptoms. No itching/redness, no swollen nodes, really nothing other than the pea sized lump.

Better to be safe than sorry I guess

19-07-17, 21:04
Just keep your spirits up until the day. Keep yourself distracted.

Hope it isn't anything to worry about, and hope you get over this. There will always be something to worry about when it comes to health anxiety. I'm no saint I freak out at stupid stuff. Love searching Dr Google but I've got over thinking everything is the worst. I just search to get a better idea of what it possibly may be then look at what anxiety can do to the body.

I firmly believe anxiety is worse than anything anyone can get because it's a never ending cycle.

Again, hope it all goes well. Try not to worry too much. You should be fine [emoji4]

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19-07-17, 22:48
Just wanted to say I've had a fibroadenoma (which I think ur gp was referring to) since I was 12. Really common and completely benign but unfortunately they do feel quite scary because they're hard and round. Can u move the lump around at all?
Also I think from reading ur posts ur doing really gud at keeping a hold on things! Honestly the chances of it being nething worrying are so small.

19-07-17, 23:16
Just wanted to say I've had a fibroadenoma (which I think ur gp was referring to) since I was 12. Really common and completely benign but unfortunately they do feel quite scary because they're hard and round. Can u move the lump around at all?
Also I think from reading ur posts ur doing really gud at keeping a hold on things! Honestly the chances of it being nething worrying are so small.

Yes!! Fibroadenoma is what she said! I had a lump last year that turned out to be the same thing. This one is a lot harder than the one from last year. As far as it being moveable I'm not sure. Ive never been good at answering that lol. I could honestly say yes and no. But she said shes going to have them do an ultrasound of both just to ease my mind, so I'm definitely looking forward to that :)

20-07-17, 02:23
Just sounds like a good GP to me. But obviously, it's a trigger situation.

What you have to remember is that breast units are very very busy. And a lot of this is because women are prone to having lumps in them and doctors always play it cautiously with lumps.

If you were sitting being examined by a consultant you would probably find they would find it and say "oh, it's probably just a blah blah blah" and "but obviously we'll check to be certain".

Things like cysts are also very common all over the body.

How you deal with the trigger, the test and all the waiting time is important for your anxiety. Make this your focus of your action at this time. The odds are in your favour that this lump is nothing.

20-07-17, 02:27
Just sounds like a good GP to me. But obviously, it's a trigger situation.

What you have to remember is that breast units are very very busy. And a lot of this is because women are prone to having lumps in them and doctors always play it cautiously with lumps.

If you were sitting being examined by a consultant you would probably find they would find it and say "oh, it's probably just a blah blah blah" and "but obviously we'll check to be certain".

Things like cysts are also very common all over the body.

How you deal with the trigger, the test and all the waiting time is important for your anxiety. Make this your focus of your action at this time. The odds are in your favour that this lump is nothing.

You're right Terry! The waiting is the absolute worst part but I have an awesome support system that get me through everything!

Im very thankful my GP is covering the basis, I'm sure its no big deal. But unfortunately won't be able to convince myself of that 100% until my appt.

Positive vibes until then :)

20-07-17, 03:52

At least whatever it has been noticed by your GP, and if it turns out to be something undesirable then it'll be easily cured, honestly nowadays it's a piece of cake, so in the mean time I'd just relax. Odds are it's nothing.

25-07-17, 15:43
Just a quick update..

My GP just called and all of my blood work came back normal. Other than my blood sugar which was only very slightly elevated at 101, the range goes to 99. So they're not really concerned with that.

Still waiting on the call for my breast ultrasound, hoping they call soon! :)

26-07-17, 16:17
Well they called! My ultrasound is scheduled for this coming monday. Im so relieved to finally have a date, just ready to get it over with..

26-07-17, 16:42
As much as it knocked you back a bit, good doctors practice CYA (cover your arse) medicine. AND... the fact that they got you in so fast helps in that you're not dwelling on it and giving your anxiety a chance to really mess with you. I'm quite sure all will be well and have a "Told ya so!" all ready ;)

Positive thoughts

26-07-17, 21:53
I totally understand why your anxiety is through the roof but it is highly likely to be nothing of any significance and if it was it can be sorted. Please try and stay calm. Will be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on and message whenever you want. People on here understand.
I was sent to the breast clinic last year. I had gone for a well woman check. the consultant found a lump but wouldn't let me have the mammogram that was booked half an hour later because it was a 'Well woman' clinic and I clearly had a problem. I went into complete meltdown ( and still don't understand the logic). I went the following week and it was nothing at all. Just lumpy.

26-07-17, 22:36
Thank y'all for the replies! I feel okay about the appt and I keep telling myself not to worry until they give me a reason to.

This isn't my first rodeo btw. Had an ultrasound ladt year, same side. Ended up having to do a punch biopsy but it was fine. I will admit this place is a lot more hard than the other, but lumps can come in all forms and that's keeping me sane.

I'll be sure to update the thread as I figure things out! ♡♡♡

31-07-17, 04:56
Well tomorrow is my appt, and I'm starting to get a little more nervous. Trying not to think much about it, and I've been through this before and my biopsy came back benign.

I'm hoping that it's just a cyst and it doesn't even need a biopsy this time. Positive thoughts my way would be appreciated :)

31-07-17, 05:11
If I wish positive thoughts to another woman's breasts I might find myself in the doghouse :winks:

I hope it all goes well and you find it doesn't create too much anxiety. They will certainly be used to nervous patients and nurses are very good at talking to you to keep you calm so don't be afraid to ask for their support.

The odds are easily on your side.

31-07-17, 05:36
If I wish positive thoughts to another woman's breasts I might find myself in the doghouse :winks:

Ha! I literally laughed out loud with that one! :roflmao:

Thank you for the reply Terry, it is very much appreciated. The nurses at my last visit did make me feel very comfortable, and I'm hoping the ones tomorrow have the same bed side manner :)

31-07-17, 20:59
Just got home from my ultrasound, and it went really well! He said that its probably a duct or epidermal cyst. He said that it doesn't have blood flow so that's good! Didn't see any reason to do a biopsy :)

I definitely feel relieved, thank you for all the positive thoughts :)

31-07-17, 21:04
Awesome! Pleased to hear this. :)

What's your next step, anxiety-wise?

31-07-17, 21:17
I'm on meds for my anxiety, and they have definitely helped. But this wasnt related to my anxiety. My gp referred my on her own, thats why I was worried. She found the lump, not me lol.

31-07-17, 22:24
No, I know. I just thought I'd ask. :)

01-08-17, 02:13
Great news! :yesyes::yahoo:

Use it as a learning experience for your recovery so that you handle such situations better in the future, not that you didn't handle this one well from what I can see anyway.