View Full Version : Impending heart attack?

19-07-17, 22:04
I'm a 30 year-old slightly overweight female with a history of heart disease in my family. All my posts here have been cardio related. I was put on Propranolol last year to treat tachycardia. Last year, I had two EKGs, both normal. Never had an issue with blood work. Had a normal echocardiogram about 10 years ago.

My heart palpitations have been out of control for a few weeks now. I mean, racing up to 100+, especially after eating or close to bedtime. I'm also experiencing lots of fatigue, not sleeping well, heavy/weak feeling arms, upper back/chest pain, and some major bouts of nausea. Of course, Google tells me this means an impending heart attack and I'm starting to believe it. My next cardio appointment is the end of August. Should I risk waiting or try to get in sooner?

20-07-17, 10:57
I have some heart issues - leaky mitral & tricuspid valves & I worry & have HA. See cardio after having an echo which picked these things up v soon. I didn't think that 100 was a racing heart ? My resting pulse is generally low 60's but can shoot up to 100 + just after eating or just standing up & walking a few paces. I have read that a resting pulse is between 70 & 100. Mine was 50 the other night when I woke in bed !!

20-07-17, 16:19
I guess what worries me is all the other aches and pains, and feeling so damn tired. I didn't think my heart rate would get up to 100 anymore being on the beta blocker but I guess I was wrong. Do you have any other symptoms?

anx mum
20-07-17, 18:07
I'm worried too about heart I stopped taking propanel and my heart went up to over 100 I could feel my heart racing was put back on propanel pulse bk to normal but now got chest pain. Ive had recent ecgs but they have been normal

bin tenn
20-07-17, 23:22
I guess what worries me is all the other aches and pains, and feeling so damn tired. I didn't think my heart rate would get up to 100 anymore being on the beta blocker but I guess I was wrong. Do you have any other symptoms?

Ha! I kind of thought the same. But I've been on a beta blocker for two years. Heart rate can definitely still get up there. It's no problem; the heart is doing what it's supposed to, and it's healthy. Be thankful for that. :D

Pea Tear Griffin
20-07-17, 23:29
Your heart sounds fine & if it was a heart attack you would know.

The pains are probably just from your musles getting tight from the stress it will ease up.

My heart rate is about 73Bpm during rest then when standing from a lying down position it can be 110Bpm and after a min or two it goes down to around 83Bpm when walking around.

Your heart will vary constantly :)

21-07-17, 14:04
I'm a 30 year-old slightly overweight female with a history of heart disease in my family. All my posts here have been cardio related. I was put on Propranolol last year to treat tachycardia. Last year, I had two EKGs, both normal. Never had an issue with blood work. Had a normal echocardiogram about 10 years ago.

My heart palpitations have been out of control for a few weeks now. I mean, racing up to 100+, especially after eating or close to bedtime. I'm also experiencing lots of fatigue, not sleeping well, heavy/weak feeling arms, upper back/chest pain, and some major bouts of nausea. Of course, Google tells me this means an impending heart attack and I'm starting to believe it. My next cardio appointment is the end of August. Should I risk waiting or try to get in sooner?

Not a doctor, but you're quite young overall. I think the best thing to do would be preventative in nature, then. You say that you're slightly overweight, so why not lose weight? Exercise is beneficial for heart health, as it losing excess weight that makes your body work harder on a normal basis for fundamental life processes.

I know someone that had a heart attack years and years ago. He's older (late 40's, I think). He works out frequently now and takes Fish Oil and Coenzyme Q10 for heart health. Maybe see if those supplements would be of benefit to you via your doctor.

23-07-17, 03:44
Thank you all for the responses. Today, my left side feels heavy and tired. On and off. Right now my whole left side feels asleep. I'm freaking out.

25-07-17, 15:36
Okay, I'm experiencing all the limb heaviness again. My arms feel so heavy it's hard to lift them. My legs feel sore, especially when standing for a period of time or bending over. My heart races with the slightest movement. And my neck/upper back feels extremely tight, between my shoulder blades. I was experiencing all this back in March and it went away. I'm going through some very stressful things right now in my personal life. I'm hoping this is just tense muscles. Thoughts?

25-07-17, 15:43
I would say anxiety on this one.
I've been feeling like this since late May so almost two months now. All the symptoms you described and as you can see I am still alive and didn't have a heart attack!
Also I have to tell you that once my anxiety was REALLY bad and out of the blue that they took me to the hospital because my heart wouldnt stop pounding I couldn't even sleep. They monitored me all night and finally concluded that it is in fact just anxiety. And with that my palpitations? Gone suddenly.
So I've been having this thing you are describing for almost two months constantly, almost every day and so far it wasnt a heart attack.
So rest and stay calm because you had EKGs and they came out clean so your symptoms are most likely just an anxious mind.

25-07-17, 15:46
My most recent EKG was last July, so it has been a full year. I've had a check-up with my GP though, just a few months back, and she listened to my heart which sounded fine and my blood pressure was great. Could anything major have gone wrong in a year? I'm concerned that since the EKG is a year old something new could be going on.

It's so nice and comforting to talk to someone experiencing the same symptoms. Hang in there!

25-07-17, 15:52
I totally understand, my last EKG was maybe over a year too. Maybe two years I don't recall but definitely a while ago.
And there was this time I felt sudden palpitations, pain in my left side and jaw, nausea, numbness in my hands and then it just went away, didn't come back since. That was maybe a week ago or so.
And ever since I just feel this pressure and pain in my shoulders as if I've been digging or working all day, and today in fact I went to my doc and he just said its all stress and tension.
So if it was warning signs for heart attack they would be more severe and the wouldn't linger for long. I know a lot of stories on the internet say they might "warn" you but in fact that all happens rather quickly. When people are really sick they don't get better they get progressively worse and once they start getting better they don't get worse again.

26-02-18, 16:58
If you read back over my past posts, you'll see my heart is my constant worry. I've been doing great with my anxiety recently, until this past week. I've decided to get back into shape and lose some weight, so I've changed my diet a bit, I'm eliminating nearly all caffeine, and I'm doing the Couch to 5K program on my treadmill.

The past several days, my chest has been feeling tight, with a lot of tiredness/weakness (?) in my upper arms. They feel heavy and overworked. I'm also feeling a lot of pressure in my head. I'm yawning more than usual, and struggling to get full, deep breaths.

The small, logical part of my brain is telling me this could be because of crazy weather fluctuations, and my body adjusting to diet changes and increased activity. And I'm trying to remind myself that my physical last fall was great, including an EKG. My 24 hour monitor test from last fall also showed no major issues, and I'm on a beta blocker.

Of course, the other part of my brain, which is taking over, is telling me I'm going to drop dead of a heart attack any minute or these issues are warning signs of some major damage that has happened between fall and now.

Thoughts? Should I try to get in to see my doctor? She's been encouraging weight loss for a bit now and hasn't shared any concerns with me about cardio.

26-02-18, 17:14

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

26-02-18, 21:45
It could also be a side effect of your medication. You might want to talk to your doctor just to make sure the dose doesn't need adjusting. On a side note, since you have a family history of heart issues, have you looked into the engine 2 diet? It has helped numerous people get off their heart medications.