View Full Version : Never asked before,could really do with some words and hugs.

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20-07-17, 00:03
Hope your all ok and getting through this crappy illness!

I've not been around for 3 or 4 months for many reasons, and if you don't mind listening this is why. In February my best mate took his own life completely out of the blue. He was in his late 50s, retired at 50, loads of money, house in the country etc. I was racked with guilt as the last time I saw him he wasn't himself and I wished I had delved deeper.

My health and no I don't suffer from health anxiety. I started to feel unwell in October16. In January I developed a pain in my right side which I thought I had pulled a muscle. In the first week of march I developed a severe pain in my left shoulder , nausea and cold sweats, so I took myself off to my gp. He prescribed omeprazole and a sickness tablet. I wasn't to impressed as I thought this was treating the symptoms rather than finding the cause. Since then i've probably been to my gp every 2/3 weeks and said I'm really not feeling well at all. At the end of April my gp finally ordered loads of blood tests and an ultrasound of my gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas that all came back normal. In May my gp weighed me and I was about 19 stone and at the time my alarm bells started ringing as I knew I was around 22 stone at Christmas time. In June I started feeling light headed on top of all my other persistent symptoms, so I went back to my gp and was weighed again, and now weighed 18.7 stone, so my gp referred me to see a gastroenterologist. I went back to my gp 3 weeks later and weighed again I'd lost another 1 1/2 stone in 3 weeks!!! The look of panic on my gp's face was scary, he ordered lots of blood tests including 2 tumour markers, that all came back normal. He changed my gastroenterologist referral to the fast track 2 week maximum wait. I had the appointment within a week and waited 17 days for a CT scan with iv contrast, which I had Monday. No results yet:ohmy:

Can anybody help.

How accurate are tumour marker blood tests?

How accurate are contrast CT scans?

I asked my gp why I haven't had a poop or urine sample test and he looked at me like an idiot. Surely you can tell a lot from this?

I've never felt so ill with such persistent symptoms! Can you loose this much weight this fast and it not be CANCER:shrug:

20-07-17, 07:46
Hi Matt,

I' really sorry to hear about your best mate. :hugs: I don't think anyone would doubt you would have been all over it if you had any idea of how bad he felt. And these things can spiral quickly too. You mustn't feel guilty about yourself, even experts can miss how patients feel because we tend to be good at hiding things. Sometimes a person can be feeling depressed and then one event or piece of news tips them over into taking action and it's hard for anyone to be able to stop that.

You're a big guy. Is that a muscular 22 stone? I'm guessing not (sorry mate!) and assuming you have some weight to lose anyway and it's always much quicker at the beginning. Bereavement is a known reason to lose weight and you've had an awful event months before you had your first weigh in. Maybe some of it was that? Have you been eating as normal?

The weight loss seems to have slowed down if by 18.7 you don't mean 18 1/2 stone? If you had cancer, and it was causing weight loss, I'm not sure it would slow down like that, and if you still have a fair bit of weight to lose I would have thought it would continue? I know in my GF's mum's case it dropped off her dramatically and she was well underweight within months.

A lot of bodyweight is water. When people diet, it's this they lose dramatically at first. My bodyweight fluctuates across the day and by pounds over the week. Have you had any bloating that has gone? You've lost a fair bit in the latest one and it would seem unusual for a stop start type of loss to me. Depending on when weight is taken, proximity of meals, etc readings can be up or down and a few pounds can be out due to this alone. This is why consistency is key with readings.

This GP has obviously been messing around throwing pills at you rather than trying to find out what the issue is. But weight loss has various possibilities, not just cancer. There could be some gastro reasons for it and you've been referred to one for a reason. It could be a thyroid issue?

CT scans will be accurate. If they spot something and they can't determine what it is, they head for the next test until they know.

I don't know about tumour marker tests but given what they are for, you would expect them to be very accurate or to at least trigger something to say it can't be determined in order to trigger follow up?

20-07-17, 13:42
I am very sorry to hear about your friend :hugs:

20-07-17, 16:51
Sorry to hear about you friend BikerMatt. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I hope you have the test results soon, hopefully get some answers then.

Catherine S
20-07-17, 18:50
Matt, some bacterial infections can cause alot of your symptoms including unexplained weight loss. The parasite bacteria known as helicobactor pylori or h-pylori is one such culprit and more common than you might think and is often the cause of duodenal ulcers. Unfortunately if your GP wasn't thinking about something like h-pylori he may not have tested for it...but did the gastroenterologist test for it Do you know? As others have said, there can be loads of reasons without jumping to cancer.

So sad about your friend, but I don't think you could've helped him Matt, people who want this way out very seldom talk about it. Your body could be reacting to your feelings of guilt and your grief. As you know from people here how much our minds can affect how we are physically. Good luck with the results anyway.

Take care

21-07-17, 01:40
Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply, it's really appreciated :hugs: I'm a crap and slow typist, so will give more of a response tomorrow.

06-08-17, 23:53
Thanks Terry, Bee, Magic and Catherine :bighug1:

My mate was such a nice fella, just one of those that was easy to talk to. He never knew about my anxiety so I guess I shouldn't feel guilty about the way he must of been feeling and not knowing.

Catherine, I've had so many blood tests, I presume I've been tested for h-pylori. The gastroenterologist certainly didn't he just ordered the CT scan.

Terry, Yes I went from about 22 stone before Christmas. GP weighed me for the first time in May and I was 19 stone then Start of June 18 1/2 stone then three weeks later 17 stone:scared15: that was about six weeks ago and I'm now 16 stone:scared15: Yes I've changed my diet due to my stomach pains and other symptoms but still eating plenty just better.

Oh and no not fat just 6ft 6 with a bit of a gut:D That's disappearing fast:D
Still at least I can treat myself to some nice new and shinny bike leathers when I feel well enough to ride again and stop losing weight, as my current ones will be a bit baggy.

Annoyed at the hospital, had my CT scan 3 weeks ago, phoned the gastroenterologist department 3 days after and they'd had my results back from the radiologist but the secretary isn't allowed to tell me and was told I have to wait for the gastroenterologist to write to me. How pathetic and disgusting when you've got people waiting and worrying if they have anything sinister! It's a joke!

07-08-17, 08:23
I know it's really frustrating and very annoying but the fact that you haven't heard anything from your consultant is very good news as he or she wouldn't hang around if there was anything urgent to treat.
You still need to know though and I hope you don't have to wait too long for that letter-it's holiday season though so the bigwigs are probably all off on their luxury yachts somewhere..!!

Losing your good friend like that must have been truly shocking and not something you get over quickly. No way that you could have predicted or stopped it though, sadly.

09-08-17, 23:02

10-08-17, 23:54
I know it's really frustrating and very annoying but the fact that you haven't heard anything from your consultant is very good news as he or she wouldn't hang around if there was anything urgent to treat.
You still need to know though and I hope you don't have to wait too long for that letter-it's holiday season though so the bigwigs are probably all off on their luxury yachts somewhere..!!

Losing your good friend like that must have been truly shocking and not something you get over quickly. No way that you could have predicted or stopped it though, sadly.

Thanks Pulisa. I've had my results letter yesterday morning and all normal. A little peeved though the letter was dated 27th July and through my letterbox 9th August.

I got carted off to hospital via ambulance in the early hours of 9th before the ct results letter arrived. I was assessed by the stroke team, ecg's, blood tests and I'm now being urgently referred to see a vascular surgeon. Nightmare:doh:

---------- Post added at 23:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:58 ----------


Thanks :hugs:

11-08-17, 01:19
I'm glad they've come back fine but this must be very frustrating for you? Now a vascular surgeon too. Do they have any ideas what's going on? I bet that was all you needed, a panic over being taken in by ambulance?

Are you feeling a bit better now?

11-08-17, 02:15
I'm glad they've come back fine but this must be very frustrating for you? Now a vascular surgeon too. Do they have any ideas what's going on? I bet that was all you needed, a panic over being taken in by ambulance?

Are you feeling a bit better now?

Cheers Terry, No not feeling any better, I really don't know what's going on it's been a horrid year and I can't believe all this hasn't tipped me over the edge. I've never felt so ill and it's definitely not anxiety related. My partner phoned 999 I was so light headed I couldn't stand up, my feet were cold, my shins went numb, my left arm and neck went numb, my blood pressure went up to 160/100.

The paramedics were absolutely fantastic. They did an ECG and all the other regulars and felt my feet and said they're taking me straight in to hospital. I was seen by a stroke specialist straight away, cannula straight in my hand, ECG and blood tests. Afterwards I was seen by the a&e doctor who spent about an hour with me checking everything. They sent me home at 6.30am with an urgent referral to the vascular surgeon. So all that on top of everything else that's been happening this year it might be heart related :doh:

Luckily I had my partner with me, her sister lives 2mins away so came round to look after the little one. Got to a&e at 12.00am sent home at 6.30am walked in and the little one woke up. My poor partner had no sleep for 44hours.

11-08-17, 02:46
Sending some love and hugs your way Matt,and hopefully the VS can find some answers for you,I will think of you when I'm on a bike run tomorrow.

Lola x :bighug1:

11-08-17, 02:54
What bike have you got?

11-08-17, 03:10
I have an old Triumph Bonneville 750,it has been reworked on and a new paint job and I love it. I started off riding a dirt bike then a Honda Goldwing but that was so bloody heavy,I came off it going around a sharp corner so I sold it and bought a Trumpy.:yesyes:

11-08-17, 04:34
Wow, a Goldwing! They have reverse gear, don't they?

---------- Post added at 04:34 ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 ----------

She must have been knackered. I bet she slept like a rock the next night.

It could be something easily fixable still. If it was something major given the time involved you would think you would have been in the hospital many months ago. Let's hope it's something the surgeon can resolve and then your life returns to as it was before. .

11-08-17, 08:51
I'm so sorry to hear this, Matt. One thing after another..I do hope your appointment with the VS comes through asap and hassle them if there is a delay? Very frightening ambulance experience for you and your partner but at least you were thoroughly assessed although it must be so frustrating that you are being passed around the consultants..

13-08-17, 01:03
Sorry to hear about your friend. And I hope you get sorted out soon. I'd be beside myself by now so you're doing a fab job of keeping it together x

04-04-18, 15:59
I thought i would restart this thread as i just seem to be getting anywhere with this. I've now been severely off balance and lightheaded for 37 weeks 24/7 non stop. This is on top of all my other symptoms that i've had going on for over 12months and some for 18months.

All this landed me in A&E at the start of August. My GP was told to refer me on an urgent basis to see a vascular surgeon, this ended up taking 10weeks and would have been 16weeks if i hadn't pushed. The outcome was everything was normal and the surgeon said i should see a neurologist. My GP has been totally unwilling to help me, my appt for my neurology appt came through today for 9/5/18 27 weeks after being referred and 9months since being taken to A&E when they thought i'd had a stroke FFS and that's as far as i've got.

I'm full of frustration and i'm not me at all. Once again i've read on here today about someone going to their GP and getting tests and seeing a consultant within weeks. How does that happen?

I've just had ENOUGH!!!!!

04-04-18, 16:59
I thought i would restart this thread as i just seem to be getting anywhere with this. I've now been severely off balance and lightheaded for 37 weeks 24/7 non stop. This is on top of all my other symptoms that i've had going on for over 12months and some for 18months.

All this landed me in A&E at the start of August. My GP was told to refer me on an urgent basis to see a vascular surgeon, this ended up taking 10weeks and would have been 16weeks if i hadn't pushed. The outcome was everything was normal and the surgeon said i should see a neurologist. My GP has been totally unwilling to help me, my appt for my neurology appt came through today for 9/5/18 27 weeks after being referred and 9months since being taken to A&E when they thought i'd had a stroke FFS and that's as far as i've got.

I'm full of frustration and i'm not me at all. Once again i've read on here today about someone going to their GP and getting tests and seeing a consultant within weeks. How does that happen?

I've just had ENOUGH!!!!!Hey Matt sorry to hear this It's wonder you coped waiting that long think it's time to change your Gp that is shocking to hear unwilling to help you WTF that's what he is there for?? I feel your pain. would going private be a option for you Matt? Heres a friendship hug from me:bighug1:Keep your chin up mate ATB

04-04-18, 17:26
Hey Matt sorry to hear this It's wonder you coped waiting that long think it's time to change your Gp that is shocking to hear unwilling to help you WTF that's what he is there for?? I feel your pain. would going private be a option for you Matt? Heres a friendship hug from me:bighug1:Keep your chin up mate ATB

Thanks Dave, I'm sick of my GP and my hospital/NHS trust it's crap:shrug: but i've run out of steam to be honest. I looked at going private and it was £250 to see a consultant and thought why the f#ck should i, i was paying tax from 16 years old.

Lovely hug!

04-04-18, 19:12
Thanks Dave, I'm sick of my GP and my hospital/NHS trust it's crap:shrug: but i've run out of steam to be honest. I looked at going private and it was £250 to see a consultant and thought why the f#ck should i, i was paying tax from 16 years old.

Lovely hug! You are welcome Matt you have had run the run around for way too long no you mustn't run out of steam even though you think you have get some more coal in to that boiler (like on my steam train avatar ;) ) Yes can totally understand what you are saying but if going private gets you the help you need so be it. I am having a operation soon if I go to my local hospital its a 36 week wait but have found a nhs hospital and within the grounds is a private hospital and that's nhs funded and that's where my op is taking place waiting time 12 weeks big difference ;) So perhaps see if you have that private option where you don't pay anything I would look in to that Matt:yesyes: ATB

04-04-18, 19:51
Thanks Dave, To be honest i've never suffered depression but the whole saga has made me severely depressed. I'm going to bed and hoping i don't wake up. The NHS has done this to me! It's a closed shop when you check the NHS choices website for waiting times for hospitals in my area, it's all the exact same waiting times, funny that eh all the same trust and exact same waiting times. When it comes to op's one of the private places in my town does NHS work so i will try and get in there.

I'm getting past from pillar to post with no sense of urgency. I've got all these problems going on with my stomach on top of it all and thought i was getting to the end of it all, waited 3months to see the surgeon who says maybe not what the gastro says and was shocked at how little testing the gastro had done. The surgeon was fantastic and sorted the MRCP which i had last week but he wen't on about cancer as i've lost over 8 stone in just over a year. He want's to get to the bottom of my weight loss but thats not his job my GP and gastro should've sorted that last year. He will only do surgery for my hernia as it hurts but won't until he gets to the bottom of my weight loss and other symptoms. Again i'm not happy with that because my hernia bloody hurts.

04-04-18, 20:14
It's no good for your mental health getting arsed about , the truth is the NHS has no money and the money it does have it wastes on buying things at crap prices and getting in agencies to supply staff at twice the price , so people like you suffer , watched a programme tonight about cancelled opps where you live makes a huge difference when it shouldn't.
Daft question and forgive me for asking but is there any chance at all anxiety could be behind the stomach problems and weight loss ? I lost a few stone in a few months at my worst, I just couldn't touch food , the cousin of mine who is ill also stopped eating through anxiety and depression is wasn't until he stopped drinking that he got seriously ill , hope that doesn't sound like I'm saying it's just in your head because contrary that what people would have you believe anxiety sufferers can actually get ill for real .
I'll send you a man hug for now usually only issued at funerals and if it does turn out your gp is letting you down put him on the hit list with your sil.:hugs::hugs:

04-04-18, 21:17
Why are you seeing a neurologist? Have you been checked over by an ENT specialist for ear problems? Who is investigating your weight loss and how are they doing this? Have you had a recent series of blood tests done including thyroid and blood glucose?
It just seems as if they don't know but are passing you around the houses to look as if they are doing something...
I hope your scan helps in your diagnosis but I'd seriously consider shelling out for a private consultation if you feel it would get you somewhere and if you found a consultant yourself who you felt could help you?

04-04-18, 21:30
Thanks Dave, To be honest i've never suffered depression but the whole saga has made me severely depressed. I'm going to bed and hoping i don't wake up. The NHS has done this to me! It's a closed shop when you check the NHS choices website for waiting times for hospitals in my area, it's all the exact same waiting times, funny that eh all the same trust and exact same waiting times. When it comes to op's one of the private places in my town does NHS work so i will try and get in there.

I'm getting past from pillar to post with no sense of urgency. I've got all these problems going on with my stomach on top of it all and thought i was getting to the end of it all, waited 3months to see the surgeon who says maybe not what the gastro says and was shocked at how little testing the gastro had done. The surgeon was fantastic and sorted the MRCP which i had last week but he wen't on about cancer as i've lost over 8 stone in just over a year. He want's to get to the bottom of my weight loss but thats not his job my GP and gastro should've sorted that last year. He will only do surgery for my hernia as it hurts but won't until he gets to the bottom of my weight loss and other symptoms. Again i'm not happy with that because my hernia bloody hurts. I have suffered depression for 25 years so know how bad it is for you and tbh it's not just a money issue with the NHS its a lot more besides like in your case theres no urgency about it even your surgeon was shocked how little was done by the gastro person but bet it wasn't followed up and looked in to that's a lot of weight lost over a year which could be caused by stress yeah like I said try and find a hospital (private) which is funded by the nhs often the same consultants will work in the NHS and also the private sector too, Find you choices and options and take it from there :)

05-04-18, 05:42

I'm really sorry to hear you've hit another "pass the parcel" job. It must be incredibly frustrating. When you are so ill the last thing you need it to be chasing around the NHS to do their jobs. When I relapsed I had to chase my therapy around between different parties with referrals and it just feels like there is no ownership at times with the NHS. I was lucky to drop on a nurse, who I suspect thought I was being dumped onto them knowing it wasn't the right pathway, who chasing people around and got me a result.

Sadly we do have to push doctors at times or they sit back. My parents have had that a few times and had to keep going to the GP until he/she rang elsewhere to push doctors at the other side as to what is going on. Hospitals just discharge us but the GP has to own the patient the rest of the time and I think they should be pushed to chase things up for us.

Is there any help from the NHS here? I guess it would mean raising a complaint though and I can completely understand how that might be just too much right now.

Given the situation with your weight you can understand the specialist wanting to rule out cancer but I live in hope this is only about ruling out because losing so much weight over a year and this going on so long makes me think you would be very ill. I know you feel like crap a lot but I just feel like you would be very seriously ill after 12 months if it's shedding the weight off you like that. It's just a guess based on the stories of others I've known who were very ill with cancer and without treatment they would have snowballed much more.

I hope that's not upsetting to hear? It just feels like a possibility that points elsewhere.

Don't be daft asking for help on here mate, you give to others and others will give back to you because of that. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Keep having a laugh with us on the lighter threads if it helps even a little bit.

05-04-18, 08:11
Matt like Terry said come and join us on the humour thread's,it helps me.xx

06-04-18, 18:35
Thanks Bigboy, Buster, Pulisa, Terry and Lola. I will reply a little later when little one has gone to bed.

08-04-18, 17:40
It's no good for your mental health getting arsed about , the truth is the NHS has no money and the money it does have it wastes on buying things at crap prices and getting in agencies to supply staff at twice the price , so people like you suffer , watched a programme tonight about cancelled opps where you live makes a huge difference when it shouldn't.
Daft question and forgive me for asking but is there any chance at all anxiety could be behind the stomach problems and weight loss ? I lost a few stone in a few months at my worst, I just couldn't touch food , the cousin of mine who is ill also stopped eating through anxiety and depression is wasn't until he stopped drinking that he got seriously ill , hope that doesn't sound like I'm saying it's just in your head because contrary that what people would have you believe anxiety sufferers can actually get ill for real .
I'll send you a man hug for now usually only issued at funerals and if it does turn out your gp is letting you down put him on the hit list with your sil.:hugs::hugs:

Thanks for the man hug Buster!!

It's not anxiety related. I've had a dull constant ache in my right rib cage liver area since Jan2017, that intensifies like someone has stuck a knife in me. The same ache and pain in my mid to upper back since Oct2016. Nausea since March2017. Light coloured poo and dark urine since June2017 and i've now had this severe off balance and dizziness since the end of July2017. And started to loose weight at the start of 2017. Yes i'm eating ok and more healthy but healthy is less high in calories. I'm still getting about 2500 calories a day though.

Cheers Buster

---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

Why are you seeing a neurologist? Have you been checked over by an ENT specialist for ear problems? Who is investigating your weight loss and how are they doing this? Have you had a recent series of blood tests done including thyroid and blood glucose?
It just seems as if they don't know but are passing you around the houses to look as if they are doing something...
I hope your scan helps in your diagnosis but I'd seriously consider shelling out for a private consultation if you feel it would get you somewhere and if you found a consultant yourself who you felt could help you?

Hi Pulisa, Thanks for taking the time to reply:hugs:

Yes i had blood tests in Oct16, April17, June17, Aug17 and Oct17. They all included thyroid and glucose. The bloods i had in Oct17 was pretty much everything plus it included full bone profile bloods in prep for my vascular appt.

An ENT appt has never been suggested. I saw the vascular consultant as that's what A&E suggested. When that checked out fine the consultant said i should see a neurologist. Now bearing in mind i've had all these other stomach issues going on and was taken to A&E when they thought i'd had a stroke with the, dizziness, off balance, freezing cold feet & hands, numb feet, numbness in my face and my blood pressure hit the roof. All that's happened is i've seen the vascular consultant and by the time i see the neurologist on May 9th it will be 9months since being taken to A&E and that's crap!!

The surgeon i met on the 28th Feb was fantastic and pretty much said that he want's to get to the bottom off my 8 stone weight loss rather than just taking my gallbladder out. Yes after pushing the gastro for nearly 5months after seeing him for the 1st time for further tests and eventually getting another ultrasound at the end of Nov that showed a thickened gallbladder wall and a shadow i thought great i'm getting somewhere. It took 3months for my surgeon appt and that's when he sorted this MRCP and upper abdo MRI as he said the shadow in my gallbladder could be a polyp, stone or tumour. The scan was checking my liver, gallbladder, billiary tree, pancreatuc duct and pancreas. It's frustrating and i had the MRI/MRCP within 4 weeks but the surgeon want's an endoscopy also but i've heard nothing on that. Simply the gastro was dismissive and uninterested and it's not the surgeons job to sort these tests.

As for paying private and what really pi##es me off is i had private medical for 10 years which probably cost me over £50000 and never used it. During this time i was paying vast tax and was an employer at 22. Now i've not worked for a couple of years in an attempt to rid myself of anxiety and work out what career move i won't to make, monies running out and i can't afford to pay to private to see a consultant private. Besides the NHS doesn't seem to know what it's doing so i don't really know what consultant i would need to see.

Bit of a rant at the end sorry!

08-04-18, 18:02
The reason I asked about ENT was due to the dizziness etc. The cold feet and hands plus facial numbness could be anxiety-related in view of your A&E emergency trip. Do you still have these symptoms?

I don't want to say I hope the MRCP comes up with something but I hope it gives you some answers because you've got a lot of physical stuff going on and haven't got a diagnosis despite a variety of tests and consultants saying "we don't know" .

I would stick with your surgeon who arranged the MRCP and when you see him for the results push for an urgent endoscopy in view of your weight loss and the amount of time you have been left undiagnosed and with obvious gastro symptoms. You shouldn't have to wait long for an endoscopy especially if you stress how long you have been having symptoms and how you are thinking of taking things further with a formal complaint etc.

Feel free to rant away!

08-04-18, 19:29
I still have the off balance and dzziness. I've had it continuos since the end of July non stop. I've not driven since then, it's that bad. When i sit down it's like the seat is bouncing, when i stand up it's like somebody is sitting on shoulders whilst somebody is trying to pull my feet from under me, when i lay down it's like the bed is a swing or it's being tipped up. My hands are warmer but my feet are still stone cold. The vascular consultant fully checked my circulation and my results were slap bang in the middle of the normal range. I still get a little bit of numbness in my face. Don't really know about my blood pressure. I can put up with my gastro issues and pain but the off balance is horrific.

I really hope the MRCP shows something to be honest and i had my letter within 3 days of my surgeon consultation so i know he's on the ball and was glad that he said he is going to see me again after my tests, again this is not his job but he seemed efficient. The gastro tried to discharge me after a CT scan and that was going to be it.

I know that all of my symptoms can be caused by anxiety but i can 100% say i've got some not so good health things going on and i know it's not anxiety related. Yes i'm super anxious at the mo and had my 1st panic attack in years this morning, but no bloody wonder.

Thanks Pulisa

08-04-18, 20:49
So it's not vertigo but is related to position changes and has been constant for months? I'm not surprised you aren't prepared to risk driving. That's really weird about your circulation being normal- I have Raynaud's and that is much worse when I'm stressed.

I hope you would have heard by now if there was something really urgent on the scan but I'd start phoning up about your follow up appointment. Make a nuisance of yourself? For your own sanity you need to know what's shown up on the scan and what's the next move.

09-04-18, 00:50
So it's not vertigo but is related to position changes and has been constant for months? I'm not surprised you aren't prepared to risk driving. That's really weird about your circulation being normal- I have Raynaud's and that is much worse when I'm stressed.

I hope you would have heard by now if there was something really urgent on the scan but I'd start phoning up about your follow up appointment. Make a nuisance of yourself? For your own sanity you need to know what's shown up on the scan and what's the next move.

Is Raynaud's related to circulation? If so does it make your extremities cold?

Yes the radiologist said my results would be 2 weeks. It will be 2 weeks this Wednesday so i will call tomorrow to get the ball rolling. I suppose i will phone the surgeons secretary. I doubt she is allowed to say anything but it will get the ball rolling.

Yes it's horrific the off balance and dizziness. It also when i'm sitting feels like someone is pushing me in the back or i'm being pushed back into the seat. It's been unrelenting.

I bet your Husbands watching the Masters?

Thanks Pulisa.

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Yes Pulisa it's been constant since the last Friday in July.

---------- Post added 09-04-18 at 00:39 ---------- Previous post was 08-04-18 at 21:11 ----------

I have suffered depression for 25 years so know how bad it is for you and tbh it's not just a money issue with the NHS its a lot more besides like in your case theres no urgency about it even your surgeon was shocked how little was done by the gastro person but bet it wasn't followed up and looked in to that's a lot of weight lost over a year which could be caused by stress yeah like I said try and find a hospital (private) which is funded by the nhs often the same consultants will work in the NHS and also the private sector too, Find you choices and options and take it from there :)

Thanks Dave, I know plenty of people who work within the NHS and the amount of money that's wasted that they tell me about is a joke.

---------- Post added at 00:50 ---------- Previous post was at 00:39 ----------


I'm really sorry to hear you've hit another "pass the parcel" job. It must be incredibly frustrating. When you are so ill the last thing you need it to be chasing around the NHS to do their jobs. When I relapsed I had to chase my therapy around between different parties with referrals and it just feels like there is no ownership at times with the NHS. I was lucky to drop on a nurse, who I suspect thought I was being dumped onto them knowing it wasn't the right pathway, who chasing people around and got me a result.

Sadly we do have to push doctors at times or they sit back. My parents have had that a few times and had to keep going to the GP until he/she rang elsewhere to push doctors at the other side as to what is going on. Hospitals just discharge us but the GP has to own the patient the rest of the time and I think they should be pushed to chase things up for us.

Is there any help from the NHS here? I guess it would mean raising a complaint though and I can completely understand how that might be just too much right now.

Given the situation with your weight you can understand the specialist wanting to rule out cancer but I live in hope this is only about ruling out because losing so much weight over a year and this going on so long makes me think you would be very ill. I know you feel like crap a lot but I just feel like you would be very seriously ill after 12 months if it's shedding the weight off you like that. It's just a guess based on the stories of others I've known who were very ill with cancer and without treatment they would have snowballed much more.

I hope that's not upsetting to hear? It just feels like a possibility that points elsewhere.

Don't be daft asking for help on here mate, you give to others and others will give back to you because of that. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Keep having a laugh with us on the lighter threads if it helps even a little bit.

Terry, Thanks for such a detailed well thought out reply:)

I really don't understand how my weight loss has just been palmed off by GP's and the Gastro. It's worrying but at least i now have the surgeon on my side who was very good, but it really isn't his job to sort out these investigations i've got to get through.

Thanks Mate and for the :hugs:

09-04-18, 00:52
That's really weird about your circulation being normal- I have Raynaud's and that is much worse when I'm stressed.

Do you also have tinnitus by any chance, Pulisa?

Raynaud's Syndrome is a nerve disorder causing blood vessels to go into spasm, I believe, thereby restricting blood flow to extremities.

You are a brave chap, Matt. You've certainly got a lot going on right now and I wish you well. Chins up, old boy :shades:

09-04-18, 08:13
Do you also have tinnitus by any chance, Pulisa?

Raynaud's Syndrome is a nerve disorder causing blood vessels to go into spasm, I believe, thereby restricting blood flow to extremities.

You are a brave chap, Matt. You've certainly got a lot going on right now and I wish you well. Chins up, old boy :shades:

Well I have a low level tinnitus which is more obvious if I think about it but it's no big deal, KK. The Raynaud's is very annoying but only affects my fingers and toes.

Are you seeing a General Surgeon or one with a speciality, Matt?

09-04-18, 16:10
Do you also have tinnitus by any chance, Pulisa?

Raynaud's Syndrome is a nerve disorder causing blood vessels to go into spasm, I believe, thereby restricting blood flow to extremities.

You are a brave chap, Matt. You've certainly got a lot going on right now and I wish you well. Chins up, old boy :shades:

Thanks KK it means a lot.
I'm not brave i'm bricking everything and it's all set my anxiety off big time:doh:

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:58 ----------

Well I have a low level tinnitus which is more obvious if I think about it but it's no big deal, KK. The Raynaud's is very annoying but only affects my fingers and toes.

Are you seeing a General Surgeon or one with a speciality, Matt?

General surgeon, but the guy i saw at the end of Feb was the surgeons registrar. To be honest he was more on the ball than Gastro though.

---------- Post added at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

I phoned the general surgery secretary today, no results yet. She told me that the 2 week wait for the results that i was told was very optimistic. She also told me she can't tell me the results anyway which i thought would be the case. What a pain in the a#s#!

09-04-18, 16:22
Honestly, The NHS is in a terrible state. Had a lift from the bust stop this morning.
The lady told me she was waiting for the results of her brain MRI results.
Takes up to sixteen weeks for results!!!!!!
Good Luck BM x

09-04-18, 19:20
Honestly, The NHS is in a terrible state. Had a lift from the bust stop this morning.
The lady told me she was waiting for the results of her brain MRI results.
Takes up to sixteen weeks for results!!!!!!
Good Luck BM x

Thanks Magic, Yep it's crap!!

My Mum is 77, she was diagnosed with a heart valve problem through an echo last May but didn't get to see a cardiologist until the Autumn. He referred her for a heart CT scan which she waited about 14 weeks for. She then waited until January to see the cardiologist again who said they could control her problem with meds, but he had to write to her GP for him to prescribe. Guess when she got her prescription................... last f###### week!!!!

Nearly a year from 1st diagnosis to work out and prescribe a course of action!!!!

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

Oh and i think she waited about 4 months for the echo in the first place!!!

12-04-18, 12:52
Do you have to wait for the surgeon's secretary to contact you to make an appointment with him? If so what a pain. I can't see why things take so long to come back-I suppose the only consolation is that you would be seen quickly if anything really alarming had shown up.

12-04-18, 15:20
All she could say was the report hadn't come back from the radiologist yet. When it does it would go on the surgeons desk and he would write to me. It's one big pain in the arse! How long will that take, who know's. To be honest my Hospital is so slow with everything it's a joke.

Have you had your results Pulisa? I know you see your GP next week.

12-04-18, 15:38
Sorry BM. think I mad a spelling mistake (bus not bust)

Anyway I said to this lady. I am sure they will have you in straight away if it was serious. Her answer was NO they look at the ones before me as there is a pile up!!!

12-04-18, 15:52
Sorry BM. think I mad a spelling mistake (bus not bust)

Anyway I said to this lady. I am sure they will have you in straight away if it was serious. Her answer was NO they look at the ones before me as there is a pile up!!!

Oh yeah, i've just looked back i hadn't noticed. I wonder if anyone thought your town had some sort of rest areas for ladies with large bust's.

Yep i really don't trust my hospital to do anything quick. I could tell so many horror stories about mine.

12-04-18, 18:11
All she could say was the report hadn't come back from the radiologist yet. When it does it would go on the surgeons desk and he would write to me. It's one big pain in the arse! How long will that take, who know's. To be honest my Hospital is so slow with everything it's a joke.

Have you had your results Pulisa? I know you see your GP next week.

I'm sorry you have no news, Matt. My results are back and I see the GP on Tuesday. My MRI was a direct referral from the GP so no Consultants involved.

12-04-18, 19:03
I'm sorry you have no news, Matt. My results are back and I see the GP on Tuesday. My MRI was a direct referral from the GP so no Consultants involved.

That's good then:D Let us know how you get on. If that's ok with you?

I know i'm over sensitive when it comes to the NHS, but they just don't seem to have anything right, or they've not with me anyway. Even after i met the surgeon at the end of Feb who arranged the MRCP, i had a call a week later to say i'd need a blood test to check my kidney function as i was having the IV contrast, why the surgeon didn't think to say at the time as i had to walk past phlebotomy when i wen't.

We had a story in our local paper not long ago about an elderly couple in their late 80's. The husband was a full time carer for his wife who was in a wheelchair, he phoned his GP as he was unwell and the GP told him to ring 999 as the GP suspected a stroke. The poor man never made it that far and died. As his wife couldn't fend for herself she died also whilst he was laying dead on the floor. The whole time i was reading the story i was thinking if i was that GP it would be on my mind and i would check the following day to see everything was ok, but nope nobody gives a f#ck anymore.

12-04-18, 20:43
That's just awful. How she stayed with her dead husband until she died, how traumatic that must have been. How can no one realise that old people die and they just lie there?

When I was new at my last firm I started in a dept that processed returning meter sheet information from engineers. There were a couple of occasions where engineers called and noticed something that made them look through the windows where a dead old person was found. In one case the police determined they had been like that for 6 months. It just silenced the office when the person processing the sheet read it out in disbelief. Very sad.

Hope your ok too, pulisa :flowers:

I feel like I live down my surgery at the moment. I haven't been in years and now I'm there every week over asthma check up work and the > 40 health check that's turned up stuff.

12-04-18, 21:02
That's just awful. How she stayed with her dead husband until she died, how traumatic that must have been. How can no one realise that old people die and they just lie there?

When I was new at my last firm I started in a dept that processed returning meter sheet information from engineers. There were a couple of occasions where engineers called and noticed something that made them look through the windows where a dead old person was found. In one case the police determined they had been like that for 6 months. It just silenced the office when the person processing the sheet read it out in disbelief. Very sad.

Hope your ok too, pulisa :flowers:

I feel like I live down my surgery at the moment. I haven't been in years and now I'm there every week over asthma check up work and the > 40 health check that's turned up stuff.

Hope your ok mate? And you get sorted with what your health check has turned up!

It's terrible Terry and as you say, it's just so sad. Nobody seems to have the time or brains to think about the older generation.

I was talking with my Partner earlier, she had been out with my little one and had to cross a busy road (no choice). The 1st thing i said was i bet nobody stopped to let you cross and nobody had. If i see somebody trying to cross the road i stop especially when they have a young child. People are just far to busy to delay their day by 30seconds:doh:

12-04-18, 22:47
I got picked up for Hypertension on the > 40 health check so it was more blood tests to follow up on starting meds, EKG (or ECG, always get them mixed up), etc. Blood pressure is down after two weeks so I've just got to carry on and address lifestyle issues.

It also picked up raised cholesterol so lifestyle changes.

And I had an asthma clinic to attend. They wanted to do a liver check. Which proved my Duloxetine hasn't caused any issues there so I was happy they did that as this med is known for liver issues in heavy drinkers and I've always wondered if my fatigue was connected even though I haven't had alcohol for some years.

They now think my asthma has gone. It may return later in life though. So I'll see how I go without medication. My breathing issues now fall back to the muscular tension from the Duloxetine. Removing steroidal inhalers might help with anxiety but the Duloxetine issues probably outweigh anything positives. I guess I will see.

Nothing on a par with your problems mate. Totally the opposite as I can't get rid of them! They're always booking me in for stuff right now. Now change that to mental health and it's a giant tumbleweed by comparison.

Some people stop for others around my way, they often will on quiet roads, but never on busy roads. I think some drivers dislike pedestrians who aren't at the lights but you only get them on busy roads or in towns anyway.

You're right about many on the roads, it's all rushing about.

13-04-18, 08:06
Sorry to hear that you are being pursued by the Health Police, Terry. Have you ever considered trying to come off duloxetine just to see how you would manage? I know how hard this would be psychologically though-better the devil you know etc..

13-04-18, 12:21
Oh yeah, i've just looked back i hadn't noticed. I wonder if anyone thought your town had some sort of rest areas for ladies with large bust's.

Yep i really don't trust my hospital to do anything quick. I could tell so many horror stories about mine.

I only live in a small village Mat. There maybe a rest area for large busted ladies, I am not one of them.:winks:

My husband had 13 visits to our local hospital in 3 months.
He actually was ready for going to theatre early when they decided not to operate. nothing up with him apparently.:huh:.
I cold tell you more that has happened over the years, but not saying.:scared15:

13-04-18, 14:45
I got picked up for Hypertension on the > 40 health check so it was more blood tests to follow up on starting meds, EKG (or ECG, always get them mixed up), etc. Blood pressure is down after two weeks so I've just got to carry on and address lifestyle issues.

It also picked up raised cholesterol so lifestyle changes.

And I had an asthma clinic to attend. They wanted to do a liver check. Which proved my Duloxetine hasn't caused any issues there so I was happy they did that as this med is known for liver issues in heavy drinkers and I've always wondered if my fatigue was connected even though I haven't had alcohol for some years.

They now think my asthma has gone. It may return later in life though. So I'll see how I go without medication. My breathing issues now fall back to the muscular tension from the Duloxetine. Removing steroidal inhalers might help with anxiety but the Duloxetine issues probably outweigh anything positives. I guess I will see.

Nothing on a par with your problems mate. Totally the opposite as I can't get rid of them! They're always booking me in for stuff right now. Now change that to mental health and it's a giant tumbleweed by comparison.

Some people stop for others around my way, they often will on quiet roads, but never on busy roads. I think some drivers dislike pedestrians who aren't at the lights but you only get them on busy roads or in towns anyway.

You're right about many on the roads, it's all rushing about.

Terry, That sounds great that they think your as asthma has gone, i seem to think you've said in the past it's something that you've had for years? The other bits that have flagged up are easily treatable. Was it an ECG that you had? That's one that they put the electrical pad things on your chest and legs? And if your like me they shave your chest and you itch like a bas##rd for weeks:doh:

How high was your blood pressure, do you know?

This road i was taking about is just busy as it's down by all the big shops, so it's not fast, it's just busy. People are just turds!

---------- Post added at 14:45 ---------- Previous post was at 14:31 ----------

I'm sorry you have no news, Matt. My results are back and I see the GP on Tuesday. My MRI was a direct referral from the GP so no Consultants involved.

Thought i would phone the MRI department direct today and was told reports are taking 4 to 5 weeks and i should not have been told 2 weeks by the guy doing it. What a load of BO##OCKS!!!!!!!!

13-04-18, 18:04
So more waiting for you, Matt-I'm sorry. You've been caught up in a long game of NHS "tennis"-ie being passed from one department to another. I heard this expression today from an NHS mental health admin bod when he was describing my daughter's predicament.

14-04-18, 15:33
So more waiting for you, Matt-I'm sorry. You've been caught up in a long game of NHS "tennis"-ie being passed from one department to another. I heard this expression today from an NHS mental health admin bod when he was describing my daughter's predicament.

It seems that way Pulisa. I know the NHS is in a state, but my trust just seems to be particularly bad. Four to five weeks for a radiologist to look at some scan pics and write a report:doh:

14-04-18, 15:41
I wonder what Florence Nightingale would be saying right now think her lamp would have blown out by now. We know it's in a huge mess nothing proactive is being done long term to mend the NHS t can only get worse before it gets better and don't get me started on Jeremy Hunt or the government either, I mean look at HS2 it's going ahead no matter what the cost is just to knock 30 mins of traveling time what does that matter the project should be shelved imho and the money should go the NHS it would be money well spent :) ATB

14-04-18, 15:58
I wonder what Florence Nightingale would be saying right now think her lamp would have blown out by now. We know it's in a huge mess nothing proactive is being done long term to mend the NHS t can only get worse before it gets better and don't get me started on Jeremy Hunt or the government either, I mean look at HS2 it's going ahead no matter what the cost is just to knock 30 mins of traveling time what does that matter the project should be shelved imho and the money should go the NHS it would be money well spent :) ATB

13.1 billion foreign aid budget! 3.1 billion bung to the DUP! 160 thousand low income families are now having to pay for school dinners, whilst the taxpayer pays 2.1 million towards subsidising drinks and food at the Houses Of Parliament. Yes Dave HS2 what a waste of money!!!

22-04-18, 03:15
Terry, That sounds great that they think your as asthma has gone, i seem to think you've said in the past it's something that you've had for years? The other bits that have flagged up are easily treatable. Was it an ECG that you had? That's one that they put the electrical pad things on your chest and legs? And if your like me they shave your chest and you itch like a bas##rd for weeks:doh:

How high was your blood pressure, do you know?

This road i was taking about is just busy as it's down by all the big shops, so it's not fast, it's just busy. People are just turds!

Yeah, I've had asthma since I was about 9. It's been over a week now without medication and I did about 5 hours walking in the heat on Thursday so that has been a decent test. I felt no different. To be honest, I think it's my back affecting my breathing a lot as well as being a bit out of shape. Age probably combined with those as it seemed to come on in the last few years and my joints played up a lot too but I seem to have sorted that out now. Muscular tension will be playing a part too.

Had one of those annoying 24 hour blood pressure monitors fitted so it will be funny if that comes back saying I don't need BP meds either :yesyes:

If I don't work on more exercise the asthma will probably come back anyway. I've known people who were sporty see theirs go yet it returned when they got older and stopped the sport. But it's good news though, one less thing to deal with, just a slight adjustment as my anxiety around meds/supplements isn't just about taking them but also stopping them but I'm doing ok as I've worked on that a fair bit over the past few years.

Just can't stop itching from these BP meds!!! Anti histamines are really helping though. Got an appointment booked to review this med and the itching so they will probably swap me over to another one. I think I'm having a few nights of restless legs too.

Yep, it will be electric pads on the chest...or should I say moobs? :ohmy: I'm not hairy but I shave the chest/abdomen occasionally anyway so I'll remove any hair first (are you a bit of a http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/monkey/t122005.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-monkey.php) :D) to save getting an impromptu waxing from them when they pull the pads off on the day! :ohmy: I've had one before, when I was in hospital with pneumonia as a young man, and the nurse only pinched my skin with the damn clip!!! :ohmy:

I can't remember the BP measure. They did tell me but I had quite a few over a week with being back & forth. The senior nurse said it was enough to start meds without the usual 24 hour monitor (which they have done afterwards as a back up) and the GP agreed. They said I'm low risk for cardiovascular disease though.

Someone stopped to let me across a main road coming out of the doctors surgery on Friday! That's a first. Sometimes people stop at the lights to let you across and I try no to use them to stop the traffic anyway as a courtesy to drivers. But it is annoying sometimes because these are often dual carriageways and they sit looking a bit annoyed that you aren't taking their offer when they forget the next lane is still whizzing by! :doh:

30-04-18, 13:06
So i've had a letter this morning cancelling my neurology appt which was for next Wednesday. I've waited 27 weeks for this and dizzy 24/7! What's the matter with these moroms!!! Still i'm going to the hospital this Wednesday to get my MRI/MRCP results and talk to the Surgeon, even this has been 9 weeks to get a scan and results!!!


30-04-18, 13:45
It must be so frustrating, Matt-have they given you another date?

At least Wednesday is nearly here and you can get some long awaited answers.

30-04-18, 14:14
It must be so frustrating, Matt-have they given you another date?

At least Wednesday is nearly here and you can get some long awaited answers.

Nope. The letter just says due to unforseen circumstances we have had to cancel your appt. Well will contact you with another appt as soon as possible.

My hospital does NOT work. My Mum is having problems also at 77 years old. My nephew has been in the childrens hospital 25 miles away since last Wednesday because we have no childrens services anymore and my Mum and Dad have been having to do alot of running around. Mum was due a scan that day as they found something on her lungs whilst trying to diagnose a heart condition. They ran around like loons at 77 and 79 that day to get back for the scan to find out it had been cancelled with no explanation!! NOTHING AT ALL!


30-04-18, 14:53
Sounds like you've just been bumped, Matt :mad: To be honest with all the delays and messing about, which an admin bod at the hospital won't see in doing a bump, someone needs to get on the phone to them to re prioritise this so you aren't bumped the same as anyone who is having a standard test from a basic first time GP visit.

30-04-18, 16:11
Sounds like you've just been bumped, Matt :mad: To be honest with all the delays and messing about, which an admin bod at the hospital won't see in doing a bump, someone needs to get on the phone to them to re prioritise this so you aren't bumped the same as anyone who is having a standard test from a basic first time GP visit.

Thanks Terry, I've been on the case ever since i was ambulanced to A&E in Aug. I've written everything down and since Aug i've been on to my GP surgery 14 times. This is whilst trying to sort out my vascular appt, dealing with the wa#ker gastro and phoning the neurology dept trying to get this sorted.

It's sounds like i've had alot but A&E thought i'd had a stroke and they told my GP to do the vascular appt and vascular surgeon when that checked out ok told me to see a neurologist. I'm just following what i'm told.

I'm living in daily pain around my gallbladder/liver area, nausea, upper back pain, dark urine, light coloured sh#te and had this 8 stone weight loss.

General surgery have been great but it took 3 months to see them and a 4 week wait for the MRI/MRCP scan and i see them Wednesday for results making it 9 weeks. When they saw me Feb 28th and arranged the scans they said they would arrange an endoscopy and i heard nothing, so another balls up and i will mention this Wednesday.

Oh and i have this hernia that the surgeon will only do because it hurts but wants to find out whats causing my weight loss first. That's fair enough but it blo#dy hurts!

The only good thing is i seem to have stopped losing weight

01-05-18, 02:46
Is there a number to call the dept, Matt? If so you could tell them about all this and they might prioritise you? We've had this with hospitals but giving our GP's a little nudge has prompted them into contacting for a swifter appointment. And they can surely always refer you under the urgent scheme? GP's use that all the time just to get quick results as opposed to it being for urgent cases only.

It's good to heat the weight loss has stopped though.

Are they at least giving you pain meds?

01-05-18, 11:31
Dread full situation to be in Matt sorry to hear this. Prehaps put a complaint in regarding the handling of your problems go back to your Dr to chase everything up for you it's no good for your stress levels mate. Nothing appears to be simple now No wonder people suffer from anxiety. Glad your weight loss is now stable that's one thing to be great full for :) ATB

01-05-18, 18:49
Thanks Terry and Dave.
I've been on to the hospital this morning and managed to get the direct number to the neurologist secretary. I was firm but nice and the story is they've only had one neurologist for a year and the guy i was going to see is a locum, but he has decided to take some study leave, WTF is that!!! Anyway i asked when my new appt would be and she looked and said end of June. I wasn't very happy and she found me one for June 11th, i still wasn't happy, so she is going to talk with the other neurologist who's away this week and come back to me next week.

As for the pain Terry, i was given the strongest CoCodamol 30/500 but i've only taken 3 or 4 in over a year as i don't really want to be taking opiate based meds, so just using paracetamol.

01-05-18, 19:43
Thanks Terry and Dave.
I've been on to the hospital this morning and managed to get the direct number to the neurologist secretary. I was firm but nice and the story is they've only had one neurologist for a year and the guy i was going to see is a locum, but he has decided to take some study leave, WTF is that!!! Anyway i asked when my new appt would be and she looked and said end of June. I wasn't very happy and she found me one for June 11th, i still wasn't happy, so she is going to talk with the other neurologist who's away this week and come back to me next week.

As for the pain Terry, i was given the strongest CoCodamol 30/500 but i've only taken 3 or 4 in over a year as i don't really want to be taking opiate based meds, so just using paracetamol. You aren't having much luck Matt gee this sucks big time what next lose your records:huh: Hope you eventually get the answers you need :) ATB

01-05-18, 19:50
You aren't having much luck Matt gee this sucks big time what next lose your records:huh: Hope you eventually get the answers you need :) ATB
I'm off to the Hospital in the morn for scan results with the surgeon.

To think with this other problem that i was in an ambulance, with them thinking i'd had a stroke is still going on and nothing has happened in nearly 10 months is pathetic.

02-05-18, 01:57
What an utter shambles, Matt (not you! :biggrin:). Imagine saying to your boss you wanted to do some studying so could you forget about your job for a bit? It does happen, it was a possibility in my last career, but in something so vital it's really annoying because it's not like they have them sitting about waiting to jump in. I know it's good that they will end up more knowledgeable but really this is a service industry and what's the point if their are no staff to service the customer?

My GP went part time because he wanted to work at the local uni. A year later they didn't have enough GP's and were informing patients, including in the local media who spun as "oldest surgery in the city to close loosing over x thousands of patients", that they couldn't retain the locums or hire adequate new GP's who met their standards. Well here's a tip for you NHS - make the part time GP, a partner of the surgery, pull his damn weight until you can support your patients or stop letting senior doctors bugger off for their career if they can't be replaced.

It's just one of many management failures inherent to public services. Customer last.

02-05-18, 02:19
It's crap Terry! If you ran a business that way it wouldn't survive!

My GP surgery has 6 GP's for 13000 patients. One works 5 days, two work 4 1/2 days, one works 4 days and two work 2 days.

02-05-18, 12:03
I'm off to the Hospital in the morn for scan results with the surgeon.

To think with this other problem that i was in an ambulance, with them thinking i'd had a stroke is still going on and nothing has happened in nearly 10 months is pathetic. It really is a big mess you are in. Spend time with the surgeon tomorrow and talk everything through ask many questions and importantly get answers :) I had a cancelation the other day from the private hospital say we are sorry your appointment has now been cancelled this is the second time this has happened no where as bad as what you have had to put up with but it's still bad. Good luck tomorrow Matt :) ATB

02-05-18, 12:53
Really hope you have made progress today, Matt. Whatever the diagnosis, it's better than waiting and not knowing for weeks on end.

05-05-18, 15:59
Well sorry for not updating this until now, but i've been a little pi����ed off. I didn't ask for it they just gave me a copy of my report after my consultation. It's easier if i just write out what it says.....
The liver has a smooth contour. No focal liver. No evidence of restricted diffusion. No signal loss on out of phase imaging. No areas of abnormal enhancement.

Patent hepatic vessels.
There is no intra or intra-patent biliary dilatation. No intraductal calculi or biliary stricturing. Conventional biliary anatomy.

The gallbladder is thin walled and contains no stones. No focal gallbladder wall lesion. The apparent abnormalility seen on ultrasound cannot be identified.
Normal appearance of the spleen, pancreas. No enlarged upoer abdominal lymph nodes and no free fluid.

Essentially normal study.

So a bit of a disaster really. The appt was delayed by nearly an hr even though my appt was 10.10 so not even late in the day.

The appt was with a different registrar to the one i saw at the end of Feb. He's refused to do my hernia, even though the registrar i met in Feb said they would do it because it hurts and i have a copy of the letter sent saying they would do it when they get to the bottom of my pain, nausea and weight loss.

The registrar asked why i cancelled my endoscopy that they said they would refer me for at the end of Feb? Well i never cancelled it, the cancelled endoscopy he could see on the screen was from Dec when the gastro said not to bother, as my ultrasound at the end of Nov had apparently spotted a thickened gallbladder wall and a shadow. So another balls up!

So the plan now is, i've been re-booked for an endoscopy, then i will have to be re-reffered back to a gastro which will take months. I will ask to see a different gastro as the one i saw last year was :nonono::nonono::nonono::nonono::nonono:

17-05-18, 15:19
Well sorry for not updating this until now, but i've been a little pi����ed off. I didn't ask for it they just gave me a copy of my report after my consultation. It's easier if i just write out what it says.....
The liver has a smooth contour. No focal liver. No evidence of restricted diffusion. No signal loss on out of phase imaging. No areas of abnormal enhancement.

Patent hepatic vessels.
There is no intra or intra-patent biliary dilatation. No intraductal calculi or biliary stricturing. Conventional biliary anatomy.

The gallbladder is thin walled and contains no stones. No focal gallbladder wall lesion. The apparent abnormalility seen on ultrasound cannot be identified.
Normal appearance of the spleen, pancreas. No enlarged upoer abdominal lymph nodes and no free fluid.

Essentially normal study.

So a bit of a disaster really. The appt was delayed by nearly an hr even though my appt was 10.10 so not even late in the day.

The appt was with a different registrar to the one i saw at the end of Feb. He's refused to do my hernia, even though the registrar i met in Feb said they would do it because it hurts and i have a copy of the letter sent saying they would do it when they get to the bottom of my pain, nausea and weight loss.

The registrar asked why i cancelled my endoscopy that they said they would refer me for at the end of Feb? Well i never cancelled it, the cancelled endoscopy he could see on the screen was from Dec when the gastro said not to bother, as my ultrasound at the end of Nov had apparently spotted a thickened gallbladder wall and a shadow. So another balls up!

So the plan now is, i've been re-booked for an endoscopy, then i will have to be re-reffered back to a gastro which will take months. I will ask to see a different gastro as the one i saw last year was :nonono::nonono::nonono::nonono::nonono:Hi Matt well according to your liver report it's all good going from the report you posted :) What I don't like is the way they are treating you like this new registrar who refuses to look in to why your hernia is causing you pain the other registrar was willing to sort it for you you need to tell this new one how much pain you are in. And as for cancelling your endoscopy and saying you cancelled it is outrageous :huh: I would try and get this new appointment fast tracked as you have been pushed from pillar to post stand up for your right mate :) Sending positive vibes ATB

17-05-18, 16:46
Hi Matt well according to your liver report it's all good going from the report you posted :) What I don't like is the way they are treating you like this new registrar who refuses to look in to why your hernia is causing you pain the other registrar was willing to sort it for you you need to tell this new one how much pain you are in. And as for cancelling your endoscopy and saying you cancelled it is outrageous :huh: I would try and get this new appointment fast tracked as you have been pushed from pillar to post stand up for your right mate :) Sending positive vibes ATB

Thanks Dave, I have honestly never known anything like it. If you treated a pet this way you would have the RSPCA at your door!

I couldn't believe it when he said why had i cancelled my endoscopy. What a d#ck that was back in November as instructed by the gastro and i'd only been re-referred for one at the end of Feb. It makes you feel pretty uncared for when they can't even look at your records properly.

I can't understand why they won't do the hernia as the other agreed to as it hurts. The first registrar poked it and i nearly hit the roof, this one didn't even look!

Dave i'm no racist but it would be nice to see a consultant that's easier to understand and looks you in the eye rather than like their eyeballs are in their nostrils.


17-05-18, 17:23
Thanks Dave, I have honestly never known anything like it. If you treated a pet this way you would have the RSPCA at your door!

I couldn't believe it when he said why had i cancelled my endoscopy. What a d#ck that was back in November as instructed by the gastro and i'd only been re-referred for one at the end of Feb. It makes you feel pretty uncared for when they can't even look at your records properly.

I can't understand why they won't do the hernia as the other agreed to as it hurts. The first registrar poked it and i nearly hit the roof, this one didn't even look!

Dave i'm no racist but it would be nice to see a consultant that's easier to understand and looks you in the eye rather than like their eyeballs are in their nostrils.

Cheers You aint wrong there Matt strewth they make you feel as though you are to blame when it fact it's darn well them, makes you wonder how many others it's happened to you cant/wont be the only one I am sure on this, it's not a one off sadly. Well you want to say to him please examine me it really hurts if he refuses you are entitled to a second opinion to be fair, don't take no for a answer either :) neither Am I Matt ( but this is another topic for another day. The Rivers Of Blood Speech) And agree sometimes there is a laungauge barrier for sure. Listen keep pushing for answers on your hernia too you can ignore this really. ATB

17-05-18, 18:43
You aint wrong there Matt strewth they make you feel as though you are to blame when it fact it's darn well them, makes you wonder how many others it's happened to you cant/wont be the only one I am sure on this, it's not a one off sadly. Well you want to say to him please examine me it really hurts if he refuses you are entitled to a second opinion to be fair, don't take no for a answer either :) neither Am I Matt ( but this is another topic for another day. The Rivers Of Blood Speech) And agree sometimes there is a laungauge barrier for sure. Listen keep pushing for answers on your hernia too you can ignore this really. ATB

Cheers Dave your a good fella!:D

Dave i'm not one for forums/groups. For years i've been here and a motorbike forum and that's been it. I have recently joined a group for gallbladder problems and a group for dizziness/unbalanced, i just can't believe how many people have paid private because of our sh#te system, infact i would say most of them.

Our system has become one of meds to mask symptoms and treating people only when it gets to an acute stage. People will say well it's better than the States but is it? I don't think it is. If we had the cheap living costs like they do and when you look at the average house price and average wage compared to here, maybe we've got it all wrong.

19-05-18, 10:09
Many hugs coming your way, BikerMatt :hugs:

19-05-18, 11:01
Cheers Dave your a good fella!:D

Dave i'm not one for forums/groups. For years i've been here and a motorbike forum and that's been it. I have recently joined a group for gallbladder problems and a group for dizziness/unbalanced, i just can't believe how many people have paid private because of our sh#te system, infact i would say most of them.

Our system has become one of meds to mask symptoms and treating people only when it gets to an acute stage. People will say well it's better than the States but is it? I don't think it is. If we had the cheap living costs like they do and when you look at the average house price and average wage compared to here, maybe we've got it all wrong.Your welcome Matt :) Iam the same in that respect, Iam still a member of a dogforum (there was serious data base issues so half the time you either couldn't get on the site or posts wouldn't be posted) I do still visit from time to time and access seems to be better now and a tech forum and that's it ;) The NHS used to be the flagship of health care It really is in a very bad way almost on the brink of a collapse The problems are colossal and many and complex.
Think you are so right on this med culture (don't forget every prescription written out the dr gets a payment it was £250 for each one some years back) I think there's too many chiefs in the NHS now and is totally a waste of money I remember some years back we had a out patients dept each dept would have a manager and a dep manager there was at least 10 depts. in that building so that's 20 managers, how it used to work (which was better) one consultant from each dept would run their own dept as well as consulting in that dept! ATB

19-05-18, 17:00
Well i put a complaint in at my hospital on Wednesday about my cancelled appts, non returned phone calls etc. They came back to me with how sorry they are, they have spoken to the relevant manager and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Guess what................................ postman comes this morning and my neurology appt that had been cancelled for May 8th, which was a 27 week wait to June 11th, making it a 32 week wait, has now been cancelled to June 25th making it a 34 week wait.

WAN##RS. Still at least we've had a Royal wedding to enjoy eh! NOT! Jolly spiff, ya, super, pimms o'clock! I bet the foxes have had a nice day off from the toff's chasing them round the countryside though![COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

19-05-18, 17:18
Well i put a complaint in at my hospital on Wednesday about my cancelled appts, non returned phone calls etc. They came back to me with how sorry they are, they have spoken to the relevant manager and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Guess what................................ postman comes this morning and my neurology appt that had been cancelled for May 8th, which was a 27 week wait to June 11th, making it a 32 week wait, has now been cancelled to June 25th making it a 34 week wait.

WAN##RS. Still at least we've had a Royal wedding to enjoy eh! NOT! Jolly spiff, ya, super, pimms o'clock! I bet the foxes have had a nice day off from the toff's chasing them round the countryside though![COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ---------- Yeah know what you mean and the same old story we are sorry it makes my blood boil. and the excuses usually are none urgent appoints will be cancelled well if yours isn't important then I don't know what is :eek: :mad: Don't mean to put a dampner on it, you be probably seen a couple of week before xmax not nice atall. Didn't watch the wedding reckon the foxes had a ball ha ha ATB

19-05-18, 17:19
Many hugs coming your way, BikerMatt :hugs:

Thanks whispershadow:)

19-05-18, 17:58
Saying that I'm sorry isn't enough, I know. You must be so angry when you know that if a Royal were to sneeze they would be rushed in to see a lung expert within the hour...

19-05-18, 18:23
Saying that I'm sorry isn't enough, I know. You must be so angry when you know that if a Royal were to sneeze they would be rushed in to see a lung expert within the hour...

I am Pulisa, the whole thing is just a joke. It's turning me into someone who's just not me. I'm going to leave a message for the neurology secretary tonight and demand she sorts it all out. I spoke to her before and she never called back when she said she would nearly 2 weeks ago. I don't wan't to talk to her as i will end up losing it. I will leave a message with everything that's happened and demand she phones me Monday afternoon or i'm taking it further.

19-05-18, 21:00
You sound p**sed off do you want me to pop round and let you punch me in the face with a Harry mask on ? I'm feeling a bit crap and I've been up since five so I probably won't bother fighting back :roflmao:
It could be worse i know it's frustrating but at least you are not getting really bad news , it's just torture not knowing .

19-05-18, 21:38
I am Pulisa, the whole thing is just a joke. It's turning me into someone who's just not me. I'm going to leave a message for the neurology secretary tonight and demand she sorts it all out. I spoke to her before and she never called back when she said she would nearly 2 weeks ago. I don't wan't to talk to her as i will end up losing it. I will leave a message with everything that's happened and demand she phones me Monday afternoon or i'm taking it further. Exactly Matt its totally insane (no wonder you are like you are right now) I think stepping it up a level will perhaps do the trick enough is enough now ATB

20-05-18, 18:30
You sound p**sed off do you want me to pop round and let you punch me in the face with a Harry mask on ? I'm feeling a bit crap and I've been up since five so I probably won't bother fighting back :roflmao:
It could be worse i know it's frustrating but at least you are not getting really bad news , it's just torture not knowing .

Not got the energy to punch you Buster, even if it was with a Harry mask on:ohmy: Couldn't do that to you anyway Buster, it would be good if you lived closer so i could shake you by the hand and have a chat.

I could probably muster up the energy to rip my GP's arm off and ram it down his throat, so he can pick the jaggy bits out of his sh#te before he does it tho:whistles:

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:23 ----------

Exactly Matt its totally insane (no wonder you are like you are right now) I think stepping it up a level will perhaps do the trick enough is enough now ATB

Left a voicemail today, very firm but fair. Said i know it's not the fault of the secretary who's machine i've left the message on. I've asked for it to be sorted and for me to be phoned tomorrow or i'm taking it further.

20-05-18, 20:30
As much as I'd jump at the chance for windy walk by the coast doing it with a six foot six biker ain't what I had in mind , although I wouldn't mind smacking some golf balls off beachy head ( find that pond ball :roflmao:) found a set of golf clubs in my shed the other day and I have no idea where they came from , tempted to take them up this big hill that over looks the train sidings and knock some off into the coal wagens it could be good therapy :noangel:

21-05-18, 09:58
Gives you big big big hugs, Matt.

21-05-18, 11:29
if a Royal were to sneeze they would be rushed in to see a lung expert within the hour...

This REALLY gets to me too Pulisa, and I've said the very same only this week. No wonder those old doddering ones are still going strong at 90 something, a tiny little urine leakage and they are whisked in for UTI testing and all manner of things in a top hospital stay with top consultants. Other people.....mehhhh.....dispensible....

Sorry things are so tough Matt, only just noticed this thread and have tried to catch up with it.

21-05-18, 13:56
This REALLY gets to me too Pulisa, and I've said the very same only this week. No wonder those old doddering ones are still going strong at 90 something, a tiny little urine leakage and they are whisked in for UTI testing and all manner of things in a top hospital stay with top consultants. Other people.....mehhhh.....dispensible....

Sorry things are so tough Matt, only just noticed this thread and have tried to catch up with it.

Thanks Carys:D

Pulisa does come out with some goodies!

It's a nightmare Carys. I'm getting bounced around from pillar to post and at a very slow pace.

Our health service reminds me of the new Dogs Trust advert have you seen it? At the Dogs Trust we never put a healthy dog down, but the moment one coughs it's in the Thames.:lac:

---------- Post added at 13:52 ---------- Previous post was at 13:43 ----------

As much as I'd jump at the chance for windy walk by the coast doing it with a six foot six biker ain't what I had in mind , although I wouldn't mind smacking some golf balls off beachy head ( find that pond ball :roflmao:) found a set of golf clubs in my shed the other day and I have no idea where they came from , tempted to take them up this big hill that over looks the train sidings and knock some off into the coal wagens it could be good therapy :noangel:

Don't worry Buster, i only said shake you by the hand not hold your hand!

Talking of Beachy Head, it was on my local news a couple of weeks ago that a foreign film company asked to do some filming up there. The council told them no, they wen't and did it anyway. The plonkers chucked a dummy off!!! People saw it in the water, they sen't Coast Guard helicopter up and lifeboat out. They reckon it cost 30 grand. What a bunch of plonkers!

---------- Post added at 13:56 ---------- Previous post was at 13:52 ----------

Gives you big big big hugs, Matt.

Thank You:D

21-05-18, 14:00
So much money is wasted in the NHS, so many appointments are cancelled, so much unnecessary paperwork is generated...
I'd be happy to pay a nominal fee just to improve services and weed out the timewasters.

21-05-18, 14:18
So much money is wasted in the NHS, so many appointments are cancelled, so much unnecessary paperwork is generated...
I'd be happy to pay a nominal fee just to improve services and weed out the timewasters.

I know loads of people who work for the NHS and what i can't understand is why do Paramedics only get paid about £26000 a year and nurses so little! They both do a fantastic job. Consultants and in particular GP's are grossly overpaid. What i can't understand is, i've looked up most of the Consultants at my hospital and they spend more days per week at the private hospitals. I just can't understand it. I also can't understand why letters from Consultants to GP's and vice versa are still done by post. FFS it's not the 1980's anymore!

When i had my surgery consultation a few weeks ago they must have called names out at least 6 times for people that had not turned up.

34 weeks for me to see a Neurologist is a joke. I'm just doing what i'm told and by the time i get this appt it will be six weeks short of a year since my ambulance visit to A&E.

21-05-18, 14:53
I am sending you some hugs BM. There is nothing I can say that will help.
It infuriates me. I just cannot understand how these things work.
When my husband went to have his kidney stone removed he had to go to another hospital. From Stoke to Stafford £36 it cost each way by taxi. Not funny.
When my dad was alive we had an ambulance service. Begger's belief.
I could write a book. Here are your :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

21-05-18, 15:46
Sorry for hijacking Matts thread but I have just called my pharmacy to re order my heart meds and guess what they told me you haven't been on the system since January so who has canceled this behind my back good job a called them this sort of thing shouldn't happen and can be very dangerous too :eek: nothing in comparison to what Matt has gone through though! again words fail me ahh. ATB

21-05-18, 16:52
Sorry for hijacking Matts thread but I have just called my pharmacy to re order my heart meds and guess what they told me you haven't been on the system since January so who has canceled this behind my back good job a called them this sort of thing shouldn't happen and can be very dangerous too :eek: nothing in comparison to what Matt has gone through though! again words fail me ahh. ATB

That's shocking Dave! How can things like happen? Just pathetic!

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:18 ----------

I am sending you some hugs BM. There is nothing I can say that will help.
It infuriates me. I just cannot understand how these things work.
When my husband went to have his kidney stone removed he had to go to another hospital. From Stoke to Stafford £36 it cost each way by taxi. Not funny.
When my dad was alive we had an ambulance service. Begger's belief.
I could write a book. Here are your :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks Magic.

That's just WRONG Magic! We have this patient transport thing round my way, it's people doing it in their own personal cars out of the goodness of their own hearts. Yes they get money to cover their petrol but it costs them wear and tear on their cars. My Partners Brother In Law did it for a while but it cost him a fortune.

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:27 ----------

Well the medical secretary has NOT phoned, again! I'm totally disgusted so i've phoned PALS and left a message.

21-05-18, 18:08
Some people get some awfully cruddy treatment on the NHS...what the NHS does well is emergency acute things.....long-term thinking and routine, not so great. You've SO got to keep ontop of them for appointments and care, otherwise you'll fall by the wayside. I still love the NHS, but they are run into the ground at the moment for various reasons which have been mentioned earlier in the thread. I know people who are waiting cancer treatment and keep having appointments delayed or moved....it must be soul destroying and push you to the limit of your psychological ability to cope. They too end up at PALS....I hope PALS come through for you !

BTW this is NOT a 'bash the doctors and nurses' comment, I'm sure they would love to be giving the quality of care and service they think is deserved.

21-05-18, 18:18
That's shocking Dave! How can things like happen? Just pathetic!

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:18 ----------

Thanks Magic.

That's just WRONG Magic! We have this patient transport thing round my way, it's people doing it in their own personal cars out of the goodness of their own hearts. Yes they get money to cover their petrol but it costs them wear and tear on their cars. My Partners Brother In Law did it for a while but it cost him a fortune.

---------- Post added at 16:52 ---------- Previous post was at 16:27 ----------

Well the medical secretary has NOT phoned, again! I'm totally disgusted so i've phoned PALS and left a message. I don't know Matt, but I intend to find out I want answers!! That medical seceratary should be taken to task once can be forgiven but that is rude and discourteous and I bet you aren't the only person she has done that to either, glad you have let PALS know you too need answers Matt I hope you get them :) ATB

21-05-18, 19:09
I don't know Matt, but I intend to find out I want answers!! That medical seceratary should be taken to task once can be forgiven but that is rude and discourteous and I bet you aren't the only person she has done that to either, glad you have let PALS know you too need answers Matt I hope you get them :) ATB

Dave the scary thing is what if your medication fowl up happened to say an elderly person who's not that swithed on and has it delivered. With something as important as a heart med eh! What a joke.

Dave my nessage for the secretary was very firm but fair. I did say delays are not her fault but as she didn't phone me back at the start of May unless she sorts something and phones today i'm taking it further and still no call. Even the NHS choices for my hospital says 27 week wait, if this appt goes ahead that's 34 weeks and 3 days! I've waited!!!

Anyway i've rung PALS now. It was close to the end of the day, so i gave her every chance to phone. PALS was an answer machine so hopefuĺly they will call tomorrow.

22-05-18, 14:46
Some people get some awfully cruddy treatment on the NHS...what the NHS does well is emergency acute things.....long-term thinking and routine, not so great. You've SO got to keep ontop of them for appointments and care, otherwise you'll fall by the wayside. I still love the NHS, but they are run into the ground at the moment for various reasons which have been mentioned earlier in the thread. I know people who are waiting cancer treatment and keep having appointments delayed or moved....it must be soul destroying and push you to the limit of your psychological ability to cope. They too end up at PALS....I hope PALS come through for you !

BTW this is NOT a 'bash the doctors and nurses' comment, I'm sure they would love to be giving the quality of care and service they think is deserved.

Well PALS phoned this morning and they are going to look into it. They were very good, they are going to contact the manager about it all and get me down for a short notice cancellation. I feel like i've dropped the secretary in it, but not phoning twice and not doing what she said she would isn't right.

Carys, one thing that gets me is when i've seen a consultant is they always have a nurse with them at appts. All the nurse does is come and get you from the waiting room, open the door to the consulting room and show you in. What a waste of a nurse, time and money. It must be to beneath a consultant to get of his arse, call a name and open a door. Yes a nurse might be required if a little test or something is needed during the consultation but not very often.

22-05-18, 14:59
Well PALS phoned this morning and they are going to look into it. They were very good, they are going to contact the manager about it all and get me down for a short notice cancellation. I feel like i've dropped the secretary in it, but not phoning twice and not doing what she said she would isn't right.

Carys, one thing that gets me is when i've seen a consultant is they always have a nurse with them at appts. All the nurse does is come and get you from the waiting room, open the door to the consulting room and show you in. What a waste of a nurse, time and money. It must be to beneath a consultant to get of his arse, call a name and open a door. Yes a nurse might be required if a little test or something is needed during the consultation but not very often. Hay Matt don't even go there it's not your problem the secretary should be taking more notice of whats going on and keep to their promises :) Iam glad it's in PALS hand now, and yes that is a sheer waste of a nurse's time/money that beggars belief keep us updated please and what PALS are going to do ATB

22-05-18, 15:13
I've only ever had hospital appointments relating to breast cancer, and the nurse in there at the time was my dedicated Breast Cancer Nurse, so I understood her being there as it was part of the consistency of care. At the time I thought it was just something that happened in that situation. However, I've been with my Mum to a few for dermatology and other things, and as you say there has been a nurse - goes to get the patient, then sits and stares the rest of the time. LOL

22-05-18, 19:14
I still haven't got answers why I was taken off my meds delivery service I did ask and the person I asked didn't know or didn't want to say but they promise to deliver by Friday even if the request for repeat prescription isn't done by Friday the pharmacy promise me a emergency supply well we will see Ahh ATB

23-05-18, 15:25
Well phoning PALS worked:D Had a call not long ago and have an appt for next Tuesday. Still had to wait over 30 weeks though:doh:

23-05-18, 16:05
Well phoning PALS worked:D Had a call not long ago and have an appt for next Tuesday. Still had to wait over 30 weeks though:doh::yesyes: And about time too it's a pity it had to come to this. Did you mention the 30 week wait to PALS:ohmy: simply a bad state of affairs fingers crossed this appointment will go ahead ATB

23-05-18, 17:40
That's such good news, Matt!! Really pleased for you and good for you for contacting PALS and not accepting such a shoddy service. Just goes to show what perseverance and determination can do but it really shouldn't have come to this.

They can't cancel Tuesday-it would take at least 2 weeks for NHS admin to generate a cancellation letter!

24-05-18, 03:12
What a mess! I'm glad you've finally got an appointment but it really shouldn't have to come to anything like this. I just can't understand how they look at the length of time waiting and just see how messed up it is? It really is incompetence.

It's a shame PALS are needed to sort out something which is just common sense to most businesses!

http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/quarrel/m1319.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/m-quarrel.php)http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/agressive/t0132.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-agressive.php)http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/agressive/t0175.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-agressive.php?page=2)

24-05-18, 06:15
YAY glad you finally got your appointment, can't believe it took this long for you, Good luck.

25-05-18, 14:11
That's such good news, Matt!! Really pleased for you and good for you for contacting PALS and not accepting such a shoddy service. Just goes to show what perseverance and determination can do but it really shouldn't have come to this.

They can't cancel Tuesday-it would take at least 2 weeks for NHS admin to generate a cancellation letter!

Well i got my new letter for this Tues this morning:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

Got a call 10mins ago from the appts centre cancelling it!!!! So back on the phone to PALS who just can't believe it! Normally once they get involved they daren't cancel appts.!!! So it was just a general office bod who called and couldn't tell me when my new appt will be. PALS are going to contact them straight away.

What a bunch of f##king, tos#pot, wa#kstain, ars#hole WTF''s.

25-05-18, 14:59
I agree with the last words on your last post. So so sorry so unfair:hugs:

25-05-18, 15:43
WTF is going on Matt I seriously cant believe it :mad: If it's any consulation to you I have had 3 private urology appointments cancelled too I am so glad PALS are on the case for you!! I am not sure if they get involved with private appointments do you know if they do or not? Terrible state of affairs tbh Matt ATB Mate ;)

25-05-18, 18:10
WTF is going on Matt I seriously cant believe it :mad: If it's any consulation to you I have had 3 private urology appointments cancelled too I am so glad PALS are on the case for you!! I am not sure if they get involved with private appointments do you know if they do or not? Terrible state of affairs tbh Matt ATB Mate ;)

I think you're NHS but have a consultation at the private hospital? If yes then PALS can help. If you're paying private then PALS can't help.

25-05-18, 18:27
I think you're NHS but have a consultation at the private hospital? If yes then PALS can help. If you're paying private then PALS can't help. Iam yes, that's good news then this has been going on since March of this year, not as long as you by any means it just causes extra unwanted stress Matt. ATB

25-05-18, 19:50
Sh*t Matt you couldn't make it up , do you by any chance have tattoo on your forehead saying " please pi*s me about I lurve it ":D
Those were pretty choice words you used there did Magic teach you them ? I'm told she can swear in fifteen different languages including sign :D
The other side of the NHS coin is this and it may give you a glimmer of hope , my cousin has gone from depression to starvation to organ failure and they saved him like they did my daughter and partner , Sunday he had a liver transplant which went so well he's going home today , they like you up and out as soon as possible these days , I guess the NHS just try to do their best with not enough money or staff , if the greedy pigs at the top stopped soaking up the money for them selves it would be a better system, viva la revolution.:D

26-05-18, 02:55
Could they be any more stupid! Dumb as eff.

If there were an operation then despite the annoyance you could appreciate electives getting cancelled for emergencies but not for something like this!!!

It just sounds like really poor management to me. When I've seen stuff like this go on in my industries it's always a lack of updating comments/flags to stop actions, people not reading comments enough, poor management decisions to shunt everyone regardless of history, etc. It was always frustrating dealing with stuff like that when I worked in complaints teams and later management roles but I tended to just be honest about and tell the customer is was a sod up. Not all bosses approve of that, and the NHS are very arse cover-y until you threaten legal action then they throw the bunches of flowers at you, but I found customers would agree and see you as the poor sod trying to help frustrated in working in a crap company.

I think one of my favourites was the idiot who sent out an engineer with a warrant to cut off a supply for a child on permanent breathing apparatus. The engineer was none too impressed. God knows how that didn't make it into the media, plenty did...there were many such cobble ups due to poor checking before authorising work. Luckily engineers tend to take the view they will walk away if they don't think the job is right.

26-05-18, 17:46
Unbelievable.....as Victor Meldrew would say..

Honestly, are they taking the piss? How on earth can they give an appointment one day and cancel it by phone that same day. Farcical. I'm so sorry, Matt. Do you actually feel you need to see a neurologist now? Forgive me if my comment is out of line-I just wondered whether your digestive issues were more concerning for you at the moment?

26-05-18, 18:52
Sh*t Matt you couldn't make it up , do you by any chance have tattoo on your forehead saying " please pi*s me about I lurve it ":D
Those were pretty choice words you used there did Magic teach you them ? I'm told she can swear in fifteen different languages including sign :D
The other side of the NHS coin is this and it may give you a glimmer of hope , my cousin has gone from depression to starvation to organ failure and they saved him like they did my daughter and partner , Sunday he had a liver transplant which went so well he's going home today , they like you up and out as soon as possible these days , I guess the NHS just try to do their best with not enough money or staff , if the greedy pigs at the top stopped soaking up the money for them selves it would be a better system, viva la revolution.:D

I do swear a lot. Every curse under the sun except one word I do not like.
It helps me with stress, and I feel satisfied about it. I do a bit of sign language too:sign20:

26-05-18, 21:01
I do swear a lot. Every curse under the sun except one word I do not like.
It helps me with stress, and I feel satisfied about it. I do a bit of sign language too:sign20:

Magic I made an agreement with my granddaughter years ago if I swear she can slap me , now she's seven it's starting to hurt and driving her to school I get slapped a lot , plus there's the double slap " shit " slap F@"k that hurt , slap :D
Life makes us swear it's our safety valve :hugs:

27-05-18, 06:38
Yeah, I can't say Jeremy Hunt either, it's just too foul for even me!!! :ohmy::blush:

(damn it!)

27-05-18, 12:12
Yeah, I can't say Jeremy Hunt either, it's just too foul for even me!!! :ohmy::blush:

(damn it!) Ha ha you just did perhaps it's misspelt :ohmy: :whistles:

27-05-18, 19:12
Magic I made an agreement with my granddaughter years ago if I swear she can slap me , now she's seven it's starting to hurt and driving her to school I get slapped a lot , plus there's the double slap " shit " slap F@"k that hurt , slap :D
Life makes us swear it's our safety valve :hugs:

Made me smile. I am so ashamed sometimes, I did explain to my g/daughter about the word bloody, because it is a phrase for a bloody nose etc... as for the other swear words, she just says "Oh Granny" and gives me a dig. I have never heard her swear, so it's not rubbing off.
Oh! I don't do the Jeremy thingy.It's The F word and the Big B word. And I look so Innocent:curse::wtf1:

27-05-18, 19:59
Magic my daughters and granddaughter dont swear in front of me either I guess it's a respect thang :D loving the WTF emoji, I get a mental picture of people on here I guess we all do , my picture of you is all sweet and inocent wearing a hand knitted cardigan, then when everyone's gone out you put on a Motörhead T shirt , play ace of spades and pull out a shoe box from under the bed which contains a gun , pointing it at the mirror and tilting your head to one side you say " you talking ta me ? well I don't see anyone else so you must be talkin ta me " gun goes back in the box next to the hand grenade and the cardy goes back on , am I right ? :D

29-05-18, 05:57
Ha ha you just did perhaps it's misspelt :ohmy: :whistles:

He's not a pheasant plucker either :winks:

(but he can definitely pluck off & get stuffed :yesyes:)

29-05-18, 09:26
He's not a pheasant plucker either :winks:

(but he can definitely pluck off & get stuffed :yesyes:) HA ha I get your drift Terry :winks::whistles: now work this one out if Typhoo put the T in Britain who put the unt in S****horpe ;) Ahem:ohmy: The old ones are the best!!

29-05-18, 19:41
Magic my daughters and granddaughter dont swear in front of me either I guess it's a respect thang :D loving the WTF emoji, I get a mental picture of people on here I guess we all do , my picture of you is all sweet and inocent wearing a hand knitted cardigan, then when everyone's gone out you put on a Motörhead T shirt , play ace of spades and pull out a shoe box from under the bed which contains a gun , pointing it at the mirror and tilting your head to one side you say " you talking ta me ? well I don't see anyone else so you must be talkin ta me " gun goes back in the box next to the hand grenade and the cardy goes back on , am I right ? :D

No that's not me Buster.. Ha Ha!!! A Sid Vicious or Skins T shirt, some one has nicked them. No guns, BANNED, just those horrible coat hangers too.
Barred them from the house.
I have knitted so many cardigans. They banned too.
I hope I don't look like Robert de Nero:winks::wacko::noangel:

30-05-18, 02:16
HA ha I get your drift Terry :winks::whistles: now work this one out if Typhoo put the T in Britain who put the unt in S****horpe ;) Ahem:ohmy: The old ones are the best!!

The people of Scun thorpe really should mount a discrimination case for their censorship all these years :yesyes:

07-06-18, 21:25
Good luck for the endoscopy tomorrow, Matt! Do hope you are OK?

05-08-18, 20:07
Well i thought i would update. First thanks for the PM's i've had and i will reply to these when i feel upto it.

So i met the neuro 5th June and had an MRI 20th June and it looks very much like i have MS. To say i'm pi##ed off with my GP and NHS trust would be an understatement. To think i started to feel odd in the spring/summer of 2016 and 1st going to my GP in Oct 2016 and getting fob off after fob off, knowing the reason is that i suffer from anxiety and know matter how much i complained a massive brick wall was put up.

I'm back to the neuro on Tuesday but after all the trouble i've had i bet it get's cancelled.

05-08-18, 21:00
Hi Matt so so sorry to hear about your friend but please don't beat yourself up you couldn't of known what was going to happen its so tragic but not your fault,

l new you've not been ro good lets hope they get you sorted there's lots of things it could be doesn't mean it is the worst keep positive your results were good so hopefully they can find out what it is and get you back on you're feet

hope all your family are well Matt take care love and hugs:bighug1: Alfie Elvis and Jude :winks:

Matt sorry im adding to my post because I didn't see your post above about MS really hope you get the right answers looks like they have messed you about best wishes xx

05-08-18, 21:17
Hi Matt , been a while I did wonder how you were getting on , sorry your still not well and by the sounds of it still getting arsed about , you say " by the sounds of it " does that mean it's not definitely ms ? Hopefully not , I don't know a great deal about ms and I'd rather stay ignorant it being bliss and all that :D shit my brain sets me up with a different disease each month .
Everything is more treatable these days so if it is it's not curtains.
Take care chap , ps watched quadroprhenia again last night have you considered getting a scooter ? :roflmao:

06-08-18, 08:35
Oh Matt, I'm very sorry to read this. Testing for MS is a very lengthy process-I'm sure your appointment won't be cancelled. After all the messing around you just want some answers now and decent care and attention.

06-08-18, 12:09
I hope all works out well for you, Matt, and that it's not MS. As Pul says, it's not a simple and straightforward diagnosis and all this could turn out to be something far more benign.

Wishing you positive outcome.

06-08-18, 13:07
Thanks Mrs Stress Ed, Buster, Pulisa and KK.

The MRI that i had shows lots of findings on my brain which could indicate that when i wound up in A&E nearly a year ago i might well of have had a stroke or i've been having TIA's or MS. All i know is i feel so sh#t with numbness in my feet, hands and fingers , tummy pain and trouble, dizziness and off balance 24/7 for 53 weeks and 3 days ( not that i'm counting eh?), nausea, muscle spasms and pain.

Thanks Everyone��

06-08-18, 13:32
Very sorry to hear this, Matt. I hope you get answers soon and I'm wondering if this is one of those times doctors reel off possibilities that they plan to discount which can be understandably scary?

Stupid doctors not spotting your symptoms :mad:

06-08-18, 15:17
Thanks Mrs Stress Ed, Buster, Pulisa and KK.

The MRI that i had shows lots of findings on my brain which could indicate that when i wound up in A&E nearly a year ago i might well of have had a stroke or i've been having TIA's or MS. All i know is i feel so sh#t with numbness in my feet, hands and fingers , tummy pain and trouble, dizziness and off balance 24/7 for 53 weeks and 3 days ( not that i'm counting eh?), nausea, muscle spasms and pain.

Thanks Everyone��

sending you the biggest hugs :bighug1:keep us updated wishing you well xx

06-08-18, 15:47
Very sorry to hear this, Matt. I hope you get answers soon and I'm wondering if this is one of those times doctors reel off possibilities that they plan to discount which can be understandably scary?

Stupid doctors not spotting your symptoms :mad:

Who knows Terry. I just wish my brain and cervical spine MRI had come back normal but on the other hand i just wan't a diagnosis so i know what i'm dealing with and get some treatment.

Everything has been an uphill struggle with long waits and cancellations. The letter i got with the scan results was dated 2 weeks before i got it which is also annoying.

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:42 ----------

sending you the biggest hugs :bighug1:keep us updated wishing you well xx

Thank you my lovely friend😊😊

Will hopefully find out tomorrow what the next step is.

06-08-18, 17:42
Sounds as though your neuro has a lot of tests to run on you. Things are finally happening ( a year too late). Difficult to understand how things could have been missed like that in A&E-you must be furious..

Good luck for tomorrow-please let us know how you are getting on if you can bear posting on here?

06-08-18, 18:16
Sounds as though your neuro has a lot of tests to run on you. Things are finally happening ( a year too late). Difficult to understand how things could have been missed like that in A&E-you must be furious..

Good luck for tomorrow-please let us know how you are getting on if you can bear posting on here?

Yes i am Pulisa very, very furious! When i wen't to A&E they were pretty thorough or so i thought. When i was seen by the stroke DR looking back now all he did was basic pushing and pulling his arms, squeezing his hands and stuff. When i left A&E my GP was told to do the urgent vascular referral which he did a std choose and book which was a 4 month wait and i had to fight and push and was seen in 10 weeks. The vascular consultant said i should see a neuro this was end of Oct and until i met the neuro after waiting 30+ weeks and having to complain to even get that appt sorted. The MRI has now showed that i'm not going mad and this is as far as i've got in all this time. It's a joke!

Trying to deal with this on top of a gastro being obtuse and referring me eventually to have my gallbladder out but surgeon says NO and developing a big hernia which hurts and the 1st surgeon saying they will do it as it's symptomatic and a second surgeon saying they won't because it's not symptomatic when it is. I have both the letters at home which totally contradicts both the surgeons. I've now got to go back to the gastro which i was re-referred back to in May, got my appt letter in June with an appt for Sept and got a letter 3 weeks ago cancelling it until November.

To be honest wether the hernia hurts or not i wan't it doing as it looks like i've got an extra boll##k next to my pecker. Sorry for the over info😕

06-08-18, 19:01
Sending you all the best MB. You have been through the mill, so you have.
Hope all goes well:hugs:x

06-08-18, 20:12
Sending you all the best MB. You have been through the mill, so you have.
Hope all goes well:hugs:x

Thanks Magic👍

14-08-18, 16:19
Well i had my follow up neurology appt after my MRI findings last Tues eve. The neurologist was a bit cagey about the findings of my scan so i've now been referred for further testing at a neuroscience place in Haywards Heath.

What really, really, really, really, really, really pi##es me off is there was a great big sign in the outopatients waiting area with the numbers of appts from the previous month. They saw just over 20000 people and had 1200+ no shows, thats about 6 in every 100 people dont turn up, WA##ERS! On talking to the nurse these people go straight back to the top of the waiting list. They should be at best if no reasonable reason be put back at the bottom. Made to pay the £190 the NHS say it costs or refused appts!

14-08-18, 19:14
hi Matt so they've not really told you much then by the sounds of that my god you've been messed about,

l totally agree people who don't turn up should be definitely bottom of the list just not fair to people who are in real need,

Anyway how are you Matt hope you're ok and well :hugs:

14-08-18, 19:37
hi Matt so they've not really told you much then by the sounds of that my god you've been messed about,

l totally agree people who don't turn up should be definitely bottom of the list just not fair to people who are in real need,

Anyway how are you Matt hope you're ok and well :hugs:

My anxiety is raging because of all this. I've been dizzy and off balance 24/7 unrelenting for a year and three weeks this Friday. By the time i see the gastro consultant in November it will be a year since he referred me for gallbladder surgery and 7 months since the surgeon said no and re-referred me back to the gastro. I've got all the classic gallbladder symptoms and i'm 99.9999999% certain i have a poorly gallbladder.

My appt was a waste of time. If they had any sort of sense, they could have just phoned and told me i will be getting referred to the neuroscience place i'm going to for further tests which i think was an eeg and evoked potential test. That in itself is a pain as it's an hr from home.

Sorry for the rant.

How are you?

14-08-18, 19:58
I can't complain compared to you Matt, l cant believe how they're treating you its a joke and don't apologise please you need to let off steam, hopefully the next appointment might get you a step nearer to knowing wishing you well Matt and your family xx:hugs:

14-08-18, 20:41
I can't complain compared to you Matt, l cant believe how they're treating you its a joke and don't apologise please you need to let off steam, hopefully the next appointment might get you a step nearer to knowing wishing you well Matt and your family xx:hugs:

I know you've not had a great year yourself so bless you and thanks for the support xx

I will wait for the letter from the consultant with my referral details then i'm going to phone everyday and hassle them.

Give Alfie and Elvis a cuddle from me!!

14-08-18, 21:39
I know you've not had a great year yourself so bless you and thanks for the support xx

I will wait for the letter from the consultant with my referral details then i'm going to phone everyday and hassle them.

Give Alfie and Elvis a cuddle from me!!

Bless you Matt
l truly wish you the best outcome Alfie and Elvis said thanks take care mate xx :hugs:

19-08-18, 19:39
Hi Matt just checking in see how you're doing hopefully your feeling abit better,

Best wishes xx

22-08-18, 16:23
Hi Matt just checking in see how you're doing hopefully your feeling abit better,

Best wishes xx

Thanks so much for asking.

Still no letter from consultant which i really, really need to start to hassle the hospital i'm being referred too.

Anxiety is full on.

How's you?

22-08-18, 16:28
Thanks so much for asking.

Still no letter from consultant which i really, really need to start to hassle the hospital i'm being referred too.

Anxiety is full on.

How's you?

oh bless you Matt not supprising really, hopefully you will hear soon and get sorted, l always think as bad as it is knowing what we have got we are better equipped to deal with it,

l am not to bad can't complain just plodding on as we do Matt xx
take care xx

23-08-18, 15:37
oh bless you Matt not supprising really, hopefully you will hear soon and get sorted, l always think as bad as it is knowing what we have got we are better equipped to deal with it,

l am not to bad can't complain just plodding on as we do Matt xx
take care xx

I felt this all coming at the start of 2016. I kept saying to my Partner about feeling odd and everything has just kept going downhill.

I don't like posting about it on here as it's an anxiety forum but it's good to vent.

I've not been working so we're skint and i've had to turn down 3 jobs in the last 6 months. I've gone on ESA now which is peanuts as my Partner still works a few hrs a week. This will mean i will have to endure the ESA health assessment thingy rrrr.

Take care x

04-09-18, 20:33
Any news re your neuro tests, Matt?

04-09-18, 21:12
Any news re your neuro tests, Matt?

Yes got my letter from the consultant last Tuesday. I've been referred for an NCS and EEG.

I'm going to start chasing it tomorrow and this week as my little one goes back to school tomorrow.

Thanks for asking Pulisa.

05-09-18, 12:54
Glad that the wheels are turning albeit slowly, Matt. At least you have had the letter now and it's the start of the process. You may even be able to arrange these appointments on the phone to cut down on the admin delay with letters etc.

You'll miss your little one, I'm sure, after the Summer holidays!

07-09-18, 13:53
Glad that the wheels are turning albeit slowly, Matt. At least you have had the letter now and it's the start of the process. You may even be able to arrange these appointments on the phone to cut down on the admin delay with letters etc.

You'll miss your little one, I'm sure, after the Summer holidays!

Thanks Pulisa, I got a letter today to phone up and book my appt. I've done it and it's for the 28th Sept. It's an NCS and EMG i'm having, not EEG.

Yes i miss him after the holidays. I can't believe how quick his reception year wen't and is now in year 1 infants. He was looking forward to it and goes off happy as larry. Still give a few more years and it will probably be another story.

Thanks Pulisa!

07-09-18, 17:19
Glad you've got these dates booked, Matt. More tests but hopefully they will clarify whether you need more investigations for MS. I know it can be a long process before official diagnosis if it comes to that...I expect you just want to know now because you have been messed around terribly.

Your little one will be doing GCSEs before you know it!! Enjoy the innocent Primary School years!

07-09-18, 23:17
Glad you've got these dates booked, Matt. More tests but hopefully they will clarify whether you need more investigations for MS. I know it can be a long process before official diagnosis if it comes to that...I expect you just want to know now because you have been messed around terribly.

Your little one will be doing GCSEs before you know it!! Enjoy the innocent Primary School years!

Thanks Pulisa.

Yes more tests and i've got to travel for these ones. It's been such hard going trying to get sorted. Trying do deal with this on top of my gallbladder area pain and other symptoms is a nightmare.

Yes it's all going so fast. It only seems like yesterday he was born. Just hope he grows up like my Partner and not a stressor like me.

08-09-18, 01:59
You will be too worried about GF's to worry about that soon :winks:

The NHS keep talking about charging patients for missed appointments and they love putting the missed count up in their receptions...perhaps you should reply with your version showing the number of days they haven't been arsed? :winks:

28-09-18, 18:08
I hope it all went to plan, Matt and that you are back home in one piece (although probably a bit frazzled, literally?!)

Any news on the day or is it another wait for results?

28-09-18, 18:43
Hope everything went ok Matt

29-09-18, 01:46
Don't stand next to any balloons or do any condom party tricks :winks:

Did you get a bill in kwh's? :winks:

01-10-18, 13:07
Pulisa and Elen, Thanks for asking. It was ok but the weirdest of tests. I only had the Nerve Conduction Study and not the EMG needle part.

It was a little uncomfortable but some of it was more like touching an electric cattle fence which i didn't like.

I wasn't to happy that i only had the NCS as my letter from the Neuro said i was being referred for an NCS and EMG, my appt letter also said the same but the Consultant said it's just written on all appt letters as standard.

The Consultant was a nice fella though and i tried to push for some answers and did get some info that i've got some nerve damage or something going on with my left arm, right arm and left leg. He said that my right arm could be something with my neck but i don't think it can be as they MRI'd my neck when i had my brain MRI and my neck was reported as normal. So i suppose i've just got to wait AGAIN.

The main hospital looked fairly modern but the neuroscience part which is set in the same grounds was like going back to the 1930's. My Dad phoned and came with me for a bit of company, he was in the RAF and said it reminded him of his old barracks.

Terry no bill in Kwh's just a pay and display to park ticket! Gave my little one a high five when i got home and flew staight out the patio doors!

01-10-18, 13:21

You've just reminded me of this classic...



So where do you go from here then? Wouldn't the consultant have raised the possibility of things if the evidence was there? Does the nerve damage point away from what you were worried about? Did he feel the need for further tests or did he think whatever is going on isn't neuro in origin?

Know what you mean about the hospital. Until they rebuilt ours we had a newer bit at the front and then those old concrete tunnels that made it look like an old asylum. Kept expecting to see the nurses dressed like Florence Nightingale.

01-10-18, 14:19

You've just reminded me of this classic...



So where do you go from here then? Wouldn't the consultant have raised the possibility of things if the evidence was there? Does the nerve damage point away from what you were worried about? Did he feel the need for further tests or did he think whatever is going on isn't neuro in origin?

Know what you mean about the hospital. Until they rebuilt ours we had a newer bit at the front and then those old concrete tunnels that made it look like an old asylum. Kept expecting to see the nurses dressed like Florence Nightingale.


I really don't know Terry. The Consultant doing the NCS is just a specialist in doing those tests, he was a Consultant neurophysiologist. It's shown some nerve damage so i suppose i've got to wait for the report to go to the Neurologist, with this and my brain MRI findings i hope they can piece everything together.

I'm dealing with this on top of being referred to have my gallbladder out and my hernia done. The 1st surgical registrar saying yes to meeting a second surgical registrar saying no, ****! The 2nd registrars reasons were my hernia doesn't hurt and it does and my gallbladders not coming out because i've not had biliary colic when to be honest i think i have. I had a severe pain all day yesterday and my Mrs reminded me yesterday that in the summer of 2016 i just threw up out of nowhere. I got re-referred back the gastro by the surgical team in April and my appt is Nov, should have been Sept but it got cancelled to Nov making it a 7 month wait. I'm living in pain and have a high pain threshold but i'm sure most people would strart going to A&E.

My conclusion is the NHS has no money, it's got worse under these Tory WA#KERS and if you can manage they don't give a .........

All i'm doing is following what i'm told. When the Gastro asked my GP to refer me to have my gallbladder out my GP said to me "so would you like your gallbladder out?' What a tw#t! Like it's an honour to get treatment. I said to him well not really, but if it's going to make me well again and that's what the gastro said, T#AT. I've never had a violent bone in me but i could of punched him!!

Now you can imagine what all this is doing to somebody with anxiety!

01-10-18, 17:49
Are they moving away from an MS diagnosis, Matt?

01-10-18, 19:10
Are they moving away from an MS diagnosis, Matt?

I really don't know Pulisa. The Consultant doing the tests was a Neurophysiologist not a Neurologist and could only tell me what the NCS showed. I feel like screaming or just asking my cat.

I'm trying not to burden my Partner with it all. She's still working a few hrs a week, i've turned down 3 job offers in the last 6 months. It makes me feel guilty as i want to get back to work so she doesn't have to.

01-10-18, 20:32
I'm sorry you are having to go through all this BikerMatt, you've been very patient, but you must be tearing your hair out. I do hope you get everything sorted out. :hugs:

01-10-18, 21:32
hi Matt hope you're well and your family, it doesn't seem as though your any nearer to knowing what is going on then honestly they had put you through it l hope things are better for you
Take care xx

01-10-18, 21:43
Tell you what Matt I'll drive down and pick you up , we'll get hammered on Jack daniels drive to beachy head and throw a Doctor off :roflmao: Doctors do my head in literally.
Sooner or later they have to find out what's wrong , sooner rather than later , Quincy would never have arsed you about like this .
Take care chap .

02-10-18, 02:06
Sooner or later they have to find out what's wrong , sooner rather than later , Quincy would never have arsed you about like this .

Quincy had the advantage of patients that didn't complain. :ohmy::D

08-10-18, 12:17
I'm sorry you are having to go through all this BikerMatt, you've been very patient, but you must be tearing your hair out. I do hope you get everything sorted out. :hugs:

Thanks Carnation:hugs:

Yep it's a nightmare, i get positive tests and go round in circles with everyone passing the buck.

---------- Post added at 12:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 ----------

hi Matt hope you're well and your family, it doesn't seem as though your any nearer to knowing what is going on then honestly they had put you through it l hope things are better for you
Take care xx

Thanks MRS STRESS ED:hugs:

Family is all good:yesyes: Yet i'm going round in circles.

---------- Post added at 12:17 ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 ----------

Tell you what Matt I'll drive down and pick you up , we'll get hammered on Jack daniels drive to beachy head and throw a Doctor off :roflmao: Doctors do my head in literally.
Sooner or later they have to find out what's wrong , sooner rather than later , Quincy would never have arsed you about like this .
Take care chap .


Deal!!!!! My GP would be choice. A golf clubbing 1st though! You can work on the ankles, knees, balls and hips. I'll do the ribs, elbows, shoulders, fingers, teeth and nose. :yesyes::yesyes:

We will have to catch him on his own, it might by hard as he's Iranian, so probably has 7 wives to keep him busy! Lol!

09-10-18, 17:51
*hugs* I'm so sorry about everything. I hope you start to feel better soon.

16-10-18, 13:08
Well after getting referred to have my gallbladder out and the surgery team saying no, getting referred back to the gastro 6 months ago, my appt for Sept got cancelled and changed to November, then a letter turns up Saturday changing it to today.

What a well oiled machine our healthcare system is!! As the letter states missed appts cost the NHS £190 but they cancel time and again themselves and this latest one is good for me as i can make it but getting a letter on a Saturday for an appt Tues when if i couldn't make it would have been wasted as you couldn't phone until the Monday! TITS!

I've asked my Dad to cone with me as he knows the situation and although i don't or didn't have a temper until this all started i'm scared i'll chuck the consultant out the window! Lol

16-10-18, 13:32
Good luck, Matt. I hope you make progress.

Any news on the neuro test results?

16-10-18, 14:00
Let's hope you get some answers Matt, Good Luck!

16-10-18, 14:16
Good luck, Matt. I hope you make progress.

Any news on the neuro test results?

Thanks Pulisa:)

No news from neuro tests.

---------- Post added at 14:16 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

Let's hope you get some answers Matt, Good Luck!

Let's hope so Carnation!

Thanks for the reply and well wishes:)

16-10-18, 17:05
Hmm...what advice would I give you for your appointment? Oh yes, keep a straight back and lift with your legs before releasing the consultant towards the window :yesyes:

16-10-18, 20:05
The way your luck has been going he'll probably land on your car :D .
Hope it goes / went ok matey .

16-10-18, 20:20
All the best Matt:hugs::hugs::hugs:

16-10-18, 22:22
Hmm...what advice would I give you for your appointment? Oh yes, keep a straight back and lift with your legs before releasing the consultant towards the window :yesyes:

l like Terrys advice :roflmao:just make sure you dont cause yourself an injury when lifting the consultant up :D

all the best Matt sending you hugs:hugs:

17-10-18, 01:43
l like Terrys advice :roflmao:just make sure you dont cause yourself an injury when lifting the consultant up :D

all the best Matt sending you hugs:hugs:

That's one way to move up the operating list if he does himself a hernia in the process :winks:

---------- Post added at 01:43 ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 ----------

The way your luck has been going he'll probably land on your car :D .
Hope it goes / went ok matey .


How did it go, Matt? Stupid sending letters like that, a phone call is cheaper & more efficient compared to a non attendance for an obviously cancelled slot. :doh:

21-10-18, 12:18
Thanks everyone:hugs:
It wen't really well! It was a different consultant as the consultant i saw last year was a locum and a muppet.

He sat and listened, had a good prod of my stomach and took me serious, as when i say i've got pain, which get's worse after eating, that's not normal, plus my other symptoms.

He agreed it sounds like i have a gallbladder problem and i've got to have a load of blood tests, give a poo sample and have another ultrasound. I've also got to have a HIDA scan, which means laying under a gamma machine for 1 1/2 to 2 hrs eeeeek!

Terry yes that's exactly what i said to my Mrs. Why not phone if they're bumping you up the list at such short notice. For a quick phone call to check the person they're bumping can make it and not waste an appt but nobody can think that deeply.

So he was one of the main gastro's and good, so no launching out of the window required! Lol

21-10-18, 14:04
You should have ran when your saw these two at your last appointment...



Glad to hear you had a good appointment. This guy sounds more like what we should always expect from a doctor.

21-10-18, 14:35
You should have ran when your saw these two at your last appointment...



Glad to hear you had a good appointment. This guy sounds more like what we should always expect from a doctor.

Thanks Terry. Yes it was good and yes it was productive. I just can't understand WHY it has taken so much effort and pushing. Yes i have anxiety that's now off the charts, but i've lived with these symptoms and pain for 2 years in January and it's nearly 2 years to the day when i 1st started to complain to my GP of feeling odďddddddddd.

Love the pic!

22-11-18, 14:51
Just a little update. I underwent 90 minutes of non-stop testing for my dizziness yesterday which has been 24/7 non-stop since July 2017 and it had been off and on for 7 months previous, it was with an audiological scientist. Once again i had to travel way out of my area and luckily my 79 year old Dad who is probably fitter than me, still drives like he's in his 30s took me. I was strapped to all sorts of contraptions, spun around, things in my ears blowing hot air then cold air, contraptions over my eyes, following lights. Counting backwards, counting in two's, calling out countries, animals, girls names, boys names, foods all in alphabetical order, whilst doing these tests. Standing on balance machines flat footed the with things under them. All sorts of other weird stuff.

The UPSHOT IS I DO HAVE A VESTIBULAR CONDITION CONFIRMED!!!! I'm pretty ANGRY, when i was asked by the specialist who long this had become 24/7 and i told her since July 2017 she had a double take and said "What July this year or last year?" She couldn't believe it!!!

I will update more later as i needed to vent!

---------- Post added at 14:51 ---------- Previous post was at 14:50 ----------

Just a little update. I underwent 90 minutes of non-stop testing for my dizziness yesterday which has been 24/7 non-stop since July 2017 and it had been off and on for 7 months previous, it was with an audiological scientist. Once again i had to travel way out of my area and luckily my 79 year old Dad who is probably fitter than me, still drives like he's in his 30s took me. I was strapped to all sorts of contraptions, spun around, things in my ears blowing hot air then cold air, contraptions over my eyes, following lights. Counting backwards, counting in two's, calling out countries, animals, girls names, boys names, foods all in alphabetical order, whilst doing these tests. Standing on balance machines flat footed the with things under them. All sorts of other weird stuff.

The UPSHOT IS I DO HAVE A VESTIBULAR CONDITION CONFIRMED!!!! I'm pretty ANGRY, when i was asked by the specialist who long this had become 24/7 and i told her since July 2017 she had a double take and said "What July this year or last year?" She couldn't believe it!!!

I will update more later as i needed to vent!

22-11-18, 18:10
Let's hope now that you have some answers, you can get the help you need Matt.
Vent all you want, it's good for you. :hugs:

22-11-18, 18:53
I was strapped to all sorts of contraptions, spun around, things in my ears blowing hot air then cold air, contraptions over my eyes, following lights. Counting backwards, counting in two's, calling out countries, animals, girls names, boys names, foods all in alphabetical order, whilst doing these tests. Standing on balance machines flat footed the with things under them. All sorts of other weird stuff.

Sounds like a fun day out ! :roflmao:

So, a 'vestibual condition'.......can they treat it ? I'm glad you finally have validation, but such a shame it took so damned long.

22-11-18, 19:07
I just looked it up. It looks like the answer is yes! :yesyes:

22-11-18, 19:26
Do you have a definitive diagnosis though? Or has it been kept vague?

Glad you have made some progress at last. Did anything come of the MS tests? Is there a link?

22-11-18, 21:37
Carnation, Carys & Pulisa, thanks for the replies.

Yes it is treatable and i've been diagnosed with PPPD (Persistant Postural-Perteptual Dizziness)

1st saw the neuro in June (i think) after waiting 31 weeks. Something showed on my brain scan so he met me again, sen't me for nerve conduction studies. I had these done 28/9/18 and i've heard NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL!!! I took my Partner to my 2 appts for back up i had with him and told him i'm dizzy and off balance 24/7 since July 2017 and both letters after the 2 times i've seen him have said, occasional dizzy spells!! WHAT? NO, 24/7!!! But NOTHING since my NCS!!

I asked my GP in mid Sept if he could refer me to ENT about this. I asked him repeatedly if he would do an urgent as my dizziness had now been 14 months solid and i knew waiting times are 5 months and he said he would. I got a choose and book, 1st appt 5 months!! Great GP! I phoned the hospital and got seen with 3 weeks. The ENT consultant was great, did a couple of tests, could see my balance was bad and referred me to this appt yesterday.

Yesterday was horrible but i made it through and i will need to see the ENT consultant again.

I also have the big one coming up on Tuesday. I had my HIDA scan appt come through last week for my gallbladder. Again i've got to travel. This is a gallbladder emptying scan and i will be laying under a gamma camera for 90mins to 2hrs. It's a nuclear scan, they inject a nuclear tracer into my bloodstream and watch it in my liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, then after a while give me a fatty drink to stimulate the gallbladder to see if it empties and works properly. This is a biggy for me as it's taken a pathetic amount of time to get this far and if i've not got something wrong with my gallbladder i WILL EAT MY UNDERPANTS.

23-11-18, 00:27
Matt, you can prep your mind for your appointment on Tuesday. I know, easy to say. But, if you can go there with a list of stuff you can think of such as taking yourself off to a happy place, listing names of bikes, cars, bands, lyrics to songs etc. Counting to 100 and back. Stuff like that. Are you allowed to take headphones for music?

23-11-18, 02:15
So, a 'vestibual condition'.......can they treat it ?

Yeah, a lick of paint and a nice potted plant makes a vestibule look better. :winks:

---------- Post added at 02:15 ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 ----------

Carnation, Carys & Pulisa, thanks for the replies.

Yes it is treatable and i've been diagnosed with PPPD (Persistant Postural-Perteptual Dizziness)

1st saw the neuro in June (i think) after waiting 31 weeks. Something showed on my brain scan so he met me again, sen't me for nerve conduction studies. I had these done 28/9/18 and i've heard NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL!!! I took my Partner to my 2 appts for back up i had with him and told him i'm dizzy and off balance 24/7 since July 2017 and both letters after the 2 times i've seen him have said, occasional dizzy spells!! WHAT? NO, 24/7!!! But NOTHING since my NCS!!

I asked my GP in mid Sept if he could refer me to ENT about this. I asked him repeatedly if he would do an urgent as my dizziness had now been 14 months solid and i knew waiting times are 5 months and he said he would. I got a choose and book, 1st appt 5 months!! Great GP! I phoned the hospital and got seen with 3 weeks. The ENT consultant was great, did a couple of tests, could see my balance was bad and referred me to this appt yesterday.

Yesterday was horrible but i made it through and i will need to see the ENT consultant again.

I also have the big one coming up on Tuesday. I had my HIDA scan appt come through last week for my gallbladder. Again i've got to travel. This is a gallbladder emptying scan and i will be laying under a gamma camera for 90mins to 2hrs. It's a nuclear scan, they inject a nuclear tracer into my bloodstream and watch it in my liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, then after a while give me a fatty drink to stimulate the gallbladder to see if it empties and works properly. This is a biggy for me as it's taken a pathetic amount of time to get this far and if i've not got something wrong with my gallbladder i WILL EAT MY UNDERPANTS.

Try saying that after a few pints! :ohmy:

I'm glad you are getting some progress, Matt. It sounds to me like there is a way to go yet but they are at least doing it all as opposed to all the others who have just dumped the issues.

My mum had a gamma test earlier this year. Have you had your letter about the before & after yet? I think it just affected what she could eat on the day (I think she also had to have a snack between the testing) but it may be more specific for what you were having as hers was for cardio testing.

What does worry me is that you are already so pissed off. And now they are going to bring "gamma rays" into it? :ohmy:


"You won't like me when I'm anxious" :yesyes::roflmao:

24-11-18, 16:37
Matt, you can prep your mind for your appointment on Tuesday. I know, easy to say. But, if you can go there with a list of stuff you can think of such as taking yourself off to a happy place, listing names of bikes, cars, bands, lyrics to songs etc. Counting to 100 and back. Stuff like that. Are you allowed to take headphones for music?

Carnation, i've managed a 45minute brain and neck MRI and a 60minute MRCP MRI this year. This is under a gamma camera, so i hope it's less enclosed than an MRI machine. I got some diazepam from my GP yesterday, so will take a big dose. 90mins to 2hrs under this machine is going to be tough, as much of my anxiety is about being trapped.

I don't have any headphones but i'm sure you'd be allowed. I've watched some Youtube videos and sometimes they have music playing and even a telly to watch, but they're mainly in the States or private. I will probably be looking at a ceiling that needed painting back in 1954, lol! I will probably hyperventilate from start to finish and be thinking don't need a wee, don't need a wee, please don't let me need a wee, as i have to lay dead still the whole time whilst the camera monitors the nuclear tracer.

Thanks for the tips!

24-11-18, 19:32
To be honest, Matt, I'd recommend you taking the full whack of diazepam but time it right so that it begins to take effect a few mins into the scan. I think 2 hours lying still would be hard for anyone let alone people like us..

I suppose you could supplement the benzos with the latest from the Brexit borefest?:D

24-11-18, 20:46
Pulisa, What dose would you have to take for that? It's about an hr i will have to travel to get me there about 15 to 30mins early. I'm thinking of taking 5mg when i leave home, 5mg when on route and 5mg just before i enter the hospital. That's the most i've ever taken in that period of time but i'm going to need it.

24-11-18, 20:54
I'd probably go for the 5mg when leaving home and then take 10mg about 20 mins before the scan is due to start. I know it's difficult to plan for this with possible delays etc. I wonder if they would consider giving you midazolam instead at the hospital? It's used for conscious sedation and I find it really effective.

24-11-18, 21:10
I'd probably go for the 5mg when leaving home and then take 10mg about 20 mins before the scan is due to start. I know it's difficult to plan for this with possible delays etc. I wonder if they would consider giving you midazolam instead at the hospital? It's used for conscious sedation and I find it really effective.

Thanks Pulisa, I'd rather not go for conscious sedation as that would make me more anxious, i don't know why but i refused my endoscopy with it and just used diazepam. I'm not sure if i could anyway as i have to be with it to drink a fatty drink at about an hr through the scan.

I know it should be pretty much running to time, as when i 1st got the appt it was for 8.30am and as i have to travel i phoned to ask for a slightly later one. They changed it to 10.30 which was lucky as they are only doing two that day and that's it for the rest of the year. Luckily the other person having it done that day is from the same town where the hospital is and was happy to swap. I was told it was so specialist that the nuclear tracer they are using is made and delivered at 8am and has to be used within 4hrs of delivery, so there shouldn't be any delays.

25-11-18, 08:18
Blimey! Are you safe to go into "circulation" afterwards??!! For God sake don't go to Salisbury!:D

Joking apart, this all sounds incredibly high tech and you will be thoroughly investigated so they are doing all they can to get an accurate diagnosis. Can you imagine how much this would cost if you were having to pay for it?

You've had so many tests recently and it must be very stressful.

25-11-18, 12:45
Yeah, a lick of paint and a nice potted plant makes a vestibule look better. :winks:

---------- Post added at 02:15 ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 ----------

Try saying that after a few pints! :ohmy:

I'm glad you are getting some progress, Matt. It sounds to me like there is a way to go yet but they are at least doing it all as opposed to all the others who have just dumped the issues.

My mum had a gamma test earlier this year. Have you had your letter about the before & after yet? I think it just affected what she could eat on the day (I think she also had to have a snack between the testing) but it may be more specific for what you were having as hers was for cardio testing.

What does worry me is that you are already so pissed off. And now they are going to bring "gamma rays" into it? :ohmy:


"You won't like me when I'm anxious" :yesyes::roflmao:

Lol Terry!! I probably will be glowing!!

Yes they do gamma scans with a tracer for a few things.

Yes my letter states things for my prep which is mainly nothing to eat or drink for six hrs before. I'm going to have to have a few sips of water though to take some diazepam.

I know the three drugs i can't take are codeine, pethidine and another type of painkiller.

Yes, after about an hr of them watching the tracer in my liver, gallbladder and bile ducts they will give me a fatty drink to stimulate my gallbladder to see how it's working.

---------- Post added at 12:45 ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 ----------

Blimey! Are you safe to go into "circulation" afterwards??!! For God sake don't go to Salisbury!:D

Joking apart, this all sounds incredibly high tech and you will be thoroughly investigated so they are doing all they can to get an accurate diagnosis. Can you imagine how much this would cost if you were having to pay for it?

You've had so many tests recently and it must be very stressful.

It's actually not that expensive, which i find strange. I looked at having a private HIDA scan and they're about £900. It's expensive enough but cheaper than i thought.

Yes i will glowing! I have to avoid close contact with small children and pregnant women. My partners not pregnant but i will miss cuddles with my little one.

Pulisa, when i said i'm going to take 15mg of diazepam and you told me how you'd take it, was that the dose you'd have to take for something like this? If not what would you take?

Just hope it's not on the plastic bed like an MRI, why can't they have a thin mattress. 1.5 to 2hrs is going to kill my back.

Yes these tests have been stressful and my MH is as bad as it's ever been and it's over 2 years that i started to complain to my GP of feeling unwell. Not sure who to sue 1st, my GP? 1st gastro? 2nd surgeon who refused to take my gallbladder out? Or my NHS trust? Lol

25-11-18, 12:59
Don't think about suing anyone, Matt. Wait until you have the results from your tests and see what diagnosis you are given. Anger is so bad for us and just makes anxiety all the more difficult to deal with. You've had to wait a hell of a long time for these tests but at least they are happening now.

As for what I'd do in your circumstances...I really couldn't tolerate lying still for 2 hours at the best of times let alone in a scanner. I'd ask for midazolam if I could have it but I appreciate that you wouldn't want this. 15mg of diazepam would knock me out, I think.

25-11-18, 13:20
Don't think about suing anyone, Matt. Wait until you have the results from your tests and see what diagnosis you are given. Anger is so bad for us and just makes anxiety all the more difficult to deal with. You've had to wait a hell of a long time for these tests but at least they are happening now.

As for what I'd do in your circumstances...I really couldn't tolerate lying still for 2 hours at the best of times let alone in a scanner. I'd ask for midazolam if I could have it but I appreciate that you wouldn't want this. 15mg of diazepam would knock me out, I think.

It has all made me very angry, i just feel that in every walk of life people with MH problems are treated like 2nd class citizens and once it's on your medical records your healthcare also suffers.

The frustration of all this has been horrific and taken it's toll.

Venting on here has become a regular thing for me, i don't like doing it and i apologise. I probably get on peoples nerves.

I though you'd taken diazepam before, for scans?

25-11-18, 17:06
Yes I have but I've only had MRI scans and 5 mg is enough to help me.

25-11-18, 18:15
Matt, my mum has to sleep upright and takes codeine daily for back pain. She didn't have any issues lying for that test so I expect it's padded enough. I will ask her later to be sure but I can't remember her saying anything about it being a problem.

Remember you can save on electricity for a day or two...you will be glowing in dark! :yesyes:

25-11-18, 18:38
Matt, my mum has to sleep upright and takes codeine daily for back pain. She didn't have any issues lying for that test so I expect it's padded enough. I will ask her later to be sure but I can't remember her saying anything about it being a problem.

Remember you can save on electricity for a day or two...you will be glowing in dark! :yesyes:

Thanks Terry. If you could ask i'd appreciate it:)

I know when i've had my MRI's, it's a horrible plastic rock hard bed.

What's wrong with your Mum's back Terry?

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:31 ----------

Terry, Could you ask how long your Mums scan was too. Ta muchly!

25-11-18, 18:41
Wish you all the best with your Test. Hope you get the results asap. :hugs::hugs::hugs:x

25-11-18, 19:06
Will do mate.

As for the back, old age. She's 78 with osteoporosis and a curvature. She can't stand or walk for long periods and hasn't been able to since her GP put her on statins (when they were the new "thing" before they worked out they didn't suit some people. Then a deep tissue massage by a physio only compounded it and she walked with a stick ever since :mad:) which caused her lots of lower back pain.

25-11-18, 20:37
Deep issue massage and osteoporosis??!! What on earth was the physio thinking, doing that? Your poor Mum, Terry..

I understand why you are angry, Matt. I just know that when you are in daily chronic pain anger just makes it all worse. But being in constant pain makes you angry and irritable anyway so it's a vicious circle.

The scan is a means to an end-a conclusive diagnosis after months of frustration. I think however bad it is you will get through it with the help of diazepam and whatever else helps to get through the minutes. Even planning out your letters of complaint in your head and trying to zone out from the scan and what is going on around you? Thinking about how excited your little boy will be for Christmas and what you can get for his stocking? Christmas outings?

25-11-18, 22:11
Wish you all the best with your Test. Hope you get the results asap. :hugs::hugs::hugs:x

Thanks Magic:)

It really is appreciated:hugs::hugs:

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------

Will do mate.

As for the back, old age. She's 78 with osteoporosis and a curvature. She can't stand or walk for long periods and hasn't been able to since her GP put her on statins (when they were the new "thing" before they worked out they didn't suit some people. Then a deep tissue massage by a physio only compounded it and she walked with a stick ever since :mad:) which caused her lots of lower back pain.

Your poor mum. Back problems are a nightmare and debilitating.

The statins didn't cause more back pain? My Dad is supposed to take a statin but i don't think he does as they make him feel bad. He says when he takes them his legs feel like lead and he can hardly walk. He's 79, still plays golf and 100% with it, but statins make him feel like crap.

26-11-18, 02:20
Matt, they swapped my mum onto statins when they were new. That's when she started having a lot of back pain. Once off them it went away but she was left with a certain amount of it that she could no longer do what she did before.

Pulisa, it just hurt and the next few days she was much worse. I don't know what the guy was thinking. I think it came out later about how this wouldn't help with her root cause but it was some years ago so I may be wrong. I guess it all did some real damage, it's like how when she broke her shoulder even after months of exercises she never got all her strength back and couldn't lift her arm above a certain height above chest level. Maybe scar tissue? My GF has loads of that in her shoulder and has had plenty of unsuccessful physio for it.

It was only after a short stint on statins and this physio treatment that she needed a stick to walk ever since. Standing for long periods was hard. Just cooking meant she needed to lean on something. She's been like this ever since. Prior to the med switch to statins she could do all these things without.

---------- Post added 26-11-18 at 02:20 ---------- Previous post was 25-11-18 at 22:39 ----------

I asked my mum about this Matt and she said because she can't lie flat it was an issue with her back but they put supports under her legs to ease it. She said just tell them about it as they will try and make you comfortable.

That's if you are having the same test, I only noted the nuclear/gamma element. With hers she wasn't in very long and much of the time was spent having the tracer injected earlier and having to eat & drink something in between to help with the scan.

She did say the tracer in her case lifted her body temperature which is supposed to happen. I'm only telling you this in case it's the same for you and not to worry, knowing how a new symptom appearing can make us panic and you will already be under pressure on the day in your head.

26-11-18, 08:23
I hope that it won't be a full 2 hours scan for you, Matt. Maybe they say this time to take into account all the admin and stuff plus the injecting and drinking?

26-11-18, 09:44
On the 'statin' subject..... I was offered these 15 years ago and refused them as my mum told me she was on them and found she could hardly walk. Like you say Terry, her legs felt like lead and felt painful. The same thing happened with a neighbour. It's not with everyone, but they don't agree with a lot of people.

26-11-18, 16:09
Matt, they swapped my mum onto statins when they were new. That's when she started having a lot of back pain. Once off them it went away but she was left with a certain amount of it that she could no longer do what she did before.

Pulisa, it just hurt and the next few days she was much worse. I don't know what the guy was thinking. I think it came out later about how this wouldn't help with her root cause but it was some years ago so I may be wrong. I guess it all did some real damage, it's like how when she broke her shoulder even after months of exercises she never got all her strength back and couldn't lift her arm above a certain height above chest level. Maybe scar tissue? My GF has loads of that in her shoulder and has had plenty of unsuccessful physio for it.

It was only after a short stint on statins and this physio treatment that she needed a stick to walk ever since. Standing for long periods was hard. Just cooking meant she needed to lean on something. She's been like this ever since. Prior to the med switch to statins she could do all these things without.

---------- Post added 26-11-18 at 02:20 ---------- Previous post was 25-11-18 at 22:39 ----------

I asked my mum about this Matt and she said because she can't lie flat it was an issue with her back but they put supports under her legs to ease it. She said just tell them about it as they will try and make you comfortable.

That's if you are having the same test, I only noted the nuclear/gamma element. With hers she wasn't in very long and much of the time was spent having the tracer injected earlier and having to eat & drink something in between to help with the scan.

She did say the tracer in her case lifted her body temperature which is supposed to happen. I'm only telling you this in case it's the same for you and not to worry, knowing how a new symptom appearing can make us panic and you will already be under pressure on the day in your head.

Thanks Terry, The letter says i will feel no effects from the tracer. When i had my CT last year with the contrast that was odd, it's common to make you feel like you've wet yourself and it did. The CT was easy though, apart from the fact i have hard to find veins and them jabbing at me for 15 minutes, it's slide in and out of the machine a few times and it's over in no more than 10 mins.

---------- Post added at 16:09 ---------- Previous post was at 15:55 ----------

Deep issue massage and osteoporosis??!! What on earth was the physio thinking, doing that? Your poor Mum, Terry..

I understand why you are angry, Matt. I just know that when you are in daily chronic pain anger just makes it all worse. But being in constant pain makes you angry and irritable anyway so it's a vicious circle.

The scan is a means to an end-a conclusive diagnosis after months of frustration. I think however bad it is you will get through it with the help of diazepam and whatever else helps to get through the minutes. Even planning out your letters of complaint in your head and trying to zone out from the scan and what is going on around you? Thinking about how excited your little boy will be for Christmas and what you can get for his stocking? Christmas outings?

Thanks for believing me, Pulisa. I'm in pain and have been since Jan 2017, but had felt odd since Oct 2016. Thanks for not blowing me off with the "it's anxiety" if i thought it was i'd admit it. It really is miserable living in pain that's always there, but get's way, way worse after eating.

It's hard to not show my frustration in front of my partner and in particular my little one.

I will give my little one a good Christmas , we are staying at home this year as we did last. We asked him a few weeks ago what he wanted from Santa and he said "Thomas The Tank Engine Slippers and a cucumber" nice and cheap for me and Sarah then:roflmao:

26-11-18, 16:42
Are you sure he didn't mean Kevin The Carrot? They are fighting over those in Scotland. :ohmy: I bet poor Parsnip is getting left on the shelf though :weep: Heh, you parents could save money by buying Parsnip, painting him orange and curling his lips up into a smile! :yesyes:

26-11-18, 17:07
Are you sure he didn't mean Kevin The Carrot? They are fighting over those in Scotland. :ohmy: I bet poor Parsnip is getting left on the shelf though :weep: Heh, you parents could save money by buying Parsnip, painting him orange and curling his lips up into a smile! :yesyes:

Hi Terry, Just a word about statins. I have been taking them since 1998.
Small dose at first, then as the years went by a higher dose.
They are really horrible.
Having said that a woman I know had high cholesterol 10.0. she was given statins but did not take them. I saw her a couple of years later in the doctors surgery giving a letter to the receptionist. She had just come out of hospital that same day. She had had a heart attack.
I have pain in muscles etc and some days use a stick. Standing in one place for a time is awful. I do sympathize, but what is the answer??? x

26-11-18, 17:52
Don't take this the wrong way but I really do hope that something treatable shows up on your scan, Matt. At least then you would have some answers and could deal with the problem. Just getting fobbed off and not knowing why you are in pain is soul destroying.

You and your family deserve a good Christmas-just make the most of your little boy's modest Christmas list!!:D You could always buy him the "Operation" game and pretend that you are removing your hated GP's brains (if he has any, that is!)

26-11-18, 18:16
Don't take this the wrong way but I really do hope that something treatable shows up on your scan, Matt. At least then you would have some answers and could deal with the problem. Just getting fobbed off and not knowing why you are in pain is soul destroying.

You and your family deserve a good Christmas-just make the most of your little boy's modest Christmas list!!:D You could always buy him the "Operation" game and pretend that you are removing your hated GP's brains (if he has any, that is!)

Yes i really hope it shows the problem. Just don't know how i'm going to get through it as i'm already shaking. I hate hospitals, needles and the trapped feeling. It is definitely a minimum of 90mins. It's the tracer in, then monitor the tracer for an hr, then a fatty drink to stimulate the gallbladder for 30mins minimum.

He already has the game operation lol! My GP is Iranian, so will have to look out for a game called "spot the suicide bomber, with 7 wives, whilst eating a pepperoni and sheeps head pizza game"

My little one has got lots for Christmas. He's already had the Thomas slippers as the sole came off his old ones. It made us really laugh (not to his face) when he said he wanted slippers and a cucumber:D BLESS HIM!

26-11-18, 18:19
SLippers and a cucumber ?????? :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:Is salad very scarce round your way ?!

26-11-18, 18:44
SLippers and a cucumber ?????? :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:Is salad very scarce round your way ?!

Carys. It's a classic "a cucumber" we are so lucky he would much rather eat fruit and veg than choc. He very rarely asks for chocolate, drinks 90% water but other than that a little bit of milk and sometimes orange squash.

27-11-18, 05:33
Fans of Bottom will remember their Christmas. "Oh, I wonder what it is...it's a...it's a...it's another Brussel sprout!". :yesyes::roflmao:

That's Matt direction. :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 02:13 ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 ----------

SLippers and a cucumber ?????? :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:Is salad very scarce round your way ?!

Well he might have moved down south but he is still a Scot. :winks:

---------- Post added at 05:33 ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 ----------

Hi Terry, Just a word about statins. I have been taking them since 1998.
Small dose at first, then as the years went by a higher dose.
They are really horrible.
Having said that a woman I know had high cholesterol 10.0. she was given statins but did not take them. I saw her a couple of years later in the doctors surgery giving a letter to the receptionist. She had just come out of hospital that same day. She had had a heart attack.
I have pain in muscles etc and some days use a stick. Standing in one place for a time is awful. I do sympathize, but what is the answer??? x

Yeah, I know what you mean, Magic. The older we get the more GP's just seem to make us rattle with pills. Sometimes you don't know what is for the best with all the side effect issues and chopping & changing they do.

I do think they too easily give stuff out though. My dad was given one of those angina sprays and referred to the cardio unit. He started having trouble breathing when he had a cold a couple of weeks back so they got him into an emergency appointment at the surgery where he saw the clinical pharmacist. The guy asked if he had chest pains to which my dad said he never had and it was all shortness of breath so he told him to dump the angina spray as it wasn't any use for that. :shrug: I get that GP's might want to prescribe a helping hand but it might be nice if it's even for what you go down with!

27-11-18, 15:05
Fans of Bottom will remember their Christmas. "Oh, I wonder what it is...it's a...it's a...it's another Brussel sprout!". :yesyes::roflmao:

That's Matt direction. :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 02:13 ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 ----------

Well he might have moved down south but he is still a Scot. :winks:

---------- Post added at 05:33 ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 ----------

Yeah, I know what you mean, Magic. The older we get the more GP's just seem to make us rattle with pills. Sometimes you don't know what is for the best with all the side effect issues and chopping & changing they do.

I do think they too easily give stuff out though. My dad was given one of those angina sprays and referred to the cardio unit. He started having trouble breathing when he had a cold a couple of weeks back so they got him into an emergency appointment at the surgery where he saw the clinical pharmacist. The guy asked if he had chest pains to which my dad said he never had and it was all shortness of breath so he told him to dump the angina spray as it wasn't any use for that. :shrug: I get that GP's might want to prescribe a helping hand but it might be nice if it's even for what you go down with!

Yeah forgot to mention he likes his cucumber cooked in batter though!

Magic and Terry, maybe i'm far to cynical but i'm pretty sure GP's and pharmacies are given backhanders by the pharma companies. If not i'm pretty sure there is a financial gain for what generic brands they dish out.

---------- Post added at 15:05 ---------- Previous post was at 14:49 ----------

Well i survived my HIDA scan:D

It took 1hr 45mins. The cannula wen't in on the 1st go, rather than the normal stabbing and jabbing i normally get.

I was taken into a room for the cannula, then through to the scanning room, laid on the rock hard bed, big gamma camera placed about 3 or 4 inches from me covering from my waist to just below my chin. The nuclear tracer wen't in and off we wen't, at just before the hr i had the fatty drink and the scan continued for about 45mins, so a total scan time of 1hr 45mins.

Horrible amoount of time to feel trapped, but not as enclosed as the MRI coffin. 4mg of diazepam just before i left home, 4mg just before i got there and 4mg jyst before i got under the scanner.

Glad it's done and over!!!!!!!!

27-11-18, 16:58
Very glad it's over and really well done! Now you "just" need the results....which hopefully will be forthcoming without too much aggro and prompting from you.

27-11-18, 18:13
Very glad it's over and really well done! Now you "just" need the results....which hopefully will be forthcoming without too much aggro and prompting from you.

Thanks Pulisa, yes i'm really glad it's over. I've got an ultrasound Friday then will see the gastro at some point for all the results. Don't think it will be a long wait as he said he would see me shortly after these tests.

27-11-18, 18:47
Well Done Matt! :yesyes:
I bet you are relieved that ordeal is over.
Be proud of yourself, you did brilliantly! :)

27-11-18, 19:22
He will see you "shortly" afterwards...What does that mean in NHS-speak?

27-11-18, 19:31
Well Done Matt! :yesyes:
I bet you are relieved that ordeal is over.
Be proud of yourself, you did brilliantly! :)

Thanks Carnation:hugs:

Diazepam has been a life saver for me with things like this.

The nurse was also brilliant that did my paperwork and cannula. I told her how i was feeling and it turned out she had a period off work last year with depression and anxiety.

I've not slept well for months and months, hardly slept last night, think i will sleep better tonight.

---------- Post added at 19:31 ---------- Previous post was at 19:24 ----------

He will see you "shortly" afterwards...What does that mean in NHS-speak?

The letter i got from the gastro who i met about 6 weeks ago and arranged these tests said he would see me again in 6 weeks. These tests have probably taken longer than he expected to come through so i hope it won't be long after the scan pictures have been looked at and the reports are in. I will give it 2 weeks and start to phone. I just hope that it's not the same as CT's and MRI's as they aren't being looked at and reported on for 5 to 6 weeks.

27-11-18, 19:36
Well done on getting through the latest ordeal ( my worst nightmare being trapped in a medical smarties tube ) hopefully they will get to the bottom of what's wrong then they can treat it instead of just guessing and arsing about . It would be the best Christmas present.
Also well done on keeping quiet about being a foreigner or you'd have to pay and be deported back to Scotland :D
Fingers crossed you'll soon be fixed .

27-11-18, 20:20
Well done Matt:hugs::hugs::hugs:x

27-11-18, 20:28
I didn't know you were Scottish, Matt!

You could give your GP a Glasgow kiss for his troubles!:D

28-11-18, 15:48
Well done on getting through the latest ordeal ( my worst nightmare being trapped in a medical smarties tube ) hopefully they will get to the bottom of what's wrong then they can treat it instead of just guessing and arsing about . It would be the best Christmas present.
Also well done on keeping quiet about being a foreigner or you'd have to pay and be deported back to Scotland :D
Fingers crossed you'll soon be fixed .

Cheers Buster.

It would be fantastic to get a diagnosis. It's nearly exactly a year ago i was referred to have my gallbladder out, but here i am all this time later.

I'm gonna love it if/WHEN they say "oh yeah sorry it is your gallbladder" actually they won't say sorry! But there will be hell to pay! Living in pain is misserable, draining and mental torture.

Would love to live in Scotland again. Infact anywhere north of Watford would do. Misserable feckers down south! Lol

---------- Post added at 15:37 ---------- Previous post was at 15:35 ----------

Well done Matt:hugs::hugs::hugs:x

Thanks Magic:bighug1:

I'm glad it's over!

---------- Post added at 15:48 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

I didn't know you were Scottish, Matt!

You could give your GP a Glasgow kiss for his troubles!:D

Yeah, My Dad moved about with his job. My brothers were born in Manchester and Durham. I was born in Scotland and we moved down south and been here ever since.

Lol. That's why i have phone appts with my GP now as i fear i might give him a malky!!

My Mum & Dad are English, does that make me English or Scottish?

28-11-18, 18:01
I think you could choose if you wanted to play International Football..

But you could be Scottish when it comes to having to spend money...

01-12-18, 13:52
I think you could choose if you wanted to play International Football..

But you could be Scottish when it comes to having to spend money...

I do add water to the hand wash and washing up liquid when it's starting to run out, so maybe....... I show NO signs of ginger! Lol

My Dad is a sarf Londoner and my Mum is from Yorkshire and daft as a brush so i class myself as English.

Had abdo ultrasound, blood tests and stool sample yesterday. So lets hope i get in to see the consultant pre Christmas!

01-12-18, 18:26
Hope all goes well Matt :hugs:If I were to be reborn it would be Yorkshire for me. x

01-12-18, 19:38
I do add water to the hand wash and washing up liquid when it's starting to run out, so maybe....... I show NO signs of ginger! Lol

My Dad is a sarf Londoner and my Mum is from Yorkshire and daft as a brush so i class myself as English.

Had abdo ultrasound, blood tests and stool sample yesterday. So lets hope i get in to see the consultant pre Christmas!

Steady on....:D Or do you mean Christmas 2019?!

Seriously though, I hope you get an appointment through soon.

I think you're English too! Yorkshire is a beautiful county-I'd love to live there too!

01-12-18, 21:13
Steady on....:D Or do you mean Christmas 2019?!

Seriously though, I hope you get an appointment through soon.

I think you're English too! Yorkshire is a beautiful county-I'd love to live there too!

Yeah 2019's more than likely!

Yeah Yorkshire is gorgeous and the people are so unbelievably friendly!

25-12-18, 21:08
Happy Christmas to the incredible shrinking man , noticed you'd disappeared hopefully for good reasons , take care chap .:D .
Ps is your lad old enough for a mini crosser for Christmas yet ? :D

25-12-18, 22:21
Yeah, I noticed that Matt has not been around for a couple of weeks. Hope he is OK? :hugs:

05-01-19, 10:14
Thinking of you Matt, where ever you are? :hugs:

05-01-19, 10:16
I noted Matt's absence too. Hoping all is well :shades:

05-01-19, 10:22
Me third, Matt has definitely been noted in his absence. Hope all is ok. :unsure:

05-01-19, 14:13
Whatever your tests results, it would be good to see you back on here, Matt..

05-01-19, 20:59
I hope Matt's ok too. He's not logged on for a while so I'm hoping it's just because Christmas is a very busy time for parents and he has been enjoying his family time.

He's not answering PM's, which is no biggie to me, so I hope it's nothing bad.

06-01-19, 08:52
It's very hard living with long term chronic physical pain alongside the mental health issues. I'm not surprised Matt was so angry at his lack of help from the professionals. I hope he is able to come back on here soon.

06-01-19, 11:37
Just leaving some hugs for Matt and anyone else who needs :hugs:

06-01-19, 14:11
It's very hard living with long term chronic physical pain alongside the mental health issues. I'm not surprised Matt was so angry at his lack of help from the professionals. I hope he is able to come back on here soon.

Yes, it must be as demoralising as a daily onslaught of non stop anxiety symptoms that you can't see a hope of escaping when it's really ay a bad stage.

Even all the pain aside, anyone would be rightly annoyed at their incompetence.

07-02-19, 16:16
Hi Everyone, Thanks for the posts here and the PM's i've had. I will reply to the PM''s later and post an update.

07-02-19, 20:06
Hey Matt, firstly condolences for the loss of your friend, especially in such tragic circumstances, please don't beat yourself up, as another member said, we can be very deceptive as humans. I hope you are doing okay right now, (as that is all that really matters). As others have posted, your weight loss could be attributed to many things for example thyroidal issues, I have seen this lead to rapid weight gain/loss. I hope you get to grips with what is going on soon and find a way of improving your condition. All the best for now mate, take care.

07-02-19, 20:08
Very happy to hear from you Matt :)

08-02-19, 01:39
Very happy to hear from you Matt :)

Seconded. Take it easy mate. No rush on anything. :D

11-02-19, 02:44
Glad you checked in Matt

11-02-19, 03:12
Hi Everyone, Thanks for the posts here and the PM's i've had. I will reply to the PM''s later and post an update.

Where have you been, old boy? Hope you've been keeping well? Post an update soon ;)

11-02-19, 05:07
G’day Matt :D
You riding your bike yet?

11-02-19, 06:56
G’day Matt :D
You riding your bike yet?

Soon be the weather for a whip around the countryside http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/transport/t4014.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-transport.php):yesyes:

22-08-19, 02:26
Hi Everyone,
Sorry i've not been around since February but i've not felt like it to be honest and i've had alot going on.
My little boy of 6 started to look pale, started being sick and became constipated.
A few days later he started vomiting blood which was very, very scary which obviously involved hospital treatment and he's been on movicol and picosulphate since and we've been told he will probably be for upto 18 months.
My partner lost her Mum in 2015 and some money was left and in April her Brother in Law did/tried to steel it and he'd also been taking money from her Dad. He had bought a nearly new car with the money he had taken from her Dad, so i had to sort that but he tried every trick in the book until the very end not to hand the money over. I had to be diplomatic when all i wanted to do was kick his head in and he's still driving around in the car and the only way the money for the car to get sorted will take years to get straight.
How can you do that to anybody? Let alone your family!

As for my gastro, vestibular and MH team saga i will update later. NOT THAT MUCH HAS HAPPENED to be honest though.

Hope you're all doing ok!