View Full Version : Introduction (palpitation,ectopic beats sufferer)

20-07-17, 10:34
Hi folks, I am new to the site having just discovered it and like most other members am seeking reassurances and support for my worries and also to offer other fellow sufferers some support and experiences over my lifetime of anxiety. I have been prone to periods of anxiety all my adult life and at 47, I am now going through my third such episode.
I have been diagnosed with GAD in the past but this has recently resurfaced and manifested itself as a health anxiety with particular emphasis on my heart. My dad died suddenly around two and half years ago due to a heart condition and obviously this has been in the back of my mind ever since. However my symptoms have returned only in the past few months. I did however have a similar period of anxiety many years ago when I was in my early twenties. At that time my Grandfather was dying with lung cancer and after he passed, I developed a fear of cancer and heart fears and went through a really bad period of health anxiety where I was never away form the doctors seeking reassurances. I did have a ECGs at that time which came back perfectly normal but that was twenty five years ago.
This time it is different though. I am avoiding the doctors like the plague. I seem to have developed a fear of attending a docs appointment. Does anyone else suffer this fear? The thought of having my blood pressure taken, having ECGs etc all scares me as my main fear at present is that I seem to be suffering palpitations/ectopic beats on a daily basis several times per day and they are worrying me. I can feel quite relaxed when they come on but each time they knock me for six and I am now constantly worrying when the next bout will happen, which is probably adding to the problem. I have had these in the past but have been able to brush them off but they have been getting stronger and more frequently over the past months. I want to visit my GP to investigate but just cant seem to pluck up the courage.
I cannot really speak to my family about it as they do not understand and just think I am a hypochondriac. Anyone offer any guidance?

Many thanks in advance


20-07-17, 10:44
Hiya robbieuk and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: